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Real Estate Transfers

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POK WEEK ENDINO SATUKDAY. - QyriTCLAIM. Mary E. Stevens to Noah Stevens.- Villago lot in Saline for f 1,500. Jas. MoMahon and Ricbmond Decker to A. S. and J. Field. Land in Manchester for $290. John W. Cowan to Green Cowan. 115 acres in Sharon for $200. "WAKRANTY. Luther E. Allen to Stephen D. Allen. Land in Ann Arbor for $1,100. Martin Eckerish to John G. Gotts.- Land in Augusta for $150. John Costello to Thos. and J. McGuinness. Land in Dexter for $1,000. Jonah S. Child3 to Chas. Dass. 10 acres in Augusta for $225. Josïah Childs to J. Selyin Childs.- 10 acres in Augusta for $200. Chas. P. Walker to John Smith: 40 peres in Salem for $2,300. G. W. and F. L. Pairbrathin to Lewis E. Ohilds. Village lot in Ypsilanti for 1720. John Vanhouton to Geo. "W. Warn.- Land in Salem for $275. Noah Stevens to Mary E. Stevens.- Land in Lodi for $1,600. John Alber to Augustus W. Britton. Little less than one acre in Cholsea for $1,200. Harriet S. "Wait to John Field. Land in Manchestor village for $200. A. W. Britton to John Alber. 82 1-2 aores in Sharon for $2,700.