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- Jackson bad a heavy fall of snow ast vveok. - Jaokson proposes another excursión to Lausiug on the 17th instant. S.ijoumerTrnth is a losidcnt of Battle Croek, and is 104 ysara of age. Hülsdale's Red Ribbon olub'slibrary and fixtures brought $S0 at sheriff's sale. - The Kalamazao water-works wero run bist year at a net profit of 120 to the village. -Jackson elected Jnsoph Mabley, Dam., mayor, the remaining oandilates boiug llepublioins. Detroit has made iip her mind shu uiusi bafe a bridge or tunnel across the rivur and that promptly. The Ilollister divoroe case at Battle Creek has ended iu sevenug tlie marital relations existing between Mr. and : Mrs. HollUter. Kitty Burko shot her lover WilliMB Champ, it ia supposed fatiilly. The scène of the oocurrenon is at Oaondaga, about 15 milos írotn Kilamazoo. - There is one advantage of being a pauper in Jackson. You can get y.our iüimo in the papers once a. month thereby and have the world know how little j'ou havo livod on. - Ernest V. Giiffin of Albion, a lad of 15, while carelessly handling a pistol was accidentally shot through the left hand. A pistol is suoh a real nice plaything for a boy ! - "VVilliam H. Simpson, a Grass Lake farmer, has been arrested on a charge of obtaining a $600 thrashing machine under falso pretenses from George Kellogg, of Eaoine, Wis. - Five Toledo gentlemen offer their nnoccupied reul estáte for cultivation or pasturage, provided that horses, cattle, hogs and geese shalLbe prohibited froai running in the streets. -John J. Sidway, who took $8,000 in cash to Lansing a few years ago and entered into the grocery business, has made an assigninent. Jacob Walz, njerchaut tailor bus also nssigned. - Representativo Kuhn, of Wayncr county, says that when he was a justice of the peace he rn arriad 386 conples, and 300 of them afterward separated. Oue ehudders to thiuk of the kind of huraanity ho operated upon ! A Toledo Germán lady, named Dahn aged 60, aocording to a letter just re ceived froru Liebeck, Germany, has fallen heir to $1,200,000. The story appears to be well founded and tha old lady i happy. Hope it is true. -Dr. Geo. Fos'er obtained a judg ment of $1,500 against Jas. E. Scripps of the Datroit Xeics, for libel, in Bfkying that he was responsible for the death of two children, in his use of the " deadly trocar" tor vaccination purposes. - Willard of the Battle Creek Journal got over his soft moaey notions about the time he failed to get aoiainatio to congress from the Greenbackers, arid flopped back into the Kepublican party the other night and noniinated Chandler for President. -Last December Fanny Wickham of Adrián left Peter, her husband. She got adivorce, March 12th, and beeauie Fauny A. Hyatt. Peter pined for Fanny, Fanny pitied Peter, and in eight daythey again joined forces, aucl will after support coalition. - Eobt. P.Navarre of Newport, Monroe county, has been arrested for obtaining money under false pretenses.- It is claimed that, as town treasurer, he put anian's name on the tax roll and collected taxns from hiin when he had not been legally asseSsed. _Eev. I. N. Goggshall, present presiding eider of Coldwater Methodist Episcopal Churoh district, died Sunday I morning of ehronic diarrhea, wbich was contracted in the Union aroiy while I he was chaplain. He was 09 yeara of %ge, and one of the ablest Methodist ministers ia the State. - Gossipers linked the name of a prominent Marshall divino withthat of a good and virtuous lady in a most shameful manner. Investigation proves that the whole yarn was made of whole cloth, and that some one's swivel-Joinfed tongue did a piece of dirty work that must have made Satan rejoico. - J. Moyer, a wealthy farmer residing in the township of Dundee, Monroe county, left the village for home on the 3d, and was lastseen alivenear the railroad bridge orossing the Maoon. On the uth his body was found a short dis I tance from the brtdge. Liquorisbelieved to have been at the bottom of the matter. He leaves several ohildren. The ïecumseh Iferald says that one mili in Tecumseh, on Friday, March 28, filled an order for flour for Sligo, Ireland, i wbich was to be delivered ia New York City on one train and thence by ooean I stuamer aoross the Atlantic. Therewore 2,291 barrels of flour put up in saoks and 250 barrels, a total of 2,544, and filling twenty freight cars. This grist was ground out in less than ten days, but tbe mili was running twenty-four hours each day. This was the largest shipment ever made from Teeumseh, and the freight, whioh was paid in advance, was (999 34.


Old News
Michigan Argus