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News Of The Week

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The r.'sidcui'c' of Dennia MoCarthy, in Cïrattan townBbip, Kent eounty, m destroyed by flre Sunday uight. L.u 3,000; partially iuHiiriMl. Haftonl Kddy, a well-known oitizen and a brother (iL llev". Dr. Kddy, of Detroit, dicd at (iraiul lliiiida WcdneRday murning. Report is eurrentthat a vein of coal of excellent quality, varying from eifhteon to thirty-eight inches in thickness has been discovnvii 'at a depth of only sixty feet, and located a mile north and eaet of üwosso. A man named Oeorge Sutton was found deud on the track of the Detroit, Hillsdale &. öoofchern Railroad, about one-half west ..f tlie depot in Hillsdale, Wednesday morning. Button lived at Bankers, where he had been in tin' employ of the railroad company, and where he had a wife and two ehildren. The Board of Supervisors of Calhoun County has ordered a special election to fill the vacancy in the Probate Judgeship, occasioned by the death of the late Judge Dickey. The meeting of the creditors of S. & C. D Hale, of Tawas City, who reoently made an asmgnrnent to E. W. Eaines, oL Buiïalo, was well attended in I3ay City, Tuesday afternoen. The Habilities were ascertained to be $111,543,50, oL which $86,810 C8 is secured, the balance, $24,732 82, is unsecured. The assets are estiraated at 883,000, and consist of mili property, pino lands, lumber on docks and stock in the Lake Huron &, Southwestern Kailroad. The Pullman l'alace Car Company has taken a contract to build one hundred and iifty cara for the New York lilevated Kailway, and they will be turned out as rapidly as posible from the shops in The iirst cai-3 ordi'ied for this road were built at the Pullman works. The court house in Monroe was destroyed by fire Thursday evening. lt was a large and mposing building of cut stone, in the Greciun style of architecture, aud considered one of the tinest temples of justice in the State. It was erected in 1840 at a coat of 640.000. AH that now remains are the walls, which are considered available for use in rebuilding. The inaurance was but 9 10,000, which is only about one-half the uaual amount carried. ,!!;n O Morrow, a lumberman, near Greenville, left Grand Haven for home Tuesday afternonn, l'ebrnary 13, with nearly $1.000 which had been paid him on a logging contract by Munroe & Howlett, of Grand Haven. Hu bas not been heard from BÍnce, and a vigorons search for him has proved uusuccessful. An officer from Port Austin, Huron county Kriday arrested a man at Jackson, named Fa -.varil Hoar charged with the murder of :i farmer named Fuller in Lake township, in that county, in April 187G. Hoar was discharged from Btate l'rison last fall. There are two more men at Jackson who are implicated in the name crime, one of them in prison, and the other still at large. The shingle mili of Farmer & bon at Vestaburgh was burned Friday morning. Loss, seven thousand dollars; insurance three thouBand dollars. The fíre caught from the smoke stack. Bosoommon county has had three terms of Circuit Court since it set up housekeeping. Two of them had no liusiness; the third has jast been held with one case, a divorce suit. The following is a statement of the receipts and disbursements at the State Treasurer's office for the month ending l'ebruary 28, 1879: üaliiice on hand Janpary 31, 1879 .. $292,049 48 KeceiptB for the month 454,352 48 Total $746,401 96 Dinbursements during the mouth. . 95,022 16 lïalanoe on hand February 28, 1979. $651,379 80 A report was recently telegraphed announcing the discovery, near Menominee, of iroQ ore containing gold and sil ver in p&yïng qualitiee. Intense excitement prevails at Waucedah, where the Eminet and Ureene mines are located. After several days investigation it was found that in an average of three samples of iron ore frora these mines, which had been sent to Chicago for analyBis, was about .f 6 gold and $16 silver per ton. These are f acts as stafced by partiea interested. lt will be very difiïcnlt matter to separate gold and flilver existing in such small quantieB frorn these iron ores. Disinterested partics who have lookcd into the matter expect a speedy 'Üatting out" of the excitement which at present prevails. The folio wing Michigan postmasters have been nomiuated by the President: AtCorunna, Audrew S. Parsons; at Ijapeer, S. N. Vincent; at lleading, Josiah Page. The State Superintendent of Public Instruction has appointed a Teachers's Instituto for .Branca county, to beheld in Coldwater, beginning Monday, March 31. A teachers' institute will be held the same week at Traverse City underthe direction of Prof. H. A. Ford, fo Kalamazoo. Eleven women and little childxen, all colored, were shipped f rom Jackson to Norwalk O., Thnrsday, and on Friday the trustees of the Jatter town shipped them back. Two boys named Mclntyre stele $500 worth oï household goods from a room where they were stored in Port Huvon and pawned them. Of conrse they were speedily hnnted out and nrrested. Joseph Lee, of Prairie ltonde, Kalamazoo county, while attempting to crwss a railroad track, was struck by a locomotivo and throwu 40 f eet, landing in a snow bank. He is iniured internally and lies in a precarious condition. An old lady named Mrs. Trumbell, over 70 yeara of age, living in a secluded locality known as Willow ltun, four miles west oL Battle Creek, was burned to death in a shocking mauner Tuesday. Her husband keeps a smalí stook of groceries for sale in an old building known by farmers as the "stone jug.1' While he was absent leaving hia wife alone, it is supposed her clothes took fire from the stove. She was discovered by her husband lying on the the Üoor near a chair, which was on fire, her clothes burned off and body terribly burned. The second annual meeting of the Grand Council, Hoyal Arcanum of Michigan, opened at Bay City Tuesday, with a large attendance. There is a prospect that the building of an opera house, to cost $10,000, will soon be commenced at Ypsilanti. Vessel apars, gome over 100 feet in length, have recently been shipped from Karwell to Port Hurón. H. M. Clark, for eight years cashier of the First National Bank of Lowell, is believed to be a defaulter for $20,000. His present whereabouts are unknown. The loss falla on the directorn, who had such confidence in their cashier that they released him trom his bonds Beveral years ago.


Old News
Michigan Argus