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Why s that eag-er and clamorous throng? Wha news is pássed exultingly along-? What is the Iangna#e of that ríngingirell ? Fhateachsl I whal Lts clanginirs teil. Et is the iastof tyranny's dying knell, II is our fn-st, fair freedom, peaHng" bel!. It u-lis of a repúblicas humble !irth, To be, of rules, supreme in all the It tells of oppressions in accents strong, Vet a L'k:ii!i of liberty awafced !oiur, The right of British rule has been denied, And Brïbiin's power is henceforth (U-ficd. Indigrnant natures have their Vilcrs liroke, And, exasperated, have doffcd the crushing j'oke. And now brave souls support the taken stand, And strike lor freedom lo their chosen land. "l'is crui 1. fierre and long, their mortal strife, And les.s than frèedom each reffárds his lifc. The bravos against tiie hosts of the king prevalí, For xvhaj can inereenary ranks avail When mutched witli tiioíu; ol" a nobler grace, te awful venjjeance of an njnréd race; For power is not to 1 i own shall forfait fair renown, But he who with a fi l' riant might Strikes for a home, loved ;'::j God-g;ivcn rijfht, Lons moulding ivas the rule that thev purvey And oí republics leads the honorod wav. led crown here mnrks a despot's head, -o ffllttcrinff train is by :: despot led, No more the bane of a No! nor compellably contribute to its weal, Hut in each bn ■■ heart, And o: the r :(-h forms a part. 1''1"'1 :" fruitful veiirn, "'-' M '■ 1 by a tyrant's binding chain, And progress, ever her attt ndant fair, !fou speedsthe trailing swain with turning share : áts the white sailed ships which coino and "-o Down where tlie foam-flecked waveseverebb and llo'.T. I5een science, husy tfade and art cr Small vills to eities rise and colonies to states. But at injustice rank liearts are again aflame; Again tiicy Britain strong an enemy proclaim. As they must ever; those who strike for loved and seli; ■ Now triuniph over those who war alone for pelf. Sweet whlte-robed peace lier pearly throne resnmed Now sits the lovelyqueen with race and beauty lilamed. In every part is feit the magie wand, Swayed by her y-racions omnipresent liand. Never v:is hev reign so happily complete Nor propress v.ith achievemerits more replete. And thusshe reisrns till usliee in her splendid flight Demands the end of the last remaining blifrht, ' Slavery- heritage of a tyrannlc time, Must !i annullcd as an inhuman crime, 'lis done- but who is there can truly teil Ahoutthe many whichits crushing woes befell. Ihus, our country! thv freedom has been dearlv won, But thou art best mul fairest warmed by sim Kor now in all thy fair and ricll domains, Irom rock-ribbed eastern shores to western plains l'iicre is not one who is not fully free, ' Who breaths not the pure air of liberty. And thou art free lo speech and teaching press; Inytrtinking men may iiheral views expresa, And thou protective laws alone proclaim ,!i or low and rich or poor the same. 1 hou as the star of nations will dn'np Nor wil) thv astral beauty ere decline, Whíle tky brave sons have sacred homes to g-uard, hile hberty is loved that was secured hard. hut hke the )ci];.r star lv ts gleaming rav, Guulcs the marmer on histrackless way.' So thrm of republics will bc a guiáe, A land of all thy sons the proper pride. Theo qrcat and grand we ieel our work to le; In how much are we bound to honor thee}fr 'tis thy laws we will hèncéforth defend; 1 is tor thy ivor!; we are henee to content!, liut no staoniicr support will ere be tliine Than the right loyal ehiss of '79.


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