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The (bllowing is an extract of a.leltor to. i gentleman of this village, respecting the 'araous Clairvoyant wc rnentioned last .vcek. ' I would say tbat the 35 lectures (a vhicli }'ou refer, comprise but a small nrt of the book that is now being prolucod - certainly not óne third. They onstitute merely the"key"to ihe secndand most important part. The "revlalion " nnd llio whole is lo he followed y a third part; the u applicatipn" and ali a form one book. The Sö leclures to which you refered have been completed, but nol publishd. N.r will any portion ofthe work ie pubÜshed until the whole is complete, or. the reason that all tlie paris will form i perfect whole, vvliich should not bo dis-, onnnctëd. I fear we sliall be unable io get tho vork bcforo the public under 5 or 6 notiihs from this time. For several veeks, the lecturas havo been suspended, md will be at lenst fur 2 or 4 weeks lon;er, owing to the necessity of having to cave the city to preserve our health, uring the hot, sultry weather. Nq ime will be lost, however, that can be dvantngeously cmployed in hastening lts omplelion and pubiicalion. Ilr. Davis has already given about 90 ecture?, and he is proba b'y two thirds one or a li'.lle more. Ilis revelation hus far brings the history of the creaion and develdpment of all tbings, down o the gèneraj doluge. From tïiis he nroloses to (race the successive woves of hunan development down to the lOth cenurj- ; aiul after revcnling all that is ïecesisary for man io know as pertaining o tlíis mundana èxistence, he will trnc ï nan through the várious spheres of big future tatei nntil hn arrivés at the tivc MinJr" After this wiii ccTmelth'e npplicniion. His Uea?, phüosóphy, seience, and all ihe phenomena connected u-ith their pii.1sèntalióft, are profoundly astonishingand nteresting ; and you may well judg--, my friend, that " something of immense imporiance to the human race will gro-.y out of these Jectures." I cannot now judge of the probablo cost of the work when published, except from the probnbiüty that it will ba comprised in from 600 to 700 octavo pages. Rut it will be sold as low as possible, whilst it maV nfibrd a reasonable compcnsaiion for The labor in getting it