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Bidding For The Presidency

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Dissatisfied by losing the goal of his smbition in 1876, Blaine is paving the wy for a nominntion in 1880. The Bi)ns of th timos indícate a duterininatiou on his part not to !et the nbminalion go to Grant uncontosted. His acts in tho Senate, notably tlie earnest ad Tocnoy of the an'i-chiueso bill, ho hopes will mnko him solid with tho states of tha Pcifio slope, and commend him generally to the workingtnen of tho country. Last week this dramatic politician, who firel thoheart of thosouthby describing the horroraof Andorsonvillein a running dobate with Beu Hill, whioh transfcrred both to tho sonate, visited Virginia osteisibly to consul! in rtference to a projected line of raüwny down the James Eiver vallcy, but really to woo southern influenue. At a receptiou he suid : " Noinan could gofurther or stay longcr in desiro to promote the national pros perity of Virginia. If I know myself I wonld vote for Virginia as quickly as for Muine - for the south as quickly as for New England." How oddly this sounds from a man that has done more to keep the bloody shirt waving the past ten years thaneven Zach Chandler. Who has improved overy opportunity to flre the northern hoart against tho southern peoplo. Indeed, wo can hardly believe such a ohange inBlaino'sheaithasbeen seriously wrought. Wheu it is remembered bo launched forth the idea at the beginning of the lato session of Congress, that the seotion of country he would now do so muoh for, ought to be deprived of a certain nuinber representatives in congross on the theory of tho colored voters being buldozed, wo are at a loss to account for his su Iden conversión, unless it is to ingratiute hiuiself in favor with the southern people with the view of their support in the noxt national conyention. " Whenevec my voice can have influence to promote your prospority, you can rely upon me" said the Senator. Does not such language compared with his speeches heretoforo conduce to the belief that Blaine 3 getting on his knees to a section, which he has heretoforo reviled, both on the stump and in congress P


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Michigan Argus