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LEGAL NOTICES. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY KJ of Washtenaw, ss. At n settioi of líu, PM í'ineellr ""C ' r'":;M Wu3 'ni "ov' nir' l'n-..-í,,i;;un IMÍammau, Judceof Probate' doeïas'a0 matterüf "' tutc'of Jíhn J. K'; id fleaeMed.and nll other persons iJSre. Md H-ocunt .hould not be allowed; ' XÍJ U (? S' ""ed, that said administrad KÍií notice to the perBons interestcd m said ín.ij I? the pendency of aid aocount, and the he.Hni Itiereof, by cauainKa oopy „) tilia order to Sí mib" lished in the MmrioVh Aröus, a neMr printed na oirculatiíig in said eointy, TíJíSÍÍ -- W.US puiVo -yjjj Estáte of Kllplmlet Lvwl. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COÏJNTT KJ of Washtcnaw, ss. At a sesniun of the Probali Court lor the County of WwhteiMw. hafcUn m the Frobato Othcc In the city of Ann Arbor, on Thur-' day, the tweDty-seventl, day of lebrnarv in tho fifne De ihÍUÍgtld eiSht l'undred "devenir . Present, Willlam T. irarriman, iude if Probti' deccased "latU'r ul' the eslate of E1Pl"let Lewlaj William Murray, executor of the last will nná testament of a.-n.l ácmawd, come Int emirt nd representa tbat he is now preparcd to ren-lcr f h nal account as sucli exesntbr. , TharenpoB tt is óraered, tbat Wednewiay, tho twenty sixth day of Jhirch oext, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, bc uslgned for examining an.l allowing such accouut, and that the dcvWfc legstee, and heirs at law of s,id df(&ï' aud all other persons interested In said estallare required fa appear at a sesslon of mld ourt, then to be holden at the Irobate Office ia the city of Ann Arbor in said county, and ho cause if aüy there bó, wliy tfíe ÁU ícñ'fíni should not be allowed : And it s further rderetf that said executor give notice to the pernont iuterested in said estáte, of the pendeucy of s'ntT account and the hearing thereof, hy causing copy of this order to be published in the HicHiaiK A. oüs, a newspaper priuted and circulatine 1 .„ia ofl'héarinlree successIve weeks Pfovloos jJlH af ' WILLIAM D. HARRIMAÍT, $A tru.e ??P7-' Jud8e of Probate. WK. G. Doty, Probate Register. Kstate of Keu Corbett. QTATE OP MICHIGAN, COTJNTY KJ oï Washtenaw sb. At a sraaion of the Probate Gourt foi -the County of Waahtenew, holden at the Probate Oüice tn the city of Aun'Arbor, on Mem. day, the twenty-fourth day of Fehruary, tn th year one thousand eight hundredand seventyninif Present, William D. Ilarriman, Judge of Probat. In the matter of the estáte of Hen Corbett, deceaeed. On reading and fllitlg the petition, dol TeiiHvdl of Irvmg Corbett, pruying that Ntlson Fowíer or some other suituble person, mny be atmointed 'Ai minlstratorof said estáte. Thoreupon it is ordered, tha{ Friday, the tHthtrürBt day ot Murch next, at ten o'clock in the ori-' noon, be ssigned lor the honing of said petition: and that the heirn at Uw of aid deöeasod.'ana all othur persons interested in sriid estáte, are requlred to appear at a session of said Court, then to ba holden at the Probate office in the city of Ánn Át bor, and show cnuse, if any there be, why ihepraycr of the petitioner sbould not be grnnted And lt is iuither ordered that snid petilioner n. notice to the persons interesad in said estatúo? the pendency of said petiliou and the hearinjr thereof, by causinR a copy ol this order to bepiibhshedin the Michigan Aiuius.anewspaper priiïed and circulated in Biiid county, threo Bueceuit wetks pruvious to said doy of hearing VVILL1AM D. HAHHIMAN,. ( A true copy.) Judge of Probate. Wm. i. Doty, Probate Register. Estáte of James Treadwell. STATE OP MICHIGAN, COÜNTY of Washtenaw, ss. At a sesaiou of the l'robnta Uourt for the C.juuty of Washtenaw, holden ut tb 1'rohnte Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, on Tu.sdny, the eighteenth dny of February, in the yeaf one Ihousiiiid eifjht Imndred and eventy-nina l'resent, WiHiani I). Hairimnn, Judguof I'robat. In the matter of the eatatc of James Tieadwoll decensed. " On reading and filin? the pctition duly TeriAed of Densmore Critmer, prnying that cerlain instrument now on file in this (Jourt, purportiiiR to be the last will and Testament of said deceaned, mar t admitted to prolmte, and that he and John Nmnry muy be appointed executora thereof. ïhereupon it is ordored, that Mondny, thsteysnteenth day of Maren next, at ten o'clock in tba [orcnoon, be assigned for the heariu" of unid petición, and that thedeviseeg, lcgatetsand heirsat I f Baid deceased, and uil other persons interostfd n eaid estáte, are required to apiiear ■ l aession of aaid court, then to be holden at tha Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor and ihow CBUne, if any there bo, why the nrarar if the pelitioner should not be granted : And t is further ordered thnt 8aid pelitionor itít lotice to the persons interested is aaid rstat if the peudency of said petition nnd tho hearng thereof, by cuusing a copy of this order to ba mblished in tho Michioan Arous, a newspnpar innted and circulatod in sairl county, thr iw essive weeks previous to Baid day of hearing, W1LLIAM D HABRIMaS. {ti. KProbate JuJT ' "% Estáte of John Gibney. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY hj of Washtenu, ss. At n aession of the Probnla (Jourt tor the Connty of Washteuaw, holden t the Probate Ofhce in the city of Ana Arbor, on Tanday, the 18th day of February, in the year on thousaud ciKhthnndred and scventy-nine Present, William D. lUrriiuan, Judgeof ProW, In tbc matter of the estáte of John Gibney doceaaed. iJulia Gibner, administratrii -wilh the will nnextd of said estáte, comes into court and rprcsents tbat sha is now prepared to render har nuil account asauch adminiBtratrix. ThereupOD it is ordered, that Wcdnesday the mneteenth day of Harch next, at teno'clock In tha foronoon, be assigned for examlniog and allowlnr such account, and that the devinee, legatee mni heirs at law of said deceased, and all other person mterested in said estáte, are required to appcar at a session of said couft.then to be holden at tha Probate OfBce in thecity of Ann Arl.orlnsid cou. ty, and show cause, if any tiiere be, why theaid account shonld not ba allowed : And it is furtlnr ordered, thkl said adniinistratrix givenoticc to tha persons interested in said estáte, ot the pendencv of said accuut and tho hearing theroof, by caus"inif a of tl. is order to be published in the Michigan Aroi;, a newspaperprinted and circulatinz in said county, tlireo suecessivo weeks previou to said day ol hearing. WILLIAM D. HARUIMAN. S „ ;npy-' „ Judgeof riolmt-, W m. Q. Doïy, Probate Register. 8-41 Batato of Froderick Basom. OTATE OP MICHIGAN, COÚNTTT kJ of Washtonaw, ss. At a session of the PmhuL Court for the Jounty of Washlenaw, holden nt tks Probate Office iu the City of Ann Arbor, on Thur. day, the thirtecnth day of i'ebruary in the one thousand eight hundred nnd soventy-mne. Present, Williara I). Harriman, Judge of l'rnbnt't In tho matter of tho estáte of Frcdciick Uarnm. dcceased. On ronding and fllins the petition, duly verleed of Allen Ciittencien, admwistrator, prnjinK thnt h may bc licensed to sell ihe real estáte whereof sala deceased diedsi'iml. Thereupon it isordercd, thatSaturday, the eiehth day of Mnrch next, at ten o'clock m the forcnoon, be assigni'd for tho hoaring of aaid pottuon, and thut the lieirs at law oí said drccr, nuil all otbei persons interesled in s.iid eitate, 01 required to appear at a sossion of snid conrt thün to bc holden at the Probate office in the city of A nu Arbor, and show canne, if any thore be, why the praycr of tlie petitioner should not be grantxl And it is furthor ordererl lliat said petitioner giri notico to the persons interested in said estáte, ot the pemlency of said petition and the hearine thereof, by causinpr a copy of thls order tobé pnblisheil in the Michigan Argxu, a newepaper printod and oironlsted in said county, thrce uwceiwiT weoks previoua'to said day of hoarine VVILLIAM D. HAKB1MAN, (A 'f W-l v Judge ot Prebiit., W. U. UoiY, Probate Kogiiter. EMat of Bobert narper. STATE OP MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washtenaw, sa. At a scssion of the Probute ('onrt for saiil CouBtj, licld at the probato office in tho City of Ann Arbor, on the 12thdarof February, 11 tlie year ons thousand eight hundred mil sevt'iit y-riine. Present, v ininm IXIIarriman, Judgeof Probnt. In the matter of the ostate of liobert urner t of saiil oointy, decensed. ' On rendingand fllini? the pefftlon of Eghni f H.irpor, (luly vorified hy his oith, praying Ihnt a duplioate of the last will and testament of snid érccnacii be propnrcil, flled and recoraed in the I'robate office, to Bupply the los of the aid orfclnM wili.and tohavo tho samo validity and eflect u siud onpmal will which was on flle and probulnl ny nam Probate Court, but which is noi lost toWtber Trith the probating theieof nnd ordtm i'tlaing to the .ame. It is ordered that the fienrlni? of ala pctition behad at thePiobate offlce.m thecit f Ann Arbor, in said county, on Satnrday.tfce 8tft ay of Nlaich, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, uid bat ootlee thereof bo given toall pnrtleslntrriI ïsaidapplicationby publishiD(f a copy of ihln orer lor tliree weeka suciTBairely.preTioa (o th ayof auch henring in tiie Michigan Argos, nrwn. aper printcd uud publlshedis ai,l city of Ann Irbor. W1LLIAM I). HARRIMAK (Atruecopy.) Jmlge of Frobnt. Wm. O. Doty, Trobato Register. ;-t CoinmísHloners' NoUce. STATE OP MICHIGAN, COTTNTY of Wnslitenaw, as. Tlie nnderslgned haring been appomted bythe Probate C'ourtfor s&ld (Vunty, Commlssioueri to rtoeire, examine and dnt all claims and demanda of iill persons uiinstiho eatateof ltose Conaty, lato of s.iid coonty drocnnpd, borftby td e notioo that sít months froni dnf ara allowed, by order of gaid I'robate Court, for CrHtora topreaenl Huir alaima Rainst theestot oí aaid dooeaaed, and tlmt Ihey will meot at tho nfte of Geoijre W. Turn Huil, In the rfllage of Chrtwa, in s.tid Ciiunfy, on TaaadAT, Ihe 13th day of May, and on Wedueaday, tbs lsth day of August nrx, ;it tea o'eloek A. M., oí eaoli of yaiddaysoieciTa, examine and adjuai sald claims, Uated, l'ijliiiKiiy 18, A. 1.. 1,179, GEUKGE W. TITRJÍ Tim.l, JAMES HUDLICK, &- 1 1 Comrolssioners. dreun l,ail letter nnl Parket Kofo Henclaiuid i.íihmi Plbr Note Ht-.ïiU i fjirfcf, aiiif CongrM)Just recoived. ljiy na ynut uHkm


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Michigan Argus