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Feb. 25. - The Sonate proceeded wilh the cDiisidoration of the bill to prevent the introduction of contagiouH or infectious diseaseB into the United States, and to establish a bureau of public heaith. Mr. Kernan's amendment, offered last evening, was rejected, yeas 17, nays 24, and the bill, without f urther discussion, was read the third time and passed. The Seuate then proceeded with the consideration of the Deficieucy Appropriation bill. The amendments proposed by the Committee on Appropriations were agreed to, as follows: Appropriating $58,258 to pay Denver Pacific llailwav and ïelegiapb Company for carrying mails; $7,000 for the widow of liayard Taylor, late Minister to Oermany; $2,000 for the widow of Justin Colburn, late Consul General to Mexico; f 10,000 for the contingent fund of the Senate, to be applied toward defniying the expenses of such investigations and inquiries aB have already been. or may hereafter be, directed by the Benate during the Fortyfifth Congress. The House went into cotnraittee of the whole on the legislative appropriation bill, the question being on M-. Southard's amendment repealing the law creating the office of the electoral supervisors, etc After a prolonged discussion a vote was taken and tbe amendïnent was adopted, yeas 135, nays 110. On motiun of Mr. Caldwell, the item of f15.000 fe r three assistant attorneys general was amended by making it $18,000 for four assistant attorneys general, at $4,500 each, one of whom shall be for the Postoffice Department. Feb. 26. - In the Senate a long diseussion ensued upon the amendment appropnating $250,000 to supply deficiencies of the Department of Justice in the payment of deputy marshals. Mr. Beek moved to strike out of the amendment proposed by the committee the following words, " and for defraying expenses which have been and may be incurred in the enforcement of the act approved February 28, 1871, entitled an act to amend an act approved May 81, 1870, entitled an act to entoice the rights of citizens of the United States to vote in the several States of this Union, and for other purposes," or any acts amendatory thereof or supplementary thereto, being a deficieney for the fiscal year ending June 80, 1879, of f250,000, aud insert in lieu thereof "$50,000" so that it would be an appropriation of that sum for defraying the expenses of United States' courts, the safe keeping of prisoners, etc. Kejected, yeas 34; nays 35, a party vote, Judge Davis of Illinois, (Ind.), voting with the Democrats in the affirmative. The vote being announced, Mr. Beek said: "Within one of it; thank God!" A voice on the Democratie side - "Business is brightening." The bill was then read a third time and passed. The Senate also passed the bill authorizing the Secretary of the Treasury to ascertain and report to Congress the amount of money expended and the indebtedness assumed by the State of Kansas in repelling invasions and suppressing Indian hostilities, and enabling the Secretary of War to purchase land to enlarge and protect San Antonio. The House passed the census bill and discussed the sugar tariff bill but without reaching a vote. Feb 27.- In the Senate, Mr. Teller, from the special committee to inquire into the alleged violation of the constitutional rights of citizens during the late elections, submitted the report of the majority and said the minority reserved the richt to submit a report. Urdercd priuted. Mr. teller also submitted a resolution continuing the committee until the next session, and authorizing it to sit during the recess. Objected to by Mr. Bayard (Dein., Del) and laid añide. in the House, Mr. itandall (Dem., Pa.) made a personal explanation in regard to the charges iiKitle against him in u Jetter written in September 1876 by special agent Williams to Maj. W. 13. Moore, in regard 1 uppropriation warrantti ssued to the Bolean oí lingraving and l'rinting, and oiïered a resolution for the appointnient of a special committee to inquire into such charges. Messrs. Hale, Kelley and Thompson, Republicana, paid very iine tributes to the integrity of the Speaker, and scouted the charges as unworthy of serious investigation. Mr. Kandall, however, insisted that a formal inquiry and report was due to him and to the country, and, therefore, by au unanimous vote :he committee was granted, The conference report on the amendments to the Tobacco bill was agreed to, yeas 147, nays 114. The tax on matches remains as now. Feb. 28.- The Senate then took up the arrcars of pension bilis. The pending question was on the ameudment of Mr. Ingalls (liep., Ks.), submitted yesterday providing for a división of the country into 76 districts. and the appointment of a surgeon and pension clcrkto visit each district, make examinations, take testimony in pension cases, etc., with a view of prosecuting frauds on the pension bureau. Mr. Ingalls said that his belief was that 15 or 20 per cent. of all pensions were improperly paid. Mr. Chandler, (liep., Mich.), favored the amendment, and said that while he was in charge of the Interior Department he sought in every way to search out and prevent fraudulcnt pension cases. He had asked an appropriation of $100,000 to send examining surneons throughout the coun ry, and he believed then, as he did now, that if Congress had given bim the $100,000 to send intelligent surgeons to examine pensioners, he could have saved $1,000,000 the first year. The question was taken on the first eight sections of the amendment proposed by Mr. Ingalls relating to the appointment of pension surgeons and clerks, prescribing their duties, etc, and they were rejected, yeas 28, nays 36. Mr. Merrill submitted the amendment of which he gare notice yesterday, authorizing the Secretary of the Treasury to issue 4 per cent. bonds, not exceeding in the aggregate $48,000,000, and in lieu thereof , or any portion thereof, to issue certificates of deposit authorized by the act of February 28, 1879, and the proceeds of said bonds or certificates to be applied to the payment of arrears of pensions. He said that careful estímate of the Treasury Department showed that the arrears of pension bill would take $36,000,000 from the Treasury The reduction ot the tobáceo tax wouíd cause a decrease in the revenue which, with the pension bilí, would make a difference of about $50,000,000 against the Treasury, and leave a deiiciency of $18,000,000. The Senste voted on and disagreed to the amendment of Mr. Morrill ayes 19, nays 41. March 3. - The Senate held an exciting session Sunday and Sunday night, during which it passed the Sunday Civil Service bill, and the harbor appropriation bill, and, af ter a very storiny debate, refused by one majority to pension Jeff Davis. The House defeated the yellow f ever bill and f ailed to pasR the Chinese bill over the President's veto. The augar bill was finally withdrawn. Majority and minority reports were made by the Potter eommittee, and a vast amount of other business hurricd through. The bill awardíng arreara of pensions to the veterans of 1812 was passcd after the amendment to include the veterans of the Mexican War was stricken out. The Teller eommittee waB authorized to sit during the recess, and to continue the inquiry into alleged violations of the conatitutional rights of citizens during the late election The House spent a good part of Monday listening to reports of committees and arguments of members on the proposed impeachment of Mr. Seward United States Consul at Shanghai. The manufacture of eggs--simulating the product of the ordinary hentïoin iuexpensive materials - is the latest Industry of San Francisco, says i California exchange. The albumen is iinitated with a mixture of sulphur, carbon and fatty matter obUiined from the slaughter-houses and rendered stieky with mucilage. The yolk is composed of blood, pbosphate of lime, magnesia, muríate oí ammonia, oleic and magarie acida and colorad with chromè yéllow. The eggs are shaped with a blow-pipe i'roin i mass of gypsum, carbonate of lime and oxide of i ion. After tlie shells areblown the albumen is forced in through a lióle in the small end and adheres to the sides ; then the y olk tsaddedand aftei beingcovered with more oí the albumen mixture the hole is sealed with cement; the eompleted egg is then rubbedsmooth and laid aside for packing. It is asserted that many barrels of these egga have been already shipped e istward for consuniption. A Michigan farmer writes to the faculty of Yale: "What are yourlerms fora year? And does it cost anything extra if my son wants to learu to read and wrtteaa wel] as row a biiat ?"


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