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Real Estate Transfers

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FOB WEEK ENDINO SATURDAY. - QUITCLAIM. Nathan Case to Franklin Spafford. 40 acres ia Manchester for $1,400. Hattie E. Foster to Lewis Walz. Land ia Ann Arbor for 91, Robert George to Mary Ann Brangwin. Land in Bridgewater for $500. Mary Ann Brangwin to Robt. George. Land in Bridgewater for f500. WAllHASIY. Caroline M. Hennequin to Jacob and John Heinzman. PareƩis of land in Ann Arbor for $800. Daniel Ben tier to Aaron L.Feldkamp. Parcela of land in Salem for $4,854. Fred. A. Graves to James Harris. Land ia Augusta for $1,000. Robert George to Isaac Brangwein. 24 acres in Bridgewater for $1,375. Hiram Priest to B. F. Bailey. 64 square rods in Manchester for $325. John Kohier to U. and S. Wiedmayer. Land in Lorii for $1,300. J. P. Wiodmayer to C. and S. Wiedmayer. 30 acres in Lodi for $1,300. Henry Aesch to George A. Waidelich. Land in Ann Arbor for $1,050. Newton A. Pradden to Adelaide C. Leonard. Land in Ann Arbor for $000. Perry A. Austin to Nathaniel Rider. 40 acres in Salem for $2,400. James M. Congdon to Geo. Barthel. Land in Chelsea for $80. John C. Winans to Henry Stoffa. 80 acres in Lyndon for $1,000. John M. Cutler to Ypsilanti Paper Co. Land in Ypsilanti for $116. Mary E. Saley to Maransy S. Every. 20 acres in Bridgewater for $330. James C. Cushman to George Egelie. Land in Lima for $3,500. Erastus W. Basom to R. and W. F. Clark. 86 acres in York for $6,020. II. W. and A. L. Reed to Henry E. Fullington. Land in Augusta for $200. Arthur L. Reed to II. E. Fullington. Land in Augusta for $275. Francis Woodruff to James McMillan. Land in Ann Arbor for $850. Sarah A. Fellows to John C. Hubner. 15 acres in Ann Arbor for $791.