Real Estate Transfers

POK WEEK ENDINO SATUKDAY. - QyriTCLAIM. Mary E. Stevens to Noah Stevens.- Villago lot in Saline for f 1,500. Jas. MoMahon and Ricbmond Decker to A. S. and J. Field. Land in Manchester for $290. John W. Cowan to Green Cowan. 115 acres in Sharon for $200. "WAKRANTY. Luther E. Allen to Stephen D. Allen. Land in Ann Arbor for $1,100. Martin Eckerish to John G. Gotts.- Land in Augusta for $150. John Costello to Thos. and J. McGuinness. Land in Dexter for $1,000. Jonah S. Child3 to Chas. Dass. 10 acres in Augusta for $225. Josïah Childs to J. Selyin Childs.- 10 acres in Augusta for $200. Chas. P. Walker to John Smith: 40 peres in Salem for $2,300. G. W. and F. L. Pairbrathin to Lewis E. Ohilds. Village lot in Ypsilanti for 1720. John Vanhouton to Geo. "W. Warn.- Land in Salem for $275. Noah Stevens to Mary E. Stevens.- Land in Lodi for $1,600. John Alber to Augustus W. Britton. Little less than one acre in Cholsea for $1,200. Harriet S. "Wait to John Field. Land in Manchestor village for $200. A. W. Britton to John Alber. 82 1-2 aores in Sharon for $2,700.
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Old News
Michigan Argus
Mary E. Stevens
Noah Stevens
James McMahon
Richmond Decker
A. S. Field
J. Field
John W. Cowan
Green Cowan
Luther E. Allen
Stephen D. Allen
Martin Eckerish
John G. Gotts
John Costello
Thomas McGuiness
J. McGuiness
Jonah S. Childs
Charles Dass
Josiah Childs
J. Selyin Childs
Charles P. Walker
John Smith
G. W. Fairbrathin
F. L. Fairbrathin
Lewis E. Childs
John Vanhouton
George W. Warn
John Alber
Augustus W. Britton
Harriet S. Wait
John Field
A. W. Britton