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A heavy storm prevailed Tuesdaay in Italy. A dispatcli from Home reporta that the sea nundated a large portion of Venice. In the riazza l'amareo the water was 30 inches decp. The cowst f rom Genoa to Naples is strewn with wreeks. Parma Piacienza, Milan and Florence were damaged y the storm. The inglish steamer Silestria has been wrecked at Saïerno and 18 persons drowned. There has been an cruption of ashes from Mount Vesuvius. A telegram from the Austro-Germán plague commission, at Tsariztzen, says that the comnissioners meet with the grcatest opposition 'rom the Russian authorities in the execution of their duties. Spotted typhus is announced revailing in eastern Galicia. A dispatch from Vienna states that an avaanche near Marburg killed 21 persona and destroyed 9 houses. The statue of Capt. Cook was unveiled at Sydney, New South Wales, VVednesday, in the presence of 20,000 persons. The great storm in Italy Monday night was most disastrouB. The whole coast is strewn vith wrccks, and at many ports small craft were blown out to sea and lost. The new juay at Possilippo is almost entlrcl}' dostroyed. In the interior the storm was equally vioent. At Pugginolo, near Siena, the campanile of the church blew down while the people were at mass, killing two priests at the altar and 1 hree other persons, and womuling 24 leraons. A similar catastrophe oecurred at .ontuuro, where the vault of the church 'ielded to the force of the storm and killed a riest celebrating masa and injured a number if the congregation. At Kome the force of he wind was unparalleled. All the windows of the monastery of Monte Alle Croci were lestroyed, and a portion of the base of tlichael Angelo's statue of David waa swept off An outbreak of yellow fever of a very severe ïharacter has occurred among the shipping in irazil. The Government has already contributed thirty million milreis to alleviate the distress in thenortheastandasks an additional credit of ten million milreis to provide food. A riot occurred on the fourth inst. at Gessor the military expelling the commander and chief magistrate from the town. Nine persons were dlled and many public and private stores sacked. The mayor of Sheffield, England, states that n one district of that town there are four ;housand persons destitute, and four hundred iamilies actually starving. The relief fund, except about eight thousand pounds has been expended. The Ameer of Afghanistan is reported dead It is reported that Queen Victoria wül leave üondon at the end of March for the continent, resting one night at the Britih Embassy in Paris, and then proceed to the Italian lakep, where she will be met by the Duke and Duchess of Connaught on their wedding tour. Ber Majesty thence goes to Germany. The Viceroy of India telegraphs that Gen. itewart reporta that Gen Biddulph's rear guard was attacked at Kushii Nukhad by 2,00 Alizai Uuranis. The enemy were repulsed with a loss of 150, and pursued till nightfall. The British lost a Major and five natives killed, and a Colonel and 11 natives wounded. In the House of Commons Lord Geo. F. Hamilton, Vice-President of the Council, rcslying to a question, said that so long as the :leuro-pneumonia exista in the United States t would not be consistent with the contagious disease act to rescind the existing regulations. It is believed that the British government are about to lay a cable to Zanzíbar, Mauritius and Natal, from Aden, where it would join the JSastern Telegraph Company's system.


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Michigan Argus