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Republican Nominations

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ha Kepubüoan state convention mot at Lansing on Friday and orgiinized by the selection of J. T. Kich of Lpeer, for President, and three seoretaries. Judge Campbell of Wayne was re-nominated forsuprome court by aoclamation. Ebenezer O. Qrosvenor of Hlllsdale and James Sbearer of Bay counlies vere a'so by acclamation nominated for Regents. Board met pursuant to the cali of tbe Clerk. Called to ordr by the Chair'n. Roll called - quorum present. Reuding of the proceedings of last session deferred until the afternoon session. Mr. Youug offered the following resilution : Resolved, That the present Court houso eoinrnittee nnd tho Ohairman of tbeformer Court house building committee, and the Chairman of this Board be and are hereby appointed a committee to meet with tho architect and contractors of said Court house, to examine the plans specifications, and contract, to ascertaiu the ainount of work called for. Also the amount of work that has been done on said Court house by tho contractors which the plans, specifications and contract do not cover ; and also the cost of labor and material which the plans, specifications and contract do not covor, and report the same to this Bjard. On rnotion, adopted. Oumotion the Board adjourned until 1-2 past 3 o'clock, r. ir. JU'TERNOON SESSIO.V. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Called to order by the Chairman. Roll called - quorum present. Journal of January, 4, 1879, read, corrected and ap proved. Mr.. Case froin the Court house cominittoo made the following report : To the Ilon. Board of Supervisors of Washtenaw County : Your committee on the court house would respectfully report, tbut agreeservices of two experts, David E Iwards of Ypsilantiand Chas. J. Garduerof Ann Arbor ; and after examining the contract and specifications proceeded to examine the building. This wo did thoroughly and found tho material uscd and work done and being rfono according to igroement with a few oxcoptions. These tho contractors expressed a wiüiugness to correct aud have dono so. We found at ourflrst meeting that there was a mÍ8undorstanding botween the 3ontractors and the building committee in ïegard to seating court room and ishing of third story. Atter Consulting with Mr. McUoruiiok ono of the con tractors who was present ho finally agreed to furuish the seats and finish the third story which he has done in a satisfíictory marnier. We also found many things to bo done about tho building necessary for ita completion not under contract, which we have taken upon ourselves the responsibility of doing hoping that it will meet with your ap.proval. By tho contract the lowor slory was to be furnished with inside iron shutters. These we decided were uaeless for the purposo for which they were intend ed (protection from fire) and that wooden blinda would be much better and more convonient ; and as tho second story windows needed shades of somo sort we concluded as a matter of taste and economy to furnish tbo windows of both first and second stories with inside wooden blinds similar to those in tho oourt room, and havo let contraot to Luick Bro. of Ann Arbor t $Vi an opening. Tho contractors allowed us $150 for the iron shutters. A water closet was also nocesaary and we have lat the contract to W. McPhtrson to construct one. We have also fiuished off one moro room in the basement for the accoiumodation of the Janitor. We have caused to be constructed a platform in the Supervisors room for tho chairman and clerk. Also, one in the court room for the judge and clerk, and have covered the floor where necessary with matting and curpet. And have also carpeted tho Judge's and Probate Judge's private rooms, and have caused the rooms Dotn in tno nrst ana seconastones to be thoroughly oiled, believingit would add greatly to their cleanliness aud durability. Your committeo would respectfully recommend furnishing the rooms in the basement, believing that the rent of them would soon repay the outlay, and 'they would become a sourco of revenue to the county. Also, that sorne iron grated doors be put up t the entrance tO'tbre basement under the pórticos. All of which is respectfully eubmitted. ,; CUAKLES WHIÏAKEB, m IKVING YECKLEY, MOKTON F. CASE, Committee. On motion of Str. Olcott the report of the committee was aeoepted. On motion of Mr. LeBaron tho report was laid on the table. The chairman presented the following proamble and resolutions whieh on motion of Mr. Yeckley were laid on the table r Wheueas, The oity of Ann Arborhas generously donated twenty thousand dollars toward the construction of the Court house just oompleted for Washtenaw County. Therefore, Resolved; T!iat we do hereby set apart the room on thesecondiloor of the Court house opposite tho room known as the Supervisors' room, for tho uso of the Common Council of said city, and the city of Ann Arbor is hereby invited to occupy said room for tho purpose herein set forth upon the city agreeiug to finish and light the same. Mr. Cornwell from tiie committee on steam heating apparatus roported as follows : To the Board of Supervisors of Washtenaw üounty: Your special conimifcteeonheatiugthe Oourt house beg leavo to report : Oa the orgenization of the Cominittee thoro were in the hands ot' tho building mittno two propositions for thu wurk whicli your ouuimittee took into consideration. Not betng accompanied byany plan or detail, and thecouimitteo having uu:ic, it proved too iudufiiiite for u to accept tlieir figures or for tho proposing porties to giro us one. The sunson being ite, an 1 dseming thut no timu should be lost in the matter, your ooinmittee made: a plun, bouglit tilo material, and did tho work by the day. In parohasing material w.i mudo snro to gut the bost in all cuso aud at thelowest prioe. We found thu manufacturera vi.-ry busy, it being a busy timo of year wheu their producís are in their grontest demand. None of tho material arrived until December 20, 1878, which wcs the first opportuuity wo had of coiumeiicing the work of putting the ateam heatiug works in position in the building. To c;tll it cold for that kind of work does not bo giu to describo tho couditioa of the atmosphere of tho Court hou3e building It would have been economy in the raatter of dollars and cents tj havo abandoned the work until spring. Wo firm ly believe itan impossibility for tho men in our einploy to do moro than half a diiy's work by daylight during tho cold weather that followed the commencoment of this work. Believing that tho board of supervisors as weü as tho poople of AVashtonaiv county were anxious that the structure should bo completad as soon as possible wo continuod the work notwithstanding thoso unfavorable circumstanccs. We havo had the apparatus in operation nearly four weeks, and wo aro now ready tocallit completed knowing it will do ita worie pprlectly and oconouiicallyand trust it will moet with your approval. Your committee took possessionof two rooms in tbesouth west corner of the basement for a boiler room, removed tbe partition wall and threo foet of the earth of tho floor to a;et depth for tho purposo intended.- We also took tho liberty to pavo and finish up these rooms for boiler and fuol purposes, using them fora workshop and storage of tools and supplies in the mean timo tho expense of which has bfieu kopt separate so far as Dostible. Wo would respoctfully ask that this item ba allowed us and that our actionin the matter meet your approval. Fora er supply, we tapped a pipo leading to tho cistern, said pipe was already laid frota tho cistern to the lower huil of thn building and was smpposed to be below the frost, but unfortunately it froze up solid on 'Washington's birthday whioh niakesitinconveniputtofurnish water for the boiler. This must bo fixed as soon as tho weather will pcrmit. Also there is a conductor pipe in the boiler chimney that your coinmittee were not aware of when locatin tho boiler. This conductor pipe should be curried into the north chimney as soon as the weather will pormit that kind of work to be dono. At present it is somewhat pro tected by brick work put in by us. Since completing the apparatus we have kept it in operatiou for tho purpoae of drying tho walls, thoroby prepaiinsr the building for occupanoy as soon ed and aocepted. The cost of tho work will bo found as follows : Removingwiill.pavinpr. plasteving, cloors, MslogSf lHuduw calinga Jee., $229 05 Stram neatiug Rppueatus proper including maieriul, labor, fretgat, &c„ 3 723 91 EXi'KXSES. Clark Tornwcll 55 00 J, J. Robison 21 OS Chïirles 'Wliitaker 15 30 D130 ToUxl $4,047 SI The items in detail are soméwhat voluminoug, and are in the hands of the committoe open for inspeetion. AU of which isrespectfiilly snbtnitted JOHN J. ROBISOX, CHARLES WHITAKER. CLARK CORNWELL. On raotion of Mr. LeBaroo the report rr i.- nvi,rpi t-Li ii a on motion oi ivi r Krupf, was luid on tablo. Mr. Robison presented his bill of expenses as mumber of the connuittea on stoam liaatin apparatus, which, on motion of Mr L;Baron was reoaived. Mr. Yeckley moved thut all bilis bpfore tho board bo ruferrod to the proper conimitteos. - Carried. Mr, Kjbisou presented tho bilí of Clark Cjrnwell, and moved that it be received and referred to tlie eomaiittee on civil claims. - Carried. Mr. Robison moved that the bilis of George Glough, constable and others of similar nature passed upon at thu Outober sossion, be received and referred to tho coramittee on criminal claims for revisión. The yeas and nays being ordered resulted os follows : Yeas, Bill, Barch, Foster, Gregory, Krapf, MeGuinesa, McKuno, Olcott, Robison, Schuyler, Shutts, Snyder, Sturin, Whitakor, Yeckley, Young - 16. Nays, BUkoslee, Breiiuna:, Case, Galpin, Harper, LeBaron, "Whoeler, Yo9t - S. Carried. Mr. Noyes presented an itemized account of his expenses as a meaibor of the Court house building coramittee which on motion of Mr. Yeckley was aecepted and filed with the Clerk. On motion of Mr. Eobison the clerk was instructed to draw an order on the contingent fund for 16 80-100 dollars te pay Mr. J. Noyos the balance of his account. Mr. Sessions-addressed the board in relation to discrepancy between the accounts of city Treasurer Schumacher and county Treasurer Gonsley and presented a report of a committee of the conitnon council of tho city of Aun Arbor in rolatiou to the matter, and asked that a committee be appointed to investígate the matter. Mr. Yeckley moved that the committee to settle with the county officers and the chairman of this board, be a committee to review the settlemont previously made with the county Treasurer GenBley with power to cali in a competent expert if they deern it necessary. Carried. Mr. Yeckley offered thefollowing proamble and resolution which on motion of Mr. Krapf was adopted : "WirEREAS, In the report of the finnoe committee of the amount paid the Dourt house building committeo for their services, it appearsthat Mr. Noyes received five hundred eight and 57-100 dollars ; and Wiiereas, In faot he received but two hundred and fifty-eight and 57-100 dollar ; therefore be it liesohed, That the journal bo corrected to conform to the facts in the case. On raotion of Mr. Yeckley tho biü of Wm. ltyan for oiling, painting, varnishing, two step ladders, &c , was allowed at twenty-one and 40-100 dollars, and the clerk was instructed to draw an order on the contingent fund for tho same. On motion the clerk was authorized to placo certain bilis for witnesses fees, which were reported' by Eilward Clark Esq. J. P. upon by this board at the October session upon the journal and draw orders for the same. Cláimed'. Allowed. 139 James M. ITill wit. $2 45 $2 45 140 Thomas March " 1 80 i 80 141 James Murray " 95 95 142 Lewii Vogel " rao 1.80 143 Jamos Morton lf 2 75 2 75 144 William Yogui " 125 125 145 Jacob April " 2 00 3 00 14ií R. Schuyler juror 50 r0 147 P. Cainbeü " M 80 1 48 F. Cate 60 so 14 Jerry Minnis ' 50 50 IñO GeorgeSíone " 50 fio 1 "íl JamwW. Alien " 50 50 USE llenry Veldkamp wit. 345 345 153 Ailnn lf " 2 70 2 70 1"1 KliZiiboth " " 2 70 270 135 ICargftret " " 270 270 ii Joeeph " " 2 7o 270 157 Jacob Hchaiblie " 2 75' 2 75 158 Georp-0 Kriüslér " 3 ÍS g 15 159 Jumos llorton " 2 75 3 7ñ HiO Bogeoe Underhill " 3 15 3 15 101 C. Hcrber " 2 15 2 15 162 Thomas Itoath " 2 05 2 05 163 Charles ' 2 05 2 05 Ou motion of Mr. Foster the board adjourned until half-past nin o'olook to-inorrow uiorning. ÜEO. B. WlIEiSLER, Ckaúmau. MircVi 5, 1S79. Board met pursuant to adjonrnrov! Called to order by the ohairman. Hol onlled- quorum present. Journal o: yesterday reuil and ttpprovod. Mr. li iU fruin t lio committce on civi' claims reporto] sevéial biils and recom mendod their allovance ut mima st.ited, also the lill ot C Coruwull f.T garvi ces as ii ïnemln-r ut' tho gtoam heatiog ooiimiitteu. Whioh the oom mi ttoo returned without reooiii'iiendatiou. üii motion ot' Mr. L Baron the report was acRpp'od. Mr. LoB iron moved that the bill ol Mr. Cornwe]] be uliowcd as olainied. Mr. lacklay movud a-i a lubstitute that the report of tho oouimittee upon oi vil olaims hu laid B{ea the table. - Carriei). Ou motion of Mr. Yeckley Mr. Lo Baron was uddud to thecouiiiiiltee to gettle vvith the contru;'ra. Ou rnotiou of Mr. LeBiron tho board adjourned uittil - o'clook r m. AKI'EHNÜÜ.V SKSSIOÍT. Board met pursiiant to adj.)urnm?nt. (Jalled to order by the ohairiuau. Eoll cal led - quorum present. ltnv Mr. IJ ty ad.lress-d theboard upon the sul jeet of uupplying the court house witl pure filtrerl water. Ou motion or' Mr. L'Baron a couiraittoo of tlnee oonsistinur of supervisors Krapf, Gregory und Galpiu ws uppointsd by tho ehairmau to whoin the subject muttitr presentad by Mr. Day was referred for invesügation. Mr. Yountr oiFred the following: Betolved, That the county clerk bepmpowered to dispose of all old funiiture belongiug to the oounty that c mnot be used in t!io new Court houso at auolion sale orotherwiscjulso the building knnwn as the cuunty olerk's and Registers offiïe and theproeeeds of thesame to bejilacel to the credit of tho contingent fuad of the couuty. Artopted. Mr. Yonng ofFered the fullowingresolution which on motion of Mr. Fuster wis accepted : lifsoheJ, That the matter of tho shade trees in the Court house square bo leftto tho Miyor and Aldermen of the city of Ann Arbor to dispose of as thev niay think proper; also t,o grant them the power to ornament the Court houso squuro at the expense of the city of Ann Arbor. Mr. Krapf moved to lay the resolution on ths taille. Prevailed. On motion of Mr. LeB.iron tho report of thecommittee on civil claims was taken from the table and the following bilis were allo wed by the board at sumsstated: liï-l Wm. flankd, eoroner, 21 lij ■'] m Ui:, W. U Ttny ' 5 10 Kili .luhn Knpp " 5 00 h 0') 167 John '. Meal juror 1 10 1 lo IBS O. Orcutf. " i io in 1C9 G. Welchtbrlght " in ni 170 J. Hofl'stetter " i io ] ] 171 C. iloffstt'tter " i io 172 O. Schneidez witnesa 38 '■ 17:! C. Orcut.t " s8 3 174 Wm.Copelanfl wilncsa ?s 3 LTS Barbara Schneider witnosa 33 j 176 Michacl tíchoeidav " 33 ; 177 Peter Digaan 1770 ij; 175 E. C. Winner building committce 17 23 17 28 179 O. Eberhacn 1120 1120 Mr.LjBaron moved that bilis passed upon to-dayand not connocted with the xmstruction of tho Court house, should be paid by orders drawn upon the urer and payable February lst, 1880. Carried. Mr.LfiB;trOn moved thatthe bill of J. J. Robison for services as ono ofthecoinniittoe on steam heating be allowed at $24,00. The yeas and nays being ordered resulted as follows : Yeas, Bill, Breining, Foster, Galpin, Harper, HcKune, Purtel], Shutts, Snydr, Sturtu, Wheeler, Yonng, LoB iron - 13. Nays, Blakesleo, Gregory, Krapf, McGuiuess, Olcott, Sehuyler, Yost - 7. 150 John J. Robison Mr. i'ui teil moved that the bill of '.ïr. Yfckley for services on the building committee be allowed at $42,00. The yeas and nays being ordered resulted as follows : Yeas, Ball, Bruining, Foster, Galpin, Harper, LeBaron, McGuiness, IJcKune, Purte'.l, Byder, Sturin, Shutts, Wheeler- 13. Nays, Blakeslee, Gregory, Krapf',Olcott Schuyler, Young, Yost - 7. Claimed. Allowed. 151 W. Irving Yccklej , 42 :!D 42 00 Mr. LoBaron moved that the bill of Morton F. Case for services on the Oourt house committee bo allowed at $14.00. Tho yeas and nays boing orderod resulted as follows : Yeas, Ball, Breining, Foster, Galpin, Harper, LeBirun, McGuines3, McKune, Purtell, Shutts, Snyder, Sturra, Wlieeter, Young - 14. Nays, Biakeslee, Gregory, Krapf, 01cott, Schuylcr, Yo t- 6. 182 Morton F. ('aso 44 GO 44 00 On inotion of Mr. Shutts the bill of Charles Whitaker of the committee on steam heating was alle wed at f 100 00. 1S3 Charla Whitaker 100 00 100 00 On motion of Mr. Olcott tho bilí oí Clark Corn weilof the committee on steain heating, was laid on the table.' O a motion of Mr. Foster the bill of G. J. Pease tbr workondialfrainos in Coart house tower was taken from tho table. Mr. Gregory moved that the bill be allowed as clainied. The yeas and nays being ordered resulted as fullows : Yuas, Foster, Gregory, Krapf, Shutts, Wheeler, Young- 6. Nays, Biakeslee, Breining, Galpin, Harper, LeBaron, McGuiness, Oloott, Purtell, Sohuyler, Snyder, Sturm, Yost. -Lost 12. Mr. Krapf moved that tho vote be reoonsidered and the bill laid on the table. Carried. Mr. LeBaron moved that a committee of one be appointed by the chair to procure tho publication of tho procetidings of the present sossiou at the lowest price. Carried. The chair appointed as such couimittoe Supervisor Grpgory. On raotioii of Mr. LeBaron tho bill of John Keek for chairs and desks for Court house of $ö6j.2O was allowed. 185 John Keek S5C5 20 On motion the board adjourned until to-morrow mornin.; at 1-2 past 9 o'clock GEO. S. WHEELER, Chairman. Maroh 0, 1879. Board met pursuant to adjournment. uallüü to oraer tiy tne ctiairraau. lioll called - quorum present. Journal of yesterday read, corrected and approved. Mr. Gregory from the committee to secure the printing of the prooeedings of this session reported bids as follows: A. Arbor printing & publishing Compauy, $20 00 R. A. Beal, Courier, i() on John N. Kiiüey, Argus, 7 00 On motion of Mr. Olcott the proposition of John N. Bailey was accepted. Mr. Case from the coraraittee on criminal claims reported the following bilis which had been audited at the October session and recommeudedthat the folio wiug additional auiounts be allowed : 180 Ocorge Ulough, Constable 7 42 187 James GuantUtt. " b 20 L88 E. S. Manly, " 1; 52 Adopted. Concluded vext week.


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