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- It is legal to ni'irry hrst cousins in lichigan butiiot in New York and Ohio. - Pnncess Lonie, weaiy of Canad , will presen tly go ucross tho water to ee hpr mams. - Tho state of M line furnishpd the rade over thrce niillion ''pure Havana ignrs" last yeiir. - Tho Chioago Telcgraph hopos tho romiied muv lifo of Ben Butler will be etter than liis present ooo. - Orville Grant, brothor of the exVesident is now Roplesily insana alhongli he is ailowcd bis Hberty. - Ex-Postmaster General Cresswell 's ons of the app'icanta for the vacant Jnitcd States jildgeship in M ■iryland. - Tha Cinoinnati Enquir&r remarks that the election of Kmdill fr Rpeakor was not n viotory for Allen G. Tiiurmu'i . - kan. Otia, of Xorwich, CK, has let't a will giving hia niillion and a quarter to rffligioui ol'j''cts, and there oro no signsofaoonteatyet. Somethiug wrong hpre. - T-o yonng men in Wiscoosin have done a profituljle business by buyinc; wolfscalps in Chicago and presenting heru to the Wisconsia state authoritit 8 'or tho bountj'. - Gov. Hubbard of Connecticut, makr s 10 moveraent to look up the whereabouts of his danghtcsr and her coachdriving husband, and in his family she s to be trealed as one dead. - The BifFilo Expresa prophesies thal notwilhtitanding tho bitterness of Tarnman5' Hall ngainst Tilden, the entire institution will be voting and rruov,iDg for the old gentleman soine rnonths heneo Xt Charlotte, N. C Miss Sallie Hil lard, a beautiful girl of 17, has sued her cousin, Alfred Ilargreaves, for breach of proniise, fixing the valué of woe ai $250 000. The tar heel girla are high prieed. - C.ipt. E. B. Allen, of Harwichpnrt M-isa , whohascommanded vesselsdnrinpr 30 consecutivo year3, and is now only uG is said to have never drank a glass o liqnor, never used tobáceo, never utterec au oath.played a game of cards or tirec a pistol.


Old News
Michigan Argus