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- iwo teet ot snow feil in Niles one duy last week. - Manistee went Democratie in erery ward on Monday, sometking herotofore unknown. -Wui.Fenton of Erookfiold, wns arrostod Thursday night by Officer Hainlin and coofluod in jail at Charlotte for threatening to kill hia stepfnther. -The failuro of H. S. Duscnbury of Utioa, is not so bad as reportcd. Tho stock of hardware has been eold for 3üough to pay the creditors 57 per cent., md further assets will swell payraents to about 75 por cent. -The Frankfort Expresa ohronicles the utter cxtinction by suicide of a family who formerly reided at that place. The futher out his throatand thomother took poison. Thoir two children killed theni8olves a year or two ago. - Mra. Collar of Grand Eapijg, wants to bo divorced from Mr. Collar. Sho says he is cruol to her- throwshot tea, ashes, etc, upon her, and otherwise maltreats her. As he is alleged to be worth $30,000, she wants alimony also. -"The man who married a wholo family" livos in Traverse county. He married a lady with whom he lived two years, when death took hor froin his arins. Ho then married her sistor, with whom he lived five years, when sho also died. Ha is now inarried to the mothor of two former wives. -Captain J. Woolsey, a former wealthy resident of Kilo,. wa3 rei)nrtji I to have been killed by Indians in New Mexico ten years ago, but ho now turns up alive in the B!aok Hills. where ho has made an inmenso fortuno. He has been reunited to his wifo, who had married again, beliuviiiK him dearl - Mrs. Cotton, a lady of Niles, who has for a numbor of years supported herself and little daughter by sowing, rrcently received a letter contaimng a fl, 000 check froui her husband, with instructions to meethim in San Francisco, and procced to Arizonn, where he has a silver mine and other largo possossions. Sho obeyed hitn to the letter! -The question, "Does farming pay?" has received an nffirmative nnswer f rom E. E. Banton, of Bloomor, Montcalm county. This gentleman, who is evidently a practical farmer, last year raised 162 bushels of wheat f rom threo acres, an average of 54 busbels per acre Ho also out from 23 acres GO tons of good hay, which he sold for $14 a ton. From the secoud cut from tho samo land ho threshed with one of John Diokinson's machines 127 bushela of clean clover seod, which he shipped to Detroit and sold for


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