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A. shooting affray occurred on March 30th at ?. Btephensville, Texas. Messrs. Roas, Keith and ' Bobinson, attempting to serve a writ oí arrest on one Haliday, were Bhot and killed. Three othcrs were wounded. Another fight followed, resulting in the death of two others. Hali day, with his followers, were surrounded in a barricade house, bat repulsed all efïorts to dislodge them. The sheriff and posse have lef t tor the scène. The Great Western Eailway passenger station, Banfield's refreBhment saloon, the American Express Companv's and Montreal Telegraph Company's offices at Buspension Bridge burnëd Wednesday. Loss, $30,000. The extensive rendering establishment of Bwift & White, Barren lsland, bnrned Wednesday morning. Loss, f 150,000; no insurance. The Pennsylvania Legislature is considering a biü to adjust the liabüities of the Pittsburg - railroad riot. An amendment proposing to reduce the liabüities to three million, to name a new commission, and to provide that no money be paid until the Bupreme Court has decided the act to be constitutional, was defeated in the house by a vote of 103 to 92. The Beeretary of the Treasury has issued a cali f or the redemption of ten millions of 5-20 honda of 1865 and consols of 1867. The Becretary of the Treasury has issued a cali for the balance of the 5-20's of 1867, also a cali for all the 5-20's of 1868. This closes the whole of the series of 5-20 bonds. Tbe two calis amount to $59,565,700. The aggregate calis, including those since January 1, amount ■ to 349,5ü5,700, making the annual saving ot interest $6.991,314, No further subscriptions will be received for 4 per cent. bonds, except for $10 oertificates, until further notice. The fact that the Germán mission was offered to Whitelaw Reíd, editor of the New York Tribune, last December, seems to have been one of the best kept official Becrets whioh the present administration has had. Madame Patterson-Bonaparte died at Kaltimore, Friday afternoon, at a little past 1 o'clock. A hard freeze at Charleston, B. C, Friday night seriously damaged the early vegetable eropB. The loss to "truck farmers" around Charleston is estimated at $250,000. CeBsius and Wilbur Colby, members of the celebrated flrm ot that name which failed in Ionia under such dark circumstances three vears ago, are reported to íied f rom Florida to Cuba on account of simelar speculations. The total loss of the flre at Philadelphia on Sunday morning is estimated at $750,000, tributed among sooie forty tirms, and ïncluding a number of dwellinf; houBes. The fire deetroyed the five-etory building on the corner of Crown and Race Btreets, a five-Btory building eorner nf Fourth and Ra-e, Nos. 212, 214, and 218 Fourth Btreet, the four-story building on the corner of Kace, Nos. 402, 404,400,408,410, 412, 414, 416, 418 and 420 Race street; Nos 170, 168, 166, 164, and 141 Fourth atreet were aleo badly damaged, and the roof a of thetwo buildings on ArohBtreet, below Third, were buined. Albert Fruh was killed, and Frederick Fruh, Samuel Dunlap, and Jamen Baxter, severely injured by falling walls. Dunlap is the foreman of engine No. 24, and Baxter asnistaut engineer of the fire departmcnt. Prof. Daniel Vaughn,wellknown throughout the United Statee and Europe as an astronomer, linguïst and mathemattcian, died in the Cincinnati hospital Sunday, aged 58. A fire in St. Louis on Saturday destroyec property to the amount of nearly f500,000. Indiana who are beheved to be stragjjliiijr Sioiix and Gros Ventres fiom the north are raiding the Yellow Stone Valley. They ran all the whitea in the vioinity of Terry'a Landing, on the YellowBtone, into the military post, and eaptured all the hoises and cattle. Johnston fc Stearu's Lome, in the valley, wan attftcked by aeven Indians, Johnston killed, and Stearns badly woundcd. Another band of Indiana ran off all the atagc stock. Troopa have becu sent out from Fort Custer, and two companics go from Fort Keogh in pursuit. A Marshalltown, Ja.,special aays that a terrible doublé tragedy occurred at OifEord, a small station on the Iova Central Railroad. John Peil, station agent, 19 years old, deliberately shot Miss Robbina, bis lady friend, through the heart twice, then telegraphed for the railroad officials to send another operator up, as lie was going to kill himself. Öhortly at'ter he fired two shots into his abdomen, and ia now in a dying condition. The girl wa a most estimable daughter of a prominent mercliant. No cause is anaigned. A special from Jefferson, Tex., aays that last Saturday, at twilight, at Mt. Vernon, Eobert Morgan, whom the sheriff lef t in charge of the jail, was assassinated by six men, who, after murdering Morgan, attepted to rescue the prisonera, but the door resisted their efforts, and being lired on by citizens, they were compelled to take to their horsea and eacape. The citizens threatened to burn the jail and prinones in retaliation ; but were prevailed on to deai&t. A special from Wichita, Kansas, atatea that news thought reliable reached there Tuesday that the Cheyenne Indians are on the war-path. They broke away from camp and atarted in the direction of western Kanaas. Agent Milla and an army offioer who went to remonstrate were ordered to leave. A letter has been received by Archbishop Purcell from Cardinal Simeoni, secretary to the Pope, declining to accept the Archbishop's resignation on account of his long serviceB to the church. The Archbishop was inatructed to select a coadjutor with a right of succession to the sec of Cincinnati. A bilí has been introduced in the Pennsylvania House appropriating $250,000 for the relief af the widowB and orphana of those killed in the Pittsburgh riot.


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