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BUSINESS DIRECTOR!. DM. TAÏLOR, ATTORNEY AT UW, Chelsea, Mich. . DONAL 'I A I .r: fiy. yi. I.. Physician andSurgeon. Office and residonce, 71 Haion Btreet , Ann Arbor. Office huurs f rom 8 to 9 a. m. and from l to 3 p. M. MRS. SOPHIA VOLLtND, M. D., Physician and Surgeon. Office at residence, 44 Ann street. W í 1 1 anead to all professional calis promptly, day and night. Wil. JTACKSON, Dentist. Otflce corner Main and Washington streets, over Bach & Abel's stoie, Ann Arbor, Mieh. Anesthetlcs administeral if degfaed. CS(lIAi;Hi:ilI.E, Teacher of the Piano forte. Pupila attain the desired skill in piano-playing by a systematic course of instruction. For terms, apply :it residence, No. 12 West Liberty street, Ann Arbor. Prompt attention pa E to piano tUDiug. CBAMER, FKUKAUFF COKBIN, Attorneys at Law, E. K. FRUEAUFF, Justice of the Peace. All business prouiptly atteuded to. Office No. 8 East Washington street, Rinsey and Seabolt'a bloct. HENRY R. HILL, Attorney at Law, Dealer in Real Estáte and Insurance Agent. Omee, No. 3 Opera HoUHe Bluck, AKN ARBOR. IeTc-beeb, DEALER IN Fresli, Salt& Smo7cedMeats,Fresh Fish, Oysters, Poultry, etc. No. 36 East Huron Street, Ann Abboh, Mich. J. H. NICKELS, Hl II. KI! IN FRESH AND SALT MEATS, llallis, Sausages, Iard, etc. STATE .STREET, OPPOSITE NORTHWEST CORNER OF UNIVERSITY CAMPUS. Orders proiuptly flïled. Farmera having meats to sell give liim a cali. EVEEYBODY SAYS THAT S. B. REVENAUGH IS THE Boss Photographer of Ann Arbor. Fourth Street, East of Court House, lst floor. THE ANN AEBOB SAVIUGS BAITK ANN ARBOK, MICHIGAN. Capital paid In - - - 50,000.00 Capital security - 100.000.00 Transacts a general Banking Business ; buys and sells Exclianges on New York, Detroit and Chicago ; sells Sight Drafts on all the principal cities of Europe; also, aells Pasaage Tickets to Liverpool, London aud Glasgow, vía the Anchor Line of Steanaships, whose rates are lower than most other firstdaes liiu-s. This Bank, airead; having a large business, invite merchauts and others to opeiv accounts with them, with the assurauceof ruoBt liberal dealing consistent wit h safe banking. In tlieSavings Department interest is paid semiannually, on the first days of January and July, on all sums tlmt werf deposited three nionths previous to those ilays, thus affording the people of thia city andcounty a perfeotly safo depodtory for their ...k, tiif?ether with a fair return n Inteert for the same. Money to lHan 011 Approved Seruilties. DlREi-roKS - Christian Mack, W. W. Wines, W. D. Harriinan. Daniel Hiscock, 11. A. liuul, Win. Deubel, and Willard B. Bmith.t 0FFICER8 : CHBISTIAN MACK, W. W. WINES, President. Vioe President. CHAS. E. HISCOCK, Cashier. "acardT The undersigned respectfully informa hia friends and the public uf Ann Arbor and vicinity, tbat he has purchased the stock of Drugs, Medicines, Toilet Articles, Dye Stuflfe, &c, Formerly owned by tbe late George Grenyille, and tht he wtll continue the drug business, in all its branches, at theold stand, -(. 5 Mi mi ifiAlN sriuiin. By giviug strict attention to business, and sulling gooda at rcnaonable prices, liehopes to nierit a share of the public patronage. ö'Particular attention wil] be paid to the oompounding and ülling of l'hysicians' Prescriptions by competent assistente. EMANUEL MANN. Aun Arbor, March 25, 1878. EBERBACH & SON, Druggists and Pharmacists, 12 South Main St., Havo ou liumi a large and well selected stock of DBUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, DYE STUFFS, Artista and Wax Flcrwer Materials, Toilet Ai-ticles, TrusHOs, Etc. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS. Special attcntion paid to the farniabing of Pliyslcians, Cheiuists, Schiwls, etc., with Philosophical and Cheraicul Apmratus, Bohemian Chemical Glass. Ware, Porcelain Ware, Pure lteagente, etc. Physiciaos' prescriptious carefully preparad at all huurs.


Old News
Michigan Argus