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LEGAL ÑOTICES. ,:1f of vnillam Iiiulcr. TATj: OF MICHIGAN, COTTNTY O ol Wushteniiw. Ai u sossionof the I'mbiit Uourtfov the Countj of Wnshtenttw. hoWcn ut tlio . ii the Cli oi Ann Albor, m Thursdsj. tli" twentj seventh doy I Mareo, n 1 eigbt bandied and Btventjiií. Willinm líHarriman, Judíeof t'r ate. In tli" matter cl fho estáte oí Willlara Uindc-r.-i, Ou reaSing and flliug the rctition, duly TMnnc) ,f Mary Ann Lauder, piayiug ttmt a m-rtHiii iiv ■ntnowon H!" n tilia eonit, puip ning tx tii; the l;if t wiil iitid testament ol aid deWHsea, adniiited to Pro 'te und thtt he muy li apnointed ex ecutor tfoereof. Tlui.iipon it iaorderwl.lliat McmdaT.tln gn- . ei Aj(ril ní.'Xt, at ten u'elock 'ni tli? forenooititaasigfidforthelieHrinirirfsBidpetitiot, andthuttrwd ite, unil Ueir ut lw of siiu) decimsed, and mi ot.hci pprsans LntMesled ín ■,t are rjnired lo itimiutiiI n sersion ot na ■ ,- n to be holden 1 the l'robute iittice ín The i,n Arbor, mil show curoi-. if theri' bir, why t lie pranr uí tle petitiuner should Mil b griiiaeil; A4 it ís Inrther ordered tlt saii! peti-" v.' noüce ti thc persona IntcípgtoU iimii'J estáte, ui the peade-ney ot suid petilion, imc' tho of, ijy ntminí ■ enpyof this ortk't to bepnbliábed i Uie Michioar Atura, i1"priuted and eirculnted in snid oouñtynrw ríuceeaejve weeks pievKma to hid J'iy 01 heurniKWILUAJí I). HARRÏMAN. IA tnio oopy.i Jmltcu oï i róbate. Dort, Probate RegtoeT. Estáte of ThoBM fox. OTATE OF M1OH.1GA.N", OOUNTlT 0 of Wuihtunaw, s. Af ,i session of tl. e l'nib-iio , oort ,,.. , of V," whteuav?, holdon it tho Piobiite Office in the city of nn Ailwr. on Tourrlay. t)ie twnty-sw8Ui dar at Muroh, in bu ynil one thoaaand elgln huiiiied nd seventy-ninft i. Williaiu O. Urrimn,.ludKeui rrobate. ín kbe matter of tbe estille of 'i liin ib i ox, ü- V.ii:mi Wehb, aflnmiiatratrix triüi the "will nnqexedof sid estat, come into court and reprentsthat She is unrw preparad to rcuder litr lioaJ il as och sdmiuutiatrïz. Thereuöon it la orëered, tbal WededT. the Iweñtr-thlrd dnyof April i.cxi.ot ten o'clock intlio forenoon beftssigneS tor examining and nllowlna uol cooun1 nd that the devlsees, k-g;itees and heirs at la of sald .l.-t-cascd, and all otlicr person interasn'il in sald estáte, k requiied to appi-av 1 a sí--:!! oíüáil crairi, the to bejuúden ai tfce Probate Office d theclty at Aub á.rborlnsidcouhtv and show caiwe, ff wiy there t-c why thesaul inount shoald mX be allowed : And it ij r, ordered thai 8M dmioiBtrattlï to the ,, said estáte, oí the pendency or tid aeconnt and the hénlos thermT, by emualuK acopv of tMs order to be pubüsbed in the Mtcm! sam íboOT a nRWBpaperprinted aDd clrculatlng In s-iid eounty, three successire -Beek previons to saiüday f 'nhUAyl „. HABRIMAK, f Mroi copy.) J'"ige of Prolmte. Wm. (. Dott, Probate Register. ?'"_ SlierffTs Salí-. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY 55 of Waibtanw, .ss. Charje F. toni-ad v. WriahtSpencei and Grove Spencer By vu-tui" o! awlit of exi-cutiuu issued O'lt o and under the sckI oí the Circuit Clourl tor the county of :ihtenuiv iu the bove entitled cause, and to me directer] and delivered, 1 (lid or ihe IStíi öny .f Junu-irv A D 1879, levy iiron atl the risfht, tiMe, ana interest of Wright Spencer, ore of the defenilunr therein named, in and to tfce l.illuwine cknhert real estáte, to wit : Alltfcntertiiinpiee M parcel of land situAted, lying, mul Deing in tlie cuy of i YpBÍlanti. in the oeunty of Wahtenw and btnte oi HicWwn knOTD mul .- tullows, namely : ettiiiuing ot a poinl ui IlaniUtoii stn'et twenly (Oj rods snuth of the northe:ii curner of lot fifty-nine (59) i" JI.W. Lafaelere's addition to the of Ypsil.mti, thinco soul on the line of U.mi'ion street thiity-two roda, tl.enc wrat rods, thence porth-thirtj-two rod. u na ,,st corner of land deeded to AdelmSe C. Uodge thente eat on tlieline of fiiiil Aueide O. 10 the pi ce or bogiiming, containing tour a of land, more or leas. Which above deBciibed property 1 shnll expose for sale ut public miei ion to the higbest bidder, at the north door of tbeCoort Houae-, in th iny of Ann Arbiw m t.nd U"ntvot WnBhteni-wandStaleol Michignn fthjt beinythe plneeof holding tlw Circuit Oourt lor tha c.mnty ut Waslitenaw, wherein rhe said prunipest I ai-e fitua'.ed) onthe ïwehth wï of Apkil, A" 1) 187 al oneo'clock inihe ait.rnooii oï said day. Cnaneery nup. TUF. CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE COUXTY of Gliiinceiy. Alexamler houlkr. complainait, Heniy Jl. rhelps.deíendant. ín pursuance and by virtue ot a decree ot saiJ Coort madu and entena] by iwid Court ii ihe aí-ove enütled cause, on the Kthday ot ovemter, A. . 1878. Nolice je beiebv given that I hall sel! at nubíío aucllón.tothe highest bidder; o Monriay. le14t .layof Apvil, AL). 1878, at eleveDo in tli"f"i-ciií'n. "I '!' front duorot the Couiity Clerk's office, in tlio city of Aun A.bor, Cour.ty of Walbtemwad State oi Micbteén, JutliíO as the place for holding theCiicuit Conrt íor tlie i.ounty of Wshtenaw, tlietoUowinB descrined real etote,befcg ihe sume mentí.. m-a ond deaoribed in said decree, ana rtuate in the TowMhwof W.tetn.County ot Wasbtenaw ana State of Michigan, to-rit: The cast half of the sootheast anartw of saction tbirty-fo, and tliB weatbalf öi the wert half ol tlie southwst quarler of ection tiurty-triTf e. and the BOBthweat quartorof theBOUtheaal quartet ot scctiun tlurty-two, township nne.Bonth range vo iaat, ooBtaimoB onehun rtsof land, more or lesa. JAMES Mc.11 ui-. ■-,-, Circuit Court Commisioncr in and for the Countyof Waahtenaw, Michigan. A I). CRANK, i-olieitur for C ■ Mortgage SaJ. DEFATJTVTbaïing been made in the conditioii of actrtaln moTtgage made and exeouled by Darh.s B.WoodBd KWh 8. Wood te Jlmily BtBOD,Dd dated Julj the Ilfteenlli, A. r. .lfwt, and recordiSJ in the office of the Hygistef 01 Deed of WashtenawCounty, State of Jlictalfcafi, on the üfleenth dv of July, A. D. 18ïf, in hibei 44 of mottjaie, 344, wbicb morlgage_wadnlT asaigiel by said Emily Beuti i" üontoc i ■ llill Febiunry lOth, 1879. as per assignnient iccorded 'in Biakt office, i" Llbm 0 of nstign: monta at page 169, and there being clmiued to b due ana unpaid on said mortnic '"' the noto ncI compaoying thesame t thedate ot sum o: Two Ihousand Sixty-lour nnd ,4-1 u Dollar.-, (2.004.74), alao an nttorney's fee of TwentyFiw Dollar as provided tor in said mortsage, anil ,„. T.iwf.dmL:siit laworin equity liaving been U1 ken tn collect tnesuiu ur any p-irt thtreoi. ow, tlierefure, notice is liereby s"". '■"' ' Tirtne of the power of snle in said raortrige ccnt.nnt,], ana of thestntutein sueh cuse mude and providet: x li-ill on Tucsdav, tlic thnteenth daj of May, A. D.l9at ten o' A. M. of ih,.t d,.y. at the outl. door of the Clerk's office, in the city of flnn Athor, (that beifcg the place designated lor holding the Circait Cour for the Countj of Washtonaw.) sell at public auction or vcndue, to the hignest Diader theviemisesdeswüud in suid mortjiige or o much tluieol as wili be necessary to satisfy said amountof mortcriise and note, together with taid attorney'sfeeHtidall necessary cosls and expense I allowed by Uw, with the aceruin? interest ut. linie per cent. Said p.mises being desciibed m said -i-tion tweñty-üve, h. townshíp tïiree, sonth oí rnna-i five east, coutaini's one l.undred and siïty acres. CO-J STOOK F. HIIL, Asgnoe oí Mortgage. Dated, Feb. 12. 1879. _i___ Lstate of Frëderic lerner. OTATE OF MiOHIGAlN, COUNTT O ol WrtShtenaw, ss. At a. aession of . . rrobato Court fcr the County of WaEhtenaw, hold. at the Probate Office in the city of Aun Arbor. nuidar the twonty-ninth day of Mare, in the ;t.aT oi tliousand evl.t huudrid ana sei-eaty-mno. Present, William D. Harriman. ,)udue of Probat, l,i th matter of the esiate of iredenca Gemer, deceased. „ .. , . ChliBtian Mack, adrainistrator of said estáte, comes into court and representa that hc is now prepaTed io render his final account as snch admiuisUThereupon it isonJercd, tkt Tuesday the twenty-iinthday of April neit. at t?n otW to tl.o forenoou, bc rasignea nr kiu - ■-■■-■ - such account, and that the heirs at law of said derend and aílother pereons intwested 10 said estáte, are required to aj.pear at a session uf sald Court. then to be holden at the Probate Office in the cityoVAnn Arbor in said county, and show cause if anv there be, why the said account should pot be allowed: And it is further ordereá said administralor sive notice to the persons interesten in Lid estáte, Sf the pendency of said na the hewins tbèreoi bv randng a copy of this ordei tobe publiïbed in the'MiCHIOAB Argus, a newjpanerprintedandcirculatingin said coimtv, three Lceessive weeks PLD%Sffl3} (A trae copy.) Judge of Probate. Wm. G. Doty, Probate Register. . Keal Estáte for Sale. CÍTATE OF MICHIGAN, OOJJHÏI UI VVA'uStaua, ss. In the matter of the estáte of Jlnr aretta I Donuelly, a minor. ïotice " }"'T g"L, that in punmance of an order granted to the ïmdersigned, guardián of said minor, bv the Hou. -e o? Prooate for the count, of Washtenawon ïhe Int day of April, A. D 1879 there will be sola at pui lic vemlue, to tlie lughest hirtder. at the eart door of the Court House in Ann Arbor, in the county of Washtenaw in s.vid State, on BiTOAT. tb Snvi.Mi fstu DAT op May, A. D. Wirt ten o'dockintheforeneejiof b(t aay (suhjcct to al) enéumbvmces by morljrage or existmg at ie t' e S the sale), all the right, tille, and mierest of said minor in and to the following desenbed re, lest te to wit: AUthat ccrta.n tract or pareeï óf land situated in the city of Ann Arbor and rm.nty of Waihtenair, known, boonded, and desc nbed asfollows, viz: The north oiw-lhlrf of lot num, bcr si'ven (7) in 1,1 k number two C) north of range nuinber three caat in said city. Dated, Apriy 79 rine WALgH GvLKTdia Estáte of Williain A. Jones. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COITNTY of Wasbtenaw. ss. At a session of the Probate Uonrt for the Cnnity of Washtennw holden at the Probat Office, in the ily of Ann Arbor, o Satnrday the WinVy-ninth day of Marón, in the yeai one' thouaand eiglu lmndrcd and seventy-nine. Présent WilHsmD.Hairimun.JudBi-oi Probate. LThe mauer of the est .te of William A. Jones, deOn"cu ding and MiOf the petitkm nly yerifiea ol Lorenzo H. Jones, praytog that acerlain instrument now on flle in this Court, purporting to be the HstWill nnd Te.tamenl of aaid deceased, may be admitted to probate, and that ne may be appomted e3Tnerëuponriiuaordered, that Monday. the twenty eighth díiy oí April next, at ten o'clock in th foroon, be assigned for the heannï ot gaid pctiioñ and that thedevisees, losatetsand heirsut law ot said deceusid, and uil ot her persons interested in said estáte, are requireá to appear at a session of aaid court, then to be holden at thePr 'te OfflCB in the city of Ann Arbor, and show canse, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner ahould not be granted : Ana it is further orderei1 that said petitioner givo notice to the persons iiterested in said estáte, of ttic pendeney of said petition b1 the heniinff thereof, by oausing a copy oí this order to b Dublishcd in the Mioma Arbus, newspnper minted and eiroulated in said county, three sucUve weeks to [N, (A. Uue copy.) Juáge oí Probate, Wm. Q. Dotr. Probate KeRtater,


Old News
Michigan Argus