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Grand opening of Boya' and Chi] dreus' Suits at the Star Clothing House Ladies when ehoppiug are cordially in vited to cali and niake an oxarninatioi of stylos and material. 11 2t A. L. Noble. Just opened a full line of Cottons in all the desirable makes and width at ex tremely low prices, and a full ássortmen of Hamburg Einbroidoriea in unusuall; choice patterns, at 6tf Mack & Sciimjd's. SO pieces new styles Euohinga. 20 dozen White Lawn and Lace Ties 2 cases Spring Prints at 5o. Now open at Gott's Cheap Cas! Store. 10-2t HILL'S OPERA HOUSE. C. J. WHITNEY, - IiESSEE ASD MaXAGEI ONE NIGHT ONLY. Monday, March ÏT' SAVILLE ENGLISH OPEEA CO Gllbert & Snllivan's Comic Opera, H, M, S. PINAFORE FOKTÏ AKTISTS. Admission 50 cents. Reserved seats $1.00, o sale nt J. C. Watts' Jewelry Store. This ia the bes entertainment ever offered to an Ann Arbor au dienoe. DETROIT Throat 1 Lung Institute MERRILL BLOCK, corner of Woodward and Jefferson aves., Detroit, Mich. M. Hilton Williams, M. D., Prop'r Who pcrsonally receivee patienta at the Insti tute for the cure of all the various diseaaes of theHead, Throat aud Chest, and their complications, through the aystem of Inhalation, coinbined with proper interna) treatment. Tothose who have wtmt they are pleased to cal "lingering colds " we would say unhesitatingly and if poseible wíth a voice that would awaken al from that pleasant delusion, that without prompand earnest offorts in a rational und proper ntanner many wtU soonfollow those who have found releas from their suffering In that "sleep which know no wak ing." You have been conscloui, blit almost afraid to confesa the f act, and uuwilling to adnüt it to your sol ves that the slight irritation of the throat, the annoyanco of nasal catarrh, the symptoms of r bronchial inflammation of a few weeks or nionths airo, which you confidently believed would "wear olf," has beconie firmly established, and is aoa certainly, and by dog rees. more or less rapidly, an with fatal precisión and u'nyielding gra-p, advancing to hopeless consumption, You may object to and shriuk from the frauk statement by your medical adviser; you may deny the truthfiïl eonviction wliich forces itself upon your obsorvation and reason, hut the plain fact, divested of nattering usurauces that can only cheat you of even life i&elf, is that these throat disensen, the bronchial inüainmations andothor constitutional causea, are telling against you with unerriog certainty, and the assurances- so pleasant to the ear- that aü wiil be well byo and bye, are the more delusiva and cruel. You do not want to stupefy the soneos by opinies, nor take into the stomacli drugs thut will f ore ver destroyitstoneandimpairitsolïico. You do not want nierely palliative treatment toconduct and lull you into Caiiciod security to the very brink of tlic grave, font is neither rcasonable nor just to yourselvt's, or those who regard your casca with trernbliüg Bülicïtude and pain ful anxiety. The chilly blasts and stornis of advanced autumn, the ïnclement winter with its Beftrching windsand atmosphere chargisl with moisture, have had their effect upon you - the great and rapid vïcissitudesof spring, that, with the re-a waken ing of vegetable life, is peculiarly fatal to consumptives - these changes of seasons are now upon the invalid as wellas upon the robust, and it is wisc to just ïow stop and reflect upon the nature and progresa f your disease, and tho remedial mea sures yon uve eiuployt'd, and seriously to iuquire if there is i way open to you by wbich you may escape the (auger which isimpending. We say, without nesitation,that thegreatcr numer of pulmonary diseases eau be cured. We need not dilate upon theories while we are able to present living evidences of the efficacy of udirious medication in a class of cases so long and KïrsistcnÜy pronounced hopeless. Inhalations are npHnbie in all diseases of the spiratnry organn, mcluding catarrh, Ihroat diseass, Bthm, bronchitis, oonsumption ; and thousndiof rases can been red by this mode of treatment when nor, hing else can reach them. ThoM who desire to consult me in regard to their sea bd beUer call st the oSbsi for an eumiiiaion, bul tf Imposoibie to Tiait theoLQtc iersonalf?, nay write for "List of Queations," aud Circular, oth of Which will be sent freo of charge. Addrees I. HILTON WILLIAMS, Jtt. D., Merrill Block, Detroit, Míen.


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