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A Hpecial from Texas states that several of the Mexican murderera of Judge Howard and Messrs, Atkinsun and MeBryde and son at fflizario, several montas &go, have been arrested and jailc J. The Mexicana threaten to rescue them The Secretary of the Treasury has issued a cali for the redemption of $10,000,000 of 5.20 bonde. Mrs. Jno. Taylor and two sons- Willie, aged 10, and John, aged 5 - were drowned in the Niantic Ice Company's pond at Niantic, Conn., Wednesday. The children went for a pail of water and feil in. Mis. Taylor, hearing the críes, ran to their assistance and was also drowned. A violent wind storm, amonnting almost to a tornado, passrd over the southern part of Macoup n county, Illinois, Tuesday, destroying Iiouhi'h, barns and other property. Edward McDonald, living near the southern line of the county, and nis little graudchild were killed and several other members of his faniily bcverely injured. One or two other deaths are reported. The hnrricane is said to have been about a quarter of a mile wide, and carne from the northwest. A. d. Woodward, secretary and treasurer of the StanBtead and Sherbrooke Mutual Fire Inuurance Coinpany, of Derby, Vt., is reported behind in his accounts some $125,000. He has been susDended from office. liids for the sale ol silver were opened Wednesday at the Treasury Department and the Becretary purchased 200,000 ounces for dehvery at Han Francisco. Archbishop Purcell made an assignmont, Wednesday, for the benefit of his creditors. His sister Catherine Purcell, aged 8iyears, died the same day. A convention of fine cut and smoking tobáceo manufacturers, to fix the price of tobáceo uuder the new tax, mot at Cincinnati Thursday. The price was fixed at 22 cents for smoking and 40 cents for iine-cut, in packages of 10 pounds. A Portland, Oregon, dispatch says that Gen. Howmd and Qov. 'ferry have gone to Yakemo City to see Chief Monea, alao to investígate the situation of Indiau affairs. Should the civil authorities attempt to arrest Moses, serious trouble will undoubtedly ensue. A terrible explosión oceurred Thursday at the Mahoning powder works of P. M. GallaKher & Co., near Pottsville, Pa., completely dcBtroying the building and instantly killing Willis Lloyd, one of the proprietors, Juo. J. Kvans, and John C Mower, their manglcd remaius being scattered in every direction. A Topeka, Kansas, dispatch says that a prairie fire near Abeline, on the night of the 13th, came near destroying the town. The high wind which prevailed drove the flamea directly into the town, destroying a large amount ot' fencing and a couple of houses in the suburbs. A man named Lebot, a prominent banker, loBt seven thouaand bushels of corn and ten thousand bushels of wheat, which was stored just nutaide the city. The total Iobs of property will be more than $100,000 The grettt walking match at New York endedSaturday evening. Rowell, the English champiou, won the belt and the first prize, walkiug 500 miles in six days; Ennis walked 475 miles; and Harriman 450 miles. The total receipts for gate money were $51,000 which, after paying expenses, and $1,000 to O'Leary who entered but withdrew, will be divided between the contestants. The Canadian government has adopted a new and more stringent tariff on importa from the United States. Subscriptions to the four per cent, loan lust Saturday amounted to $3,236,630. The United States Circuit at 8t. Louis has decided the case of the American Middlings Puryrying Company againBt the millers of that city in favor of the defendents, on the ground that the reissued patent doei not conform to tlie origina], and therefbre ia iuvalid. The íUinesota caaes follow the St. Louis cases. The plaintiffs will probally appeal to the United 8tates Bupreme Conrt. There was found at Allcntown, Tcnn., Monday morning beneath the snow which feil during the niiíht a substancc, in some places half au inch deep, strongly resembling sulphur. It has the color and mei!, and a quantity of it scraped together and set on lire burned as readily and emitted the ame fumes as sulphur. St. Patrick's Day - Monday - was quite generally celebrated by Cattaolic societies throughout the country by proeessions, public addresses and the usual festivities. The Supremo Lodge of the Ancient Order of United Workmen cowvened at NaBhvillc Tuesday, M. W. Sackctt, M. W., prcsiding. Kepresentatives were present from California, Ohio, Kentucky, New York, Penusylvania, Illinois, Indiana, lowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Tenncssee, Yisoonsin, Kansas, Georgia, Ontario and Massachusetts. The morning session was principally devoted to the woik of prcliminary orgamzation. An application was received from the Grand Lodge of Ontario to be set apart as a separate beneficial jurisdiction. The total number of dcaths in the order during the past year was 406; amount paid, $ 640,000; yellow f ever losses, $52,000. During the year the growth of the order is reported to have been unprecedented in its history.


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