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_The Saviugs bank wiÜ be removed t0 iu new looation on Saturday next. __R. E. Frazer wül speak at the Opera House Hei Ribbon meeting next Sun.--Annual eleütion of the Ladiea Library Association next Mondy at 2:30 P' Annual eleotion of theFire Department Saturday evening, April 12 at S o'clock. -The way Gen. Ulark ran for justice of the peaoe shows that he ia the most jxipuUr Democrat in the city. -The Pomological Society and Fartners' club wiü meet Saturday at the coort house, when papers vvill be read by J uil ge Harriman 9üd BeV. B. Dy. - OwiDg to the electiou on lust day the regular uionthly ingpeoUpn drilt öf Comp&uy A was postponed for oue week, and will ucour next Monday evening- -John Andrus U. Weiss, of Saginaw City, aged 13 years, died at the Hospital Saturday, of inflaiuuiation of the lungs, and bis reuiaius were taken home Mon-Michael Horrigan, whom Sheriff Case escorted to Jankson, there to reroain tbree years for burglary, served one term before for selling obscene publicatioüs. _If the boys can't vote, they can have bon fires. Boxea and barrels in erabic uumki o r-.ti..r.rt to asües on Monday evening amid the yells of incipient vof.ers. -Mr. J. Volland receivod an order on Friday for a single harneas from Mr. Wm. P. Macomber ot' Swansoa, formerly a resident of this state andnow member of the Massaohusetts legislature. -At the auotion sale on Saturday of the building heretofore used by the county clerk and register of deeds, it was bid in by Mr. J. Volland for $51.50 and afterward sold to Mr. Chas. Kitson for $55. -Tomas Long plead guilty before Justice Clark, one day last week, of being drunk and disorderly, andreceived afiae of $5 and costs of prosecution, in default of wbich he boards at the county's expense fifteen days. - Ilarris vs. Smith, et al. About a house and lot in Hilan, decided by the supreme court in favor of defendants. - A. J. Sawyer for coniplainant, and D. Crainer for defendants. Judge ington'8 decisión affirmed. - Protection Fire Company, Thursday evening of last week, elected the following offioers for the ensuing year : Foreuian, Sorg ; first assistent, Theodore Taylor ; second assistant, Gilbert Mclutyre; third assistant, Christopher Matthews; seoretary, Daniel W. Flynn ; treiisurer, Charles H. Worden ; ■wardens, J. Collins, John Wasser, James Carroll, and Johii M. Slater; steward, Jauies Atkinson. The aunual election of Ann Arbor Commandery No. 13, K T., took place last week, when the following officers were elected : C. H. Richmoud, E. C; John N. Gott, Gen.; Michael J. Noyes, C. G.; W. D. Harriuian, Prelate ; W. M. Lee, Secy.; F. Sorg. Treas ; M. Fleminsr, S. W.; Chas. S. Millo, J. W. J ITiiya. S. B.; E. A. D.vison, S. B ; J. P. Little, War.; M. S. Davison, Cumiuissary. - The opening of the Toledo railroail has given the farmeis of this sectioQ additional facilities for the marketiug of their produots. At tlie Toledo depot Messrs. Treadwell and Osbortie are paying out about $1,800 daily for wheat, purchasing about thatnuinber ot busti els. Sinoe they began business last autumn they have purchas;d 143,000 bushels, thereby puttiug alargeamount of money into circulation. ïhis firm are offering 98 cents to $1 tUis week.


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