Real Estate Transfers
FOB WEEK ENDINO SATUltDAY. - QUITCLAIM. John S. Coy to Chas. E. Coy. Land in Scio for. $1,950. Patrick Gibnty to Patrick Gibney. - Undivided interest in land in Northfield for $35. Ann Coy to Leonard C. Rodman. - Land in Lima for $1,500. WARRANTY. Geo. W. Carr to Win. M. Sinith. - Land in Ypsilanti for $3,060. Julius Gr. Rhodes to Milo M. Rouse.- 9 1-2 aores in Salino for $300. Jesse Lyon to Washington Wallaoe. Land in Saline for $778. Hiram S. Hall to Frederick Koder. - 57 aores in York for $12,000. Asher C. Taylor to Wni. H. Bpssac. - Land in Manchester for $1,000. Christian Gensley to Frederick Stolsteiiner. 40 acres in Lodi for $1,520. Philip Clark to Samuel Auglemyre. - 80 acres in Bridgewater for $300. Caroline G. Haramon to Rosina M. Engle. Land in Manchester for $300. Charles H. Wines to John C. Winans. Chelsea village lot for $1,000. Martin Conway to Margaret Conway. Village lot in Chelsea for $450. Frederick Koeder to Herman F. Roehtu. 50 acres in Bridgewater lor $2,742. Fred Koeder to Joseph Gansz. Land in Bridgewater for $2,250. Louis Hanke to Oscar Stuffy. Land in Ypsilanti city for $150. Esther Day to Wm. Day. Land in Ypsilanti city for $800. Auditor General to Hudson T. Morton. Pareéis of land in Sharon, Ann Arbor and Pittfield sold for taxes. Esther Day to Wm. Day. Land in Ypsilanti township for $2,500. Joseph Horen to Mirón W. Fish. - Land in Salem for $350. John Gumpper to John M. Gumpper. Land in Manchester for $412.50. Geo. Renwick to James Renwick. - Land in Northfield for $900. Jas. J. Burker to Maria L. Barker. - Land in Ann Arbor for $1,000. John Strehle to Geo. Armbruster. - Land in Lodi for $1,500. Asam Laing to John Laing. Land in Saline for $100. John Geo. Klarger to Christian Klarger. 20 acres in Scio for $700. Jacob Heinznian to Emanuel G. Beek. Land in Scio for $4,900. Ann M. Ward to James Beckwith. - Land in Sylvan village for $100.
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Old News
Michigan Argus
John S. Coy
Charles E. Coy
Patrick Gibney
Ann Coy
Leonard C. Rodman
George W. Carr
William M. Smith
Julius G. Rhodes
Milo M. Rouse
Jesse Lyon
Washington Wallace
Hiram S. Hall
Frederick Koder
Asher C. Taylor
William H. Bessac
Christian Gensley
Frederick Stollsteimer
Philip Clark
Samuel Auglemyre
Caroline G. Hammon
Rosina M. Engle
Charles H. Wines
John C. Winans
Martin Conway
Margaret Conway
Frederick Koeder
Herman F. Roehm
Joseph Gansz
Louis Hanke
Oscar Steffy
Esther Day
William Day
Hudson T. Morton
Joseph Horen
Miron W. Fish
John Gumpper
George Renwick
James Renwick
James J. Barker
Maria L. Barker
John Strehle
George Armbruster
Adam Laing
John Laing
John George Klager
Christian Klager
Jacob Heinzmann
Emanuel G. Beck
Ann M. Ward
James Beckwith