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LEGAL NOTICES. te of McCorinick8mlBOM " OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY ereiUT-irine: Iman.Juígeofi'Wtato. ??.. sJmss Iburcuptolt la oid.reil, tliut Tuesday tile ílrst day of Apnl next, i; in the5 renooD te signed for amim,,s a,ld aBowing such a cerant.nndthat the nextofkía of said wan! aïL : r persona intereeted in said estáte re ti. en to be holden at the Probóte Office in th City of Aun Arbor, in said county, aDd Bhow U ny there bo, vhy the ,'id LTnt should not be aUowed : And it a fuither ordere,l, tht ata gaardían gire nntice to the persotS interested in ssid estáte, of tlie pendeney otYaid account and tbe hearing theroo?, bVcaBsIng a copy A KOüg, a newspaper prmted ma circolatin? in aid diy"o?'heÏÏin,:UCCeS31Ve WCPk8 M W1LLIAM D. HARRIMAN, Estáte of Donnelly-mínor. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTTT fV of v-r5htRn;,w At a rasion rf the Pr„hto tuurt for the (.uuuty of Wasbtena, holden at tho Probate Ufflce m the city of Ann Arbor, on ïue- eiourth dav of Marolt, m tho year one tlionsand eiiht hundred and seventy-nint Present, Wüliaml). Humman, Judgc of Probate teil ïï?" Ol th e3Ute f Mar"ïrettft !■ o'eOn readins and flling the petition , au!y yerifled, ol ineWalsh, guardián, praying that5hemy be licensedto geil the certam real estáte bolongin minor. 6 Therenpon it is orderca, tbat Satnrday, t!te twent y-mn tli day of March uext, at ten o'clool; in the f orenoon ,be araigoed for the htaring oi said petition, andthnt the next of kin of said minor, and all juterested in said óslate, are required toappearata Kaaion oí said Court, then to be holden at toe Probate OiBce in the city of Ann Arbor, and show causa il any thei-e be, wby tb prayer of the pêtitionel shouia not be And it u further ordered thst said petitioner sire notiee to the persons interested in said eatate, of tho pendency of said petition and the heaiins.' thereof by causmg a cpt of thrs order to be pubKahed in the MicmoAK á rgus, a nowspaper printed and circulated in eaid connty, ftree succensive week preTioua to said day of hearin WILLIAMD. HARKIMAN, fA true copy). Judge ol Probate Wm. O. Doïy, Probate Register Slierlff's Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY tsiF1" Charles F. Conrea vs. WnghtSpem Hpenuer. By viriue tg a writ of exeoutípn iwoed out of and nader tbo sea] oí the Circuit Courl tor the county of Washtenaw, in the above entitlf d canse, and to me directed and delivered, I did on the JSIh day of Januavy, A. D. 1879, lery upon all the right, title, amd : oi Wnght Spencer, onc of the deiendant th. ■■-. ui uiimed, in and to the iollowiuB descrihej real estáte, to wit: All thatcertain piece or paicel of land situated, lying, and beiog in !he city of iti, in ibe county of Washtenaw and State oí MMhisran, known and dcscribe.l as follo-m, namey : Beginning at a point on Hamilton strcet twenty 120; rods south of the northeast corner of lot fifty-nine (59) in II. W. Larzolere'a addition to the villageof Ypsilanti, thonce south on the line of Hamüton street thiity-two rotls, thence irest twenty rods, theneo north-thirty-two rods to the ifejt corner of land deeded to Adelade C Dodge, thence east on the line of saia Adclaac C. Dodgo to the plaoe of beginning, containin? four (4) acres of land, more or less. Wbirh above descnbed property I shall expoee for sale at public auetion to die highest bidder, at the north aoor of the Court Housö, in the city of Ann Arboi in said county ol Washtena-w and State oí Michigan (that bemg tlie place of holding the Circuit Court lor tha county of Washtenaw, wherein the said premisea aredtuatedlonthe Thelith bat of April. AD. 18,9, al one o'clock in the aftcrnoon of Baid dav DateJ, February2S, l7'i. J08IAH S. CASE, SberiC Clianeery Sale. rpHE CIRCUIT OOURT FOR THE COUNTY X of Washtenuw, in Chaneery. Aloxander Soulier, comjilainant, ts. Henry M. Phelps, defendant In pursnauec and by virtue of a decree of smid Conrt made and entered by said Court in ibe abore entitled cause, on the 12lhdayof November, A D 1878. NoUce is hereby given that I ehall sell at public aiidion, tothe hiühest bidder, on Monday the Hü: day of April, A. D. 1S79, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, :lt the front door of the County Clerk'i office, in the city of Ann Arbor, Couity oí Washtenuw, and Slate of Mkhlyon, said Connty Clerk'a office being the place deaignated by tho CSrcuit Judgo as the place for holding theCircnit Court for the Uounty of Washtenivw, theioHoirinir id real estáte, being the same mentioned Rnd deeenbed in said decree.and eitnate in tbo l'ownshipof Webster, Connty of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, to-wit: The east half of the southeast quarter of section thirty-two, and the west lialf of the west half ol the southwest qnarter of section tliirty-three, and tho sonthwest quarter ot the southeast guartei of section thirty-two, toivnslnp one, south range flve east, containing one. hundred and sixty acres of laad, more orless lebruaiy 21st, 187. „ „. JAMES McMMSÓN, Circuit Court Commissioner in and for tho County of Washtenaw, Michigan. A. D. CliANE, yolicitor lor Complainant. 3S Mortgage Sale. PlEFAULThaving been made in the conditions e. ■-' ' ■ certain mortgage mads and exccuted by 3j Dnnus S. YVood ind ]eborah 8. AVood to Emily s. Bon ton, and dated Julj tho iifteenth, A. D. 1876, 5 and recorded in tho oüico uf the Register ol Ieeda Ij of VYauhtoiiaw County, .State of Michigan, on the fiflecnth dayof July, A. D. 187S, in Li bei 44 of M.which nioitfrasre was duly ,. asslgnee by sakl Emily Eenton to üomstock F. 1, Hill, February lüth, 1S79, as per assignment recorI ded in said Registe office, in Liber 8 of assigne mcuts at paso 1 lii), and there being clainicd to be 0 due and unpaid on said mortgage and the irote acu oompanying tbc same at fhedute of tbis noüce, the .0 sum o: Two Thousand Sixty-Four and 74-1U0 Dol1_ lara (Y2,064.74), also an attorney's fee of ï wenty Five Dollars as provided for iu said mort?age, and no proceedings at laworin equity havijig buen taj ken to collect the sum or any part thereof. Now, s tberefore, notice is hereby given, that by virtue of a the power of sale in said niortgage eentained, und of thestahitein such caso made and pro-vided, I ,. shiill, on Tuesday, the thirtecnth day of May, A D. 1879, at ten o'clock A. 3t. of that dav, at the southdoorof the Clerk'a office, in the city of Ann Arbor, (that being the place designated for holdini. the Circuit Court for the Countj of Washtenaw,) sell at public auction or vendue, to the highest bidder, the piemi-t-s 'le.scrilud in Huid mortage or so - ranch thereoi as will be nocessary to satiafy said amountof mortgageaud note, together with said attorney'sfec ana all necessaiy costs and expenses c allowed by law, with the acornina interest at nine per ceut. Said premisos being described in said ' moi tsage as follows : The south west quarter of section twenty-flve, in township three, south oí range five east, containinpr one l.undred and sixty 5 ocres. C'O.M STOCK F. HILL, Dated, feb. 12, 1679. -P "WBcal Estáte for Sale. STATE OP MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washtenaw, ss. In thematter of theestate of Greorge Whiting, deceased. Notice is hereby giren, that in pursuunce of an ortler granted to the Uüdersigned executors of the estáte of siud (eorge Whiting bythe Hon. Judge of Probate for the County of iVashtenaw, on the tivelfthday of Februury, A. I). 187, there will bc sold at Public Venduo, to the highest bidder, at the front door of Ayiv's hotel in the villaje of Milan, in the County of Washtenaw, in said State, on Tuesday, the eighth day of April, A D. 187'j, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of tnat day (subject te all encumbranced by mortgage or otherwise existing at the time of the death oi said deceased or subequently made by his executors) the following ilescribed Real Estáte, to-wit: CommenciDg in the center of the highway which leads from Front street, villaje of Milan, southwesterly acrosa the Saline BiTer, at tho northeast corner of a parcel o( land at present owned by Josep]i Gauntlett, and conveyed to him by oae Alchin, and running fruía the'nee north thirty-Bix dettrees ulong theconter of said highway two (2 i chai lis and Diñe (9J links to the south line of said l-'ront street; thence north sixty-one degrees west along the south side of said Front street two (21 obains and twenty-threc(ii:jyiinks; thence outn ix (:B) degrees west parallel with first line two (2)eh;iins, niue (S) links; thtnee south sixtyone degrees east along the north line of the said Joseph Bauntlett's parcel two ('-'} chains and twenty-three (23) links to the place of bcginning, being the same parcel conveyed to tho late (ieorge Whiting trom Thomas Braman. Also, eommencing on the north liue of Front street, village of .Milan, at the southeast corner f the hotel lot conveyed to WUlia C. Ayres by Thomas Braman by deed, reOOrded December IU, 1S77. in Liber 86, on page 844 and running from thence south sixtj -one de;ree mg tfie the north line of said Front street oue hundred and thirts'-two feet to the Southwest corner of a parcel couveyerl by deed from Harrison (i. Vooiheia and Francis Whiting to Dnvid Blackmor, and rocordedin Liher 81, on page 570, and thence north twenty-Dine degrees east along the west line of said Blackmer's parcel one hundred feet :o the south line of said Ayres hotel lot; thence north sixty-one degrees west along the line of saioj Vyreslot one hundred andthirty-two feet; thenoo south twenty-nine degrees west along the line of said Ayres parool to the place of beginning, lying and being on the south sido of lot number one, village of Milnn. Edwards plat. lioth parcela being on the west half of the southeast quarter of section thirty-five, town f bur Boutb ranga six cast, York, "Washtenaw County, Michigan. Datcd, February 12, 1S7'O HARIUSON G. VOORHEIS, FRANCIS WHITING, Kxecutors. Estáte of lanïel Vaiighn. STATE OF' MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washtenaw, SS. At a session of the ProbatO Couri i'nr the County of Wushk'naw, holden at the I tëBce in the city of Aun Arbor, on Thursday, the thirteenth' day of March, in the year onO thousand eight hundred and seventy-Dine. Present, William I. Harriman, Juaga of Probate; In the matter of the estáte of Daniel Vaugím,. 1. Eliza Kelly, adminlstratrix of said estate, comes into court and hut ahe isilow prepared to xender her final account as such administratrice. Th ere u pon it is ordurcd, that Wetinesday, tho1 DÍnthday of Aprü next, at Len oelock in the foreuoon, be assigned for examining and allowing sueh aecouat.aüd that the heira at law of sald deeeased, and aU other persons interèsted insaid estáte, are required to appeara! a session of suW oourt, then tor be lioMeu at ue Probate ( utico in the city of AnnArbor, in said connty, and show cause, ilany ther be, why the sald account should not he auoweds Andit is furtherorderedMhatsald administratrix ',ivc not Ice to the persons In teres ted in aaïd estáte, if the pendency of said account and the hearing :hereof, by causiug :i c-ojiy oí thifl order to be pub[shi ñ i- vN Abgus, a ni'wspaper print■iJaml ei ' -Lid couuty, tluec succeasive ,vtvká previoue to Bald ilay of hearing. [A truecopy] W1LLIAM 1). 1IAUKIMAN, Judge oí Pxobate. Vm, Q. Poty, Probate Ilegiater.


Old News
Michigan Argus