Real Estate Transfers
FOB WEEK ENDINO SATURDAY. - QUITCLAIM. Nathan Case to Franklin Spafford. 40 acres ia Manchester for $1,400. Hattie E. Foster to Lewis Walz. Land ia Ann Arbor for 91, Robert George to Mary Ann Brangwin. Land in Bridgewater for $500. Mary Ann Brangwin to Robt. George. Land in Bridgewater for f500. WAllHASIY. Caroline M. Hennequin to Jacob and John Heinzman. PareƩis of land in Ann Arbor for $800. Daniel Ben tier to Aaron L.Feldkamp. Parcela of land in Salem for $4,854. Fred. A. Graves to James Harris. Land ia Augusta for $1,000. Robert George to Isaac Brangwein. 24 acres in Bridgewater for $1,375. Hiram Priest to B. F. Bailey. 64 square rods in Manchester for $325. John Kohier to U. and S. Wiedmayer. Land in Lorii for $1,300. J. P. Wiodmayer to C. and S. Wiedmayer. 30 acres in Lodi for $1,300. Henry Aesch to George A. Waidelich. Land in Ann Arbor for $1,050. Newton A. Pradden to Adelaide C. Leonard. Land in Ann Arbor for $000. Perry A. Austin to Nathaniel Rider. 40 acres in Salem for $2,400. James M. Congdon to Geo. Barthel. Land in Chelsea for $80. John C. Winans to Henry Stoffa. 80 acres in Lyndon for $1,000. John M. Cutler to Ypsilanti Paper Co. Land in Ypsilanti for $116. Mary E. Saley to Maransy S. Every. 20 acres in Bridgewater for $330. James C. Cushman to George Egelie. Land in Lima for $3,500. Erastus W. Basom to R. and W. F. Clark. 86 acres in York for $6,020. II. W. and A. L. Reed to Henry E. Fullington. Land in Augusta for $200. Arthur L. Reed to II. E. Fullington. Land in Augusta for $275. Francis Woodruff to James McMillan. Land in Ann Arbor for $850. Sarah A. Fellows to John C. Hubner. 15 acres in Ann Arbor for $791.
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Old News
Michigan Argus
Nathan Case
Franklin Spafard
Hattie E. Foster
Lewis Walz
Robert George
Mary Ann Bragwin
Caroline M. Hennequin
Jacob Heinzmann
Daniel Bentler
Aaron L. Fedlkamp
Fred A. Graves
James Harris
Isaac Brangwein
Hiram Priest
B. F. Bailey
John Kohler
C. Wiedmayer
S. Wiedmayer
J. P. Wiedmayer
Henry Wesch
George A. Waidlech
Newton A. Prudden
Adelaide C. Leonard
Perry A. Austin
Nathaniel Rider
James M. Congdon
George Barthel
John C. Winans
Henry Stoffa
John M. Cutler
Mary E. Saley
Maransy S. Every
James C. Cushman
George Egelie
Erastus W. Basom
R. Clark
W. F. Clark
H. W. Reed
A. L. Reed
Henry E. Fullington
Arthur L. Reed
Francis Woodruff
James McMillan
Sarah A. Fellows
John C. Hubner