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- Ubolsea is in ueut $lou. - J!:36G.Gó unpaid taxes in Ypsilanti. - Rawsonville indulges in night cap sociables. - Duxter buyers are taking ia whoat n largo quantities. - Henry SI. Phelps of Dexter, is suf'ering severely from inflammatory rheumatism. - George Speidelburg of Dexter townbip lost t'our fingers by coming iuto ontact with a buzz saw. - At the s:üo of short horns at How11, John W. Nanry of Superior bid in Prince Frederick" at $93. - The Ypsilanti paper cotnpany began juilding en Monday a new warehouse near the depot of our sister cit3'. - Woi. J. Clark has purchased the esidence on Adams street in Ypsilanti, f Eev. G. P. Tindall, now of Plint. - The contract for carrying the mail 'rom the postoffiee to the depot in Milan las been awarded to Bivvar.I J. Kelsey. - D. G. Kenyon of Dundee, has moved o Milán, and opened a store in the juilding foriaerly oceupied by George Clark. - Manchester elected on Monday a jresident, eix Irustees, a troasurer, clerk, treet comuiissioner, assessor and contable. -The Ypsilanti City Band will hereFter derive part of their support from uall monthly subscriptions madu by ie citizens. - On Tuesday morning the houso of colored man named Davis, a resident E Ypsilanti, was consumed by fire. Loss covcred by insurance. - The residenoe of Miss Helen Clark in Dexter, tenauted by James Clark, sustained a loss of $2.50 by fire on Monday of last week. Fully insurod. - James McEnamy drew a revolver upon Horace Weston in a Manchester saloon. Horace told hiru to put itup; James lefused, was arrested, plead guil ty and paid costs. - The entertainment given by Mr. and Mrs. Henry DePue at tbeit home in Pittsfield on Saturday evening last was greatly enjoyed by their ruany friends and neighbors who were present. JilCob lioth nf Frfior].. tangled in IMatichester'a intoxicants. Under its influence he becaiao noisy, and, refusing to go home, was taken before Justice Goodyear who invited him to contribute $8.60 to the county which he did rather than recline in jail ten days. - Officers of Milan reform club : - President - David Hitchcock. VicePresidents - Martin Wolcott and Herbert Trtvlor. Secretarv - C. H. Kelsev. Treasurer - C. H. Wilson. Sergeant at Arms - P. Knowles. Marshals - ïl. 8. Wallnce and James Younjj. Steward - Chas. Whiting. - Ypsilanti's Light Guard officials: Captain - E. W. Bowen. First Lieutenant - Geo. N. Noyes. Second Lieutenant - Henry Beard. Vacancies occurriug in the non-eominissioned stafF, S. Ferguson and Charles Hyzer were elected Sergeants, and J. Sauter and Harry Simons, Corporals. - Those interested in the monthly meetings of the Farmers' club and mological societies of "Washtenaw county will not forget the regular meeting to take place at Fireinan's Hall ia this city on Saturday of next week, comnieneing at 10:30 A. M. The following topics were adopted for discussioa at the next meeting: First, Diseases and Enemies of our Orchards and Viueyards. How shall we remedy, avoid or care them? Second, The best breed of staeep for Washtenaw county. Third, The legal righta of the farmer. - At a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Toledo, Ann Arbor and Northwestern Railroad Saturday afternoon, the board directed a survey to be made by the way of South Lyons and Wixom and the other by the way of Salem and Novi, and ia case neither of these linos will prove satisfaetory, atliird survoy will be made, the objective point in each case being Pontiac, where the road is to connect with the Grand Trunk. As soon as the right of way is uecured and $1.000 a laile subseribed work on the road will cominence. - At the charter election held in Manchester, on Monday, Harch 10, five tickets were in the field, viz: Democratie, Republioan, Greenback, Corporation and Citizens'. As the Greenbackers worked together they gaiued au easy victory, the entire National ticket being folio ws: President- Amariah Conklin. Trustees- John Haag, E i ward ü'Neil, James L. Stone, Warren Kimble, Oscar H. Bivins, Joseph Gordaaier. Clerk - Joseph A. Goodyear. Treasurer- Williani Kirchgessner. Street Commissioner- B. G. Loveioy. Assessor - Williani Burtless. Constable- Harvey L. Rose. - A suit has been pendingin the United States Circuit Court for souio time to decide whether or Hot this towuahip shall pay the $00,000 bonds given to the Detroit, Hülsdale and Indiana ïtailroad Company, which has just been decided in our favor, and the bill dismissed. These bonds were issued in 1809 and deposited with tho aecretary of state. Afterwards the company agreed that if' we would raise n certain amount by subscription and pay them cash down thoy would disclaim the bonda. But the company failod to disclaim, and so tho matter went to the courta. The amount due on the bonda at thia date, if collectuble, would be $10ö,000.- Manchester Enterprise. - The farm bulonging to estáte of Ilorace Kosier, deceased, located in the township of Soio, about one-half inile east of the yillage of Doxter, was sold on'Wednosday toPatrick Tloy, for $jo.j() por acre. There were 73 1-2 acres. ■ - liogor Walkor, wholives three miles □ orth of Dexter, was seriously injured, wliilo choppiug down a tree on hiaplace, Weilnesday forenoon. He failed to get clcar of the troe as it feil, and was struck by it and his skull orushed in. He is not expected to live.


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Michigan Argus