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LEGAL NOTICES. lilcclíon Toilcói I;r'ECT0BS 0F TIIE CODNTT OÍ WABIITElioMUr„ane(h"tby lwm!1 thft t the elcition to be , Vn Ul'3 ttut" on 'he fint Mondayof April uext the following olücers are to be electa, rii VC.MW?' tbh "I1;01110 c..rt n pl,,ce „f Jan, es v . oaniphell, whose term oí o! Ice will c-sni 7)a SS iikl' .rnd, two Sg8i:iits ol S&Í5: SZ,í P, f Ollludlus B. (irant and CharleB 31s" ira "" ÜÍ íñCe Wi" CTPÍre Dcm"er Datcd, Ann Afbor, Peb. 1T, 1670. JOSIAn S. CASE, Sheriff. Jtoiil Kstate for Sale. QTATE OF MIOHIGAN, COtÍNTY KJ of Waslitcnaw, as. ín thonmtterof tliccrtateof Uioijias (.„ll.nano, deceased. Notice la Uerebfgi en,tb!.t inp,s.jMC,.„fan order itrantod to the hí the3'Son 0ruCíffUtOr"pth? eBtllt 5S ïta2S ly the llon. Judfre of ProbaW f,,r thu Couilvof V, ashtcnaw, on the ftrst day of Februarv A . T ■7h' ' willbesold at Pubïie Vendue ,'the highert bidder, at the late re8idence of Mid'dwcnï gage or _otherwwe existiug at the time of tha diath tv !S ín vnge f0?ï 4) e"8t' in Wail.tenttw coun haï I V?a f ,sA1S tel (10) acrea of lana tt tho thh-tvinpHuft northwest quarterof eotlor in f ??' ' ' town two' soulh ranSe flve (S) east in Washtcnaw county, in Michigan, viz Runatag from the sonth east erner north forty W) Dated Fubrncry lat, jd;g s raTöt ÏUITK, Executor. KiNil Kstate Salo. OTATE OF MICHIGAN. County of Wnshtenaw suance of an ordei yranted to tlfe dernod d' PiÍíe f.he8t-,V'dder' nt the occ of George C Page. m the TttUgs oí Dexter, in the County oi Wiwhleuaw. in saW Staf., on Tuksiíat tik KLKVKNÏH DAÏ OF MAnCH, A. D. 1879 at tin o clock in the forenoou of that day (subject to all encumbrantes by mortffaee or otnerwise exUtiSg at tho time of the doalh o! said deceased and alai subject to the rigbt of dower of the widow of said deceascd thurein), the following deacribed real estáte, to wit : Land situated ia the township of Hcio, W ashtcnaw County, Miehiran, Being pan of sections flvu and six, and beginninK at the common corners of sections nve, six, scvcn and eiRht, thonce along tho said section line twcnty r a s and fifty l.nks toa stake in the middle of tüe lniihway ; thenee north one and one-fourth degreeswcst, perix-ndicular to said section line sUteen chains and iilteen links to a stake in the 'm dfurtv , Itl n? "Mi (SO callod'' thcnce n '■ oí Su a ana.a.ha11 Jarees west along the center finkï tn tntArlJLr rOad flve chains and inety j. and K. streets, according to the aforesaid plat ■ theuco north forty-sevon and three-fourUu degieej tSfiSïï? he c,eitor ,f street thrce SÏS t Imkato astakc, thenee west twenty minutes cSloíi t ? T5h puri llel to liilki;r "a Oso called) twenty chaina to the center of the hlghwiy hen,;e ent twenty-iive chains and nine links to ] aeres ñrn bl!ln.nmfi. '"taiuing seventy thrce , ?ess On huudredths I73 40-100} more or ' CHBI8TINA A. EOSIEB, Administratrix. üated, January 14, 1879. , Real Estáte for Sale. OTATE OP MICHIGAN, COÜNTY ' kj of Washtenaw, ss. In themattonf fi,„„...i„ .' of Oooree Whiting, deceased. Notice is hereby itivon, thut in pursuancc of an order sranted to the undersigiied exeoutora of the estáte of suid üeorge Vluting bythc Hon. Judge of ITobate for the County of rt nsliteniiw, on the twclfth day of Februnry AD. 1879, there wül be sold at Public Vendus, to the highi'st bidder, nt the front door of AyreVi hotel in the Tillare of Milán, in the County ■ J. lte"ïw,' ln, Sllid Kt!"te. " Tuesdny, the eighth day of April, A D. 1879, ot ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day (subject to all-ncumbrnncesbyraortgngeor otherwise existing at the time of the deatli ot saul decensed or subsequently made by hls executors) the l(,lowing dereribed Real E. tato, to-wit: in the penter of the hiijhway wliich leads from Front stroet, villaje of Milan, outliwesterlyncriBs the Saline ltiye? nt the northeast corner of a p.ucel oí land at present owned by Joseph (umtlett, and conveyed to him by oae Alcbin, and running from thence north thirty-six degreea nlong tliecenter of said hi"liwiiy two (2) chaina and nino [9; links to the southlineof saul tront street; thence north sixty-one dogrecs west nlong the south side of sud Front streel two thirty six (6) degrees west parallel with flrst line two (2) chams, nme (J) links; thtnee south sixtvone degreeseast along the north line of the said Joseph O'iuntletfs parcel two (2j ohaJn, and twenty-threo [2J links I the place of bepnllin, boins thesame pfircel conveyed to the late ieorpè Whiting Irom riiom., i Braman. Alm, commencing on the north line of Front street, villugo of Milan at the 8„„theart corner of the hotel lot eonveyêd' ?o Wi llinm C. Ayres by Thomas Braman by deed recorded Ueeeinber 1, 1877, in Liber SS, on page 344 and running from thence south sixtj-one desees eat „long the the north line of said Front treet one hundred and thiriy-two feet to the aouthwest curner of a parcel conveyed by deed from Uarrfson (,. Voorheu and Francis Whiting to David B ack" mer.and recoided in Liber 81, on page 570, and thence north twenly-nine degrees miï along the est line of said Blackmer's parcel one hundred feot to the south line of said Ayres hotel lof thence north ixty-one deg rees west along the line olí , il," tU;h"ndr?d """Ithirty-two feet; thence uth twenty nine deireeswest nlong thé line of mul Ayres parcel to the place of beginning, Ij ing ind benig on thp south siJe of lot nnmber one vil Uigeot M.Ian,'plat. Hoth pareéis beXg m the west half of the southeast quarter of sectiou ffiystr1 6ii York' Dated, February 12, 1S7U HAERISON O. VOORHEIS I'KANCIS WHITING, Jxocutors. : jomnusRloners Noticr, OTATE OP MICHIGAN, COUNTY kJol YV The undornigncdhiiving heen appointed by the Probate Court íor suid Countv OommliBloner to receivo. examine nnd adjust all' claims and demands of all persons against the estáte of James Afin, Uteof said county deceaswl herebygiva notice that sixmontl from date are aUowed, by order of siiid Probnte Oourt, for Creditora to presifnt their claim against the estáte of 3ud deecivsefl, and thnt thuy w ill meet at the late residenoe of said decense;!, in the township of Webster, in said Connty, on Batnnlay the teiith dus of Muy, andonMonday thn eleventh day of Auiiust next, at ten o'clock A. M., of e;ich oí unid days to rsoeiTe, examine and adjaat aald claims. Uated Fübruary mth, A. T. 1S79 THOMAS MTTEBAT, L. D. I3ALL, Couimissioners. JMtate of Adam Obënnuler. OTATÉ OP MICHIGAN, COUNTY kJ oC Wnshtennw, ss. Noticc is lioreby iwn thatbvan order of the Probate Court fortheCounty ot WEUbtenaw, minlc on tho third day of February, A. D. 187!), six raonths irom Ihat date were allowod forcroditoratopreaont thcir claims apiinet tliü estufe of Adam Obermlller, lato of sal d oounty deoeued, and that al] croditora of said deceased are rcqinred to present their claims to said Probate Ooart, atthc Probate OHieo in the city of Ann Arbor, forexmninauon and allowance, on or bcfure the fourth day of Aaznet m-xt, m.d tlmt suoh claims will bo Jioard beforo said Court, on Saturday the thirddayof May, andon Monday the fourth day ot Aniiust next, at ten o'clock iu the forenoou of cacti ot aaid days. Daled, Ann Arbor, February 3, A. T) 1S79 WILLIAM l). Jl ARRIMAN, "-1" Judge of Probate. state f Andrcw McHeimoy. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY kJ of Washtenaw, ss. At a sessioli of tho Proba Court for the County f Wnxhtcnaw, bolden ut th Probate Otiiee, in tho City of Ann Arbor, o Mimday. the twenty-tourth dajr of February i tlie year one tliuusnud eijjht huuilred and seventy niue. l'resent, TVilliam D.Harrirnan, Judpeof Pr i ale In tho mntlor of t.he estáte of Audrew McHeu ney, deceased. Onrcadingandfllingtho petition, duly verifloil of Bobert MoHeaney, preylng that a certnin 'in HtmiiLi'iit now on tilo Intbls eoort, purporlins to bc tlin last will and testament of said deeeused muy be atlmitted to Probate, and thut he muy b appointod exeentor thereof. Tbereupon it is ordered.thnt Momlay.the twen ty fourth day of March next, at ten o'clocli in the [ aamgi: ld for the hearing of aidpetiüon, anil that the Qevi ces, legatees and lieir at luw of snid deooused, and all othei persons interosted in said estáte, are requireil to nppear nt a session of said court, tuen to be holden at the Probato olh'ce in the city ut Aun Arbor, and show cause, il' any there be, why tho prayer of tho petitioner should not lic granted: And it is further ordered that said peÜtioner give notico to the persons interesti-d in said ustute, of thü pendoncy ot said petition, anc' the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of tliis ordel to bepublisbed in the Mhhims Abods, a newspapur printed and clrculated io said county, thrce riuccesaivo weeks previous to said day oi hearing WILL1AM. 1). UARKIMAN, uí truc copy.) Judue of Probute. Wm. O. Dotï, Probato Brglxlcr. Estalo of lïeniy Hiiesimmn. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY O of Waobtenaw, ga, At ■ aeasioa of the ProbaU Court for the Connty of Waahteaaw, huMcu at Mie Probate CWloa in the city of Aun Arlior, on Tucsl:iy, the twenty-flfth day of February, in the i ai one thousand eigh( bnsdred and BeTonty-olne. Present, Williuin 1). Jiarrinmn, Jadge of Probate 1 n the nattter of the estáte of llenry Hueoianu deooasod. On readlng and filing Ilio petitlon of C. II. Kempf. Blleglng amono other tliinps that he has a valid claim Rffiunst s;iii estato, and praying tbat thojudgeof Probate appolDl :i time and place for hearing, examiniog, and allmriog dii claim. ïheiv.npon it is ordered, Uia! Tuesdax, the elghteeDth day of Mareh nezt, at ten o'clook In the osalgned for eiamlning and allowing ach claim, and that the heira :u law of s;iiil dcceased, and all i.tlier persona Interested in natd estáte, are reqaired to appear ata'ui (,f süid conrt, then to bu hoHen tt the i róbate UOlce m cha eltyoi Aun Ailor in n;iitl Cdiiniy, and show caaaef ff any tliere be, why the saM clafrn should not be ajlowed, Aml t ia further ordered that sui.l petltloner aivn notice to the persons Intereeted in sald ostate ni (lie pendenoy of s:iil claim umi the hearing tbereof hy causing a eopy of thlsoiderto be piibllabed in the UichicíanAbquím newspaper prlntedand olrcula. ting In id county, two luccéssire weoka preiloti3 tu saiil day of Searl ae. Wil, MAM Ii. HAEIUMAN, (Atruocopy.) Judge of Probate. I w . S. Dor y, Probutc Register. i


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