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- Tecunisoh owes $3,0O0 - Kxcliange Ilotul, Clinton, is for sale - Battle Creek is overrun with tramps - Soarlet fever bas closed the schoo in Etist Milan. - Kepublicans wore triuniphant a Hudson's charter election. - Thero is war among Monroe's bar bertf, and prioe of shaving doclined to five cents. - Monroo entertains a Chicago proposition to exchange her band engines for a steamer. - Mr. Itmkin, one of our editoria brethren, stops into the omoluinents of the Fliut postoffico. - An artist oonneoted with Frank Leslie's Weekly visited Monroe to sketch the court house ruins. - Jndge Van Valkenburgh, a former and distinguishod citizon of Pontiac, died in Jacksonville, Fla., lately. - John Grovinger was to be oxamined before Justico Watson of Grass Lake on Wednesday on a charge of incest. - From what we see in our exchanges the trade ia skunks this Beason is an important industry to Michigan. - A, C. Howe, townibip treasurer of Allen, Hillsdale county, is reported about $1,800 short in his accounts. - Thos. N. Loomis of Oakland droppod out of his cutter while driving along the highway and died where be feil. - Moses Wright, a prominent druggist of Tecuniseh, treasurer and early settler, died on Thursday of last week. - D. C. Buckland attacked Hon. C. Draper with a obair in the law office of G. W. Smith of Pontiac. Both parties are prominent personages. -Eev. Wells H. XTtley of Pontiac, is charged with several very naugbty things. March 27 is the date set down to asoertaiu the truth of the accusations - Goorge Ingersoll has been nomina ted by the Kepublicans of Calhoun county to fill vacancy to wbich he wa appointed by Gov. Croswell as Judge o Probate. ■ - Citizens of East Milan have gone to work to raise $3,000 for the building of a grist mili, Mr. Cooper proposing to invest $1,000 provided the rernainder i contributed. - Mr. E. O. Grosvonor'a first experi ence with the Greonbackers ia ominous At tho Jonesville charter election las week Monday, he headed the Kepublican ticket for president and was defeated. - The editor of the Dundee Reporte " goes for" the dead beats who have be guiled hiin with false proruisos. He says : " of all such is the kiugdom o darkness, and there shall be knashing of teeth, and to sucb we say, amen, so mote it bc." - There is a postofEce row at Eeading Hillsdale county. A year ago or more charges were made against Eev. Li. S Parmalee, the postmaster, and the office was investigated by two or three specia agents, who oaoh leported it all right and he was retained. He has now been removed and Josiah Page appointed An indignation meeting was held on the 4th, and Congressinan Willits burn ed in eiïigy. - The Baptist Church at Leslie seeiu to know how to deal with scandal roon gors. It seetns that a faraüy connectec with the church circulated reporta detrimeutal to the character of the former pastor. The church iminediately se about invostigating the same and founc the reporta unfounded. An adjournec meeting of the church waa held at whicl the hand of fellowship was withdrawn from the gossipers. - Wm. Kelley, who claims to live a Oxford, and who peddles jewelry for a living, has been arrested at Fenton fo enticing Miss Addie Donnldson, a gir aged 15, away from her home with the intention of marrying her. They wen so far as to get the family bible, while Addie's paren ts were away from home and change the record so as to appea that she was 18 years of age, and they were on the way to the minister's, wit! bible in hand for the purpose of being married, when Kelley was arrested. - Dr. G. W. Mosher, the presiden eloct of Jonesville, is declared by the opposition to be a non-resident, and a protest is therefore handed in. The doe tor owns a hotel in Ilillsdale and one a Jonesville. His wife superintends the one in Hillsdale, also the female help o the Jonesville house. The doctor stay at the latter place and makes it hi home, his wife coming down there occa sionally. The doctor has neglocted to register there, which is held by some to render him unqualified to hold the office. Thero is talk of having a ing board and investigating committee - The most energetio businessman we have any knowledge of is anchored ai Goodison station, in the township o! Oakland, Oakland oounty. He is a shoeraaker by trade, and runs in connection with his shoe-shop a dry goods and grocery store. Ha is town olerk and ustice of the peace for üakland township. He preaches the gospel semi-oocasionally, and is an attorney of no small pretonsious, with a good practioe. He sports the seal of a notary public, and doos any amount of conveyanoing. He is postmaster, and also ticket agent and baggago-master for the Detroit & Bay City railroad at Goodison station. He lires no help of any kind, and has some timo to spare. - Oxford Journal. Miciiigax Fruit Catalogue.- The State Poinological Society has just issuod a catalogue of Michigan fruit, which describes all tho prominent tested varietioa and grades their valuó for martel, cookiug and dessert purposos. Tho volume will be very valuable for planters in all parta of the State, for it gives he adaptability of oach sort to the vaiou8 looalities. The catalogue is iseued 'or the benefit of fruit growers evorywhere, and can bo secured by enclosiug a threo cent stamp to Secretary Chas. V. Garfield, Grand líapids, Michigan, uno meeting will be at Muskogon.


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