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i he llegents exoopt E. C. Walker mot on Tuesday, finished thoir laborg and adjourncd in the ovening to June. A resolutionof syinpathy over continuod illness of Mr. Walker was adopted. Regent 8. S. Walker, from the committeo on observa toryreported a recommondation that Mark W.Harrington be appointed the successor of Prof. Waíson aa professor of astronomy and director of the observatory. Mr. II. i3 an alumnus of tho institution, graduatiug frotn tho literary department in 18G8. Bills of Messrs. Eamadell and Benedict, oounael, presented with costa and expenses in the Universify suit araount to $9,000. It was unaniinously agreed to stop litigation, pay off and discharge the counsel, pay thedecree recently entered iu tho Washtenaw Circuit in favor of Dr. Douglas, amounting to $17,40. Dr. A.B. Palmer was granted six inonths leaveof absence to lecture at Bowdoin College. The address to theLawgraduates was given on Wednesday by Hou. Austiu Blair. LATV GRADtrATES- L. L. B's. S--!rnm &UCM 'V',ro"' Att'-V' Qiiincv, III. ■Hun Belden Allen, Maquokfta, lowa! . nscph N . Amor, Atfy. , ue, o. ïrank Davis Aiidrus, M. A., Att'v, Detroit. Frederick Charlea Arbenz, Wnieeline, W. Va. aawin Merod Ashley, Att'y, Unsing. W illiam Andreu. Ault, Marahallville, o. Harry Edgar Baker, st Paul, Min,,. Gustave c hartes Bartels, Dcm Theodore Melso Bates, East Cleveland, O. James illiam Bedell, Hmcock Edwin Howard Bentley, Armada Mhi',mar,'-!n""" Iilnck"'c"' Vandalia, 111.' MillardFillmoreBlaine, Romulus V Georire Matthew Blake, M. D., Dangville N Y Frank Eueene Bliss. C. E., Ann Arbor! James Herbert Blood, Denver Col Euforie lindcll, Mo'nroe' Charles Elliott Boston, B.A., Att'y. Pendleton, Iml' WUam Logan BrakenridR-e, Roché ter! w illiam Henrl Browne, Att'y, Pontiac Orville Sandford llrumback, B. A., Van Weit O Joseph Cornelias Hurk, Keokuk, lowa! Wafter Perry Bulier, New York N V Jodson Euyene Callender, Scr.-mton, Pa. Charles Edwin Carpenter, Geneva, I!l. Warren Carpenter, Jr., st. Paul, Minn. John Smeeton Carter, Sheffield, O. WilliKm Paulding.Caruthert, Rockport, Texa. IJvyChamberlain, Elkhart, Im!. Har, nee ÏM,ffcne Chapman, Bethel, Maine Charlcj Chandler, M. A., ( ;,;,,„! Kapids. Alphons Richard Claxton, Centra] Square, . Charles Simeón Cobb, !. S., Andover, Ñ. Y. John D. Cpleman, Att'y, . I'ort Waj-ne, hld. a u-les F. Collier, " Hollv Homer Hodge Colvin, Att'y, Pontiac! Kenhen Don:ildson Coy, Belteville! WillardJ. Crawford, Cleveland, o' Wilham Iloim.nn Crow B. S., Nicholsonville, K. v illiatn Ia;ic CummingB, Niles. Thomas Daniel Danner. C-inidc,,' Georgc Asi Dickey, Aít'y, St. Johnsbnry, Vt Thomas Albert Dickson, Pittsfield, 111. James Frcderic Drake, Belvidere' 111 lude Eramett Dunlap, Oxford Frank A. Durban, Zanesville, O. John Columbas Eider, Mo Joseph Lillord Elliston, Elliston Station, Kv' lid waru Georee Embler, Pincknev Cari Edwin Epler, M. A., hcksonrille, Ifl' FrceEstce, Mt Pleasant Willis WirtFay Elyriá, O Oscar John Ficl)!nr, Milwaukee, Wis Henrv Clay Finch, Att'y, KoblesviUe, Iml' oolomon Thompson Finch, Flora III John Eugene Fishlmrne, loliet in krank M. Ford, Att'y, Zaneivüie, O. C harte Gayterd Fowlcr, Sainaw John lln-ani Fox, Ynïilinti Willis W. O. Frántz, l.K Instus Liebig Gable, West Salem, O. J;;;.1 -lrr Gate, Boston, M,..s. NV ïlham Donald Oordon. ■ut. 1,1 n.,t Hamer Herschei Green, Anna, in. John Wegley Grejjory, Att'y, Northfield, Vt Georffc Grimm, Jeflerson, Wis. gdward Holmes Guycr, B. A., Rock Island, 111. Elmer Jay Hale, Detroit Wlliuni Tik-ston Hall, Chicho, 111. Flcnry Clay Hanna, Jr., Fort WaySe, Ind! i Florence Haya, Pittsburgh, Pa William FranMin Hay, Att'y, Lafayette, Ind S??;rífe IIavivood, Jr., Clinton, Iovv.i. Wühs Gaylord Hemenway, Att'y, Flint Charles Roswell Henry, Lakc RicVe" Cass h. . Ilerrington, Att'v, PontiTlc. David Morirán Hertzojr, Att'y, Uniontown, Pa. Eup-ene Herrick Hickerncll, Att'y, Eríe Pa ñy?."r s-u?.Z[ns' Deer todge Citv, Mta. mam E. Higmns, M. A., Chicio, Iil. Huq-h Matthew Hinds, South Bend, Ind. Slmnnon Buntin Hubbard, Sanduskv O Martin M. Huaftr, Indianam.lN Tn,l' Benjamin F. Hntchins, Pontiac. Daniel Carpenter Ilyde, Strafford", Vt.' ilrthur Hancock Ingraham, H. A., Rrooklvn, N Y Sylvester Benjamin Isenhart, Camden Centre! Clarencc Lindley Jacob, Att'y, Logansport, Ind. AlbertPiice Johnson, B. A., Att'v, Fiyetteville, Ark. Asa Giles Judd, Dixon, II!. John Perry Kellas, Malone, N. V. Edward C. Kelly, Grand Rápida John Tustús Kerr, EaaTe Winficld Scott Kerr, Lucá's"()' Joseph Morris Kinnaird, B. A., Lcxington Ky'. Dana Spanldinsr Landcr, Bcaver Dam, Wis Gustave Adolf Laubscher, Cleveland O Charles David LaTourette, Att'y, East Sag-inaw W.lliam Spencer Lee, Carlisle, Pu. Michael John Lehman, Waterloo ifcnrv Rndisel Lennard, Att'y, Newcastle, Ind. Blbridge Emerson Lewis, Bcaver Dam, Wis Ktbert Atwood Lonj, Detroit John Elias Maners. nnn' bamucl Maher, Att'y, Grent Bend, Kan. John Alexander Mansfield, Hopedale, O John McDeVitt, fiamburg g.íy McGrew, Wvandotle, Kan! William Barnard McGrorty, S't. Pul, Minn] Irank 1. MeHenry, Lima O Robert Bishop McKnfeht Att'y, East Snirfnkw! Jnsup!, Hn?crs McLaughlin, B. S., Pontiac! Robcrt C. McNamara, Bedfon), Pi Lee K. MihilU, i_.i o TOIIiün Ojear Millcr, Topton 'p"; gharlesj. Manroe, South Haven] rntz Morris, Manistee William Erven Myler, Atfy, South Bend.Ind! Henry Wirt Newkirk, Dcxtcr Alnhonso Cain Nortun, Corncll, Hl' J"s'?.h ■ Nunn, Norwalk, O ümxl a usbaumer, Sunol C?l WiBiam Han-ison Og-bom, Richmond', I.ul.' Lyman Adelbert Orr, éiro Charles Alvin Orth, KeiUuburif, HL Edwin ShelbytPalmer, Att'y ZanesvilK, O Elmer Alton Palmer, Napoleon o. ry!"i"'i'i i ? Pl. Att'y, Black I.kk, 1k. Ralph Phcljjs, Jr., Dtroit WinslowShelby Picrce, Jr., Att'y, IndianapolU, Ind. Stephen Marión Reynolds, B. A., Scrinton, Pa. Thomas Barton Rhodos, Lovington, 111 John Evan Richards, U. A., San José, Cal John AMen Rincr, Greene, Iowa. Henry Fillmore Rizcr, Eureka, Kan. James Thompson Hobison, Cleveland, O. Ahson Crestas Roe, Buchanan Claiborne Schuyler Rohrcr, Att'y, St. Paul, Minn Charles Henry Rose, aro Cvrus Egbert Rosenkrans, Wayland, N. y] w eore i reaericR Koss, St Charles, 111. AJbert Florian Rouse, Att'y, i annt AllKit Conrad Kunkcl, Mllwaukee, wis' Henry Wayne Russell, Monroe. -Lmns Charles Schwerdtfegr, Uncoln 111 John Granville Scouten, B. E., Traverse City] John C. Shcridan, Paola, Kan. Preston Frcmont Simonds, Aleiandriï, N II Ihomas Shreve Boyce Slaughter, Lexinirton, Aio. Ailolph Sloman, Dtrnit Cl „, n,;e V. S.nith, AnnArhörl c Eustace Smith, Saginaw City Charles Elliott Solis, St Clair Gearde Washington Somervílle, Rocliestèr,' Minn'. WUham Andrew Staloy, Att'y, Frankfort, Ind Edwin torest Steers, Wavne Edward Ivés Sümson, Detroit Klias Cephas Stone, B. A., Greensboro, Pa. J.unes King Tavlor, San Francisco, Cal. Ohs David Ihompson, Elkhart, Ind. VS illiam I [cnry Townsend, M. A., Battle Creek wiUiam Squire Turner, Louisville Kv Edwin Smith Van Deusen, SDrlne Br ook. N V Oeorge AMen Van Dyke, Ashmore. III. iin Franldin V Cleveland O Napoleon Wagner, Sidaev' o' Bryant Walker B.A.,Att-y, Detroit Henry Gibson Wanty, Ann Arbor. Isaac Benjamin linKlish Ward, San José, Cal. larence 1:, sh, r ardle, Atfy, fonl. Délos NTcholas Weaver, Elkhart, Ind. LovcM Hastmïrs ebb, Toneka Kan MelvllleStonl B. S., ÜnTtyflia: Charles lulK:ir Sutton, B. A., Att'y, Log-:uispo,t, Lul WalterWeWer, Assyria. Ot,v:iy C. eesner, Wabash, Ind. Henry lidward Weiskopf, MUwankee Wis Dodley Morris Well, Montoomery. Charles Alvah Widencr, Ciïfton N Y David John Williams, Cnllodeo, Ónt! Iliain Henry ilhamson, B. S., Union City, Ind Lome Barney WlnMr, I! S., Hillgdale; W illiam Seaburn isc, Alt'y, Plattsmouth, Neb Charles A. Withey, Alt'y, Caro Thomasjcfferson Wolff, Rhine, Wis' W-'lfh lv"":1,s Wood' Rockivood. U ill R. V. ooden, Teoimseh ! k'nry Madison Woodford, 13. A., Paris Ky' Georej Williarn Wurzell, St. Mary'a Pa John Otlo Zabel, IVtersburir.' loTAt., - . . . I0 fc MEDICAL ORADUATES M. D's. Ilcrnum Augustus Bailey, Marlboro, Mass. Charles F. Bennett, Wivne Williain It. Cullen, Beaver Dam Wis' Charles Fremont Dight, Mercar, Pai Benjamin Logan Euan, M. S., Watseká, 111 LewieAlfred Flexer, Tamaqua Pa KdwardLawton Foidick, Butler 'ind ; ''■ f?. Briirhton; Georgï Av lm HardinV, S.-.ult Ste. Marie Charles Kvcrett llebard, Grand Kapids.' Calvinjoy lülliker, Canandaigua. James Porter Howard, Montpelicr Ind Prankjackson llubbard, P. C, Galeebure.' J'riin Jones HudsoOf Sydney, AustrilA' ReynoldJeromeKirkland, Grand Kapids] ;r:L v'!"lv, Deerfieldi James Curtís Miller, Sarpy Centre Ñeh James l'atterson Orr, West Newton, Pa.' Byron irestiui Ovenshlre, Diindce, N. V. LOUIS MichUel Plessner, in'aw' Thomas Jefferson Ritfcr, Milton Pa' Frank II. Rorick, Wauseon, O. UTvuie Lemon Kowe, D&nsville, N V I [enry Albert Sïhirtleff, Ann Arlior William Henry Smilh, Pb. I., Ann Arbor, ion, Ironton, Pa Wyllys Seaman Walklcy, Ilcndersonville. Thomaa Herman Wilcox New York City. Antoinette Williams, L;uvrcncc;, Kan. W. A. S. Wllliains, Frankhn William Wilson, Etïgt-worlh, Ontario Arthur Icland Worden, Ana Arbor. Tutal, 3i DENTAL GKADUATES. DhvU M. Catti I!, f..,,r „ Fraak Osear Cilbert "J Clark .,.T '" HerbcrtFrank Harvev, ... 'i ' ■n.ó.nj.slli, nrónkiv,; x?yJamos Ilenrv Kcnmcott, Arlington HRkts, III. iidwinjarob Lilly, rSrrlíWni n ífcnry Rristor Orí , Re d O ITrctSackett, '1V, ;:.'' nmalnnrUett Shorti L;, , Íl;.frdWn. CambridíTC, O ov;,i. Homeopathy Gbaduates. Alvjn Byron Allyn, Arl)or. ArchibaldHerbertBabcockJamestown N Y Joim Coolidge, Wellsboro, Pa. Jahez Percy Uake, Jr., Nashville, Temí John ir. DeMay, st fohns' John Wesley Dill Ladoga, Indi Mary ranner Dill, Ladoga Indi Tami 5 Henry Enloe, Nashville, Tenn. 'lh. Buffido, N. Y. Lottie Enzabeth Fitzgeraki, IJetroit Phebe Ann French, - Jackson Leonai-d Edwin Gallup, Marshall! Oscar Samuel Hastson, Ann Arbor. Edward Augustus Lodge, Detrnii Daniel A. McLáchin, Aylmer, Ontario' Charles Osborne Padley, Muskegort. Kugene Clarence Story, Greenville Charles Marton Waekler, Haanibal, Mo Aaron Robert Wheeler, York. Amos Huram Winslow, Ami Arbor James Craven AVood, Monroe!


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Michigan Argus