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LEGAL NOTICES. Chancery Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN. THÉ UÍBCTJIT COÜKE k Itor the ('oiiniy oí WaahtenaW- in Chancar;. Luther James, eomnlainan . vs. Martin Rj&n Cafherine líyan, aud Zum I. King, defendíate! Ín aursuance and by virtue oí a üemeeot saidcour) niiiiii ana eotefed by eaid coñrt ín the above en titlm) chuso on the 24th day of Jnnunry. A. D. 1870 ííotice ís hereby givep thal I shall &ell at iniblic aniii.m to llie liiirhcst bidder, on Monday, the ïwentv-sixth day Oï Maï. A. I). Ifi7í), at ten t)'clwrk in thefureuoon at tlio cast fiont door of tbe ('ourt House in Ilie city of Ann Arbor, countv of Wnsbteiiaw and Slate of Michigan, Ilie followinj; ,d real eslute, being lliesanjemenlioDi d and discribed in saiiïdecree, towit : All liiat certain trac! or parce! ot land sitúate and being in the fcewhihip ot Xorflitii.-M. cminty of Waslitenaw and State of Miclnan. and d sqvibed as follows, to wit : Iteinii the north halfot'ttio northeast qüartet of section saeteen ii t"Mfl)siiip one soutji ranse six easi , aecordiiiiitolhe Uuiti'd Stat63,sürvey euTitiiiriin i'i-lily a'-rt-s of land. Dak'd, April 1(1, 1879. JAMES McMAHON, Circuit Court OimmtssioDer in and for the Oounty of. Washienaw. ■ John X. Gotï. Sólfbitor forsaid Complainant. Chane.í'ry Sale. Otate of michioan. the circuit qourt y. for the Ouhnty of Wfxshtenaw- in Ohn'ncéry. JttJDea Otttey ;u;il Jaue ;il"V, íOinnl:in];ilits. Vff. Elijan W. jr,rr:...,n :■ ii .1 The Ann Irtor Btink, defcnditatH. ín pursnauce and by virtue of ■'■ of said con i(, inAde and t n; ('Kun lo the iibuvi' esrtiWed canse on the - "i Januaiy, A. D. 187?. Notice is lin-.l.v thnt I shall féU ñt pulilinauohontotln Oer. (Mi U.JNDAY, T . u p jy, A. D. 1879, at ten o'uloo'k in Ibefofenoon, at the paft ffüiit door of He Ooinil House in fhe citj of Ann Arbor, cmnity of and State of -Micliian, ihc fi'Jiuwiii.'í !c.-ii'iil"i rea] estáte, beipc the name tnention ,i :;, the S lid Heee, to ít: jáíihg bínele mnnber síx soutli in ci -riv eaít, n ilu-ciiy ol' Ann Arlor, countyof wasütenaw and State ol Michignn, exwpting lot numbei 19 aoá tbe west hftlf of lots oue nlid ío. Dated April 10 1879. „. . ,, .T.AMTÍ8 MM MIOÏT, Circuit OntTteoi iñ and ror tna Coiruty of Washtena. Joas N. Gott, Esq., Solicltor foi s:iid Coraplainant. Chanccry Siile. (TATU OF MIC1I i; I A V, Til ! : ( '1 KCUIT OOITRT I kJ for tlu' ' in Oh neeiy. Luther James, cqinpi.ünant, va. Gt arg Speechley; I John Vauostitzanfl Thomas Spepchley deiendánts. In pur-u. u:i-: uní hy virtue ofá èactèé of saiil 6mrt, made aml eutcred bfifaid iyrt, in tht alltltletl caui 11 Ui.' i !'.!i ,! y ui' ,l,-i;iuarv D. jS79. is hreoy 'vi'ii ihál 1 .siuill so'll at auction, to the hijhcsl bfSder, oo Mnndny b day of Slav A. D. 1873, ai in o' in tho i toreuoon at the eastii-ont door of 'the Court house I ia tné city of Aïbj Aubor, Cnaati of Washt&naw öd state of Micljigan, t(ie loilowing desoribed iel thcsamc pientMned and desoribed in ■ wil : Tfial .au of the wesl bat of iiuarter of nninber twenty I iwnship two south range, slx cast vhicbliPionihé iiorth sMc of the liigfiwny rnnnlng- nurt h-west iVom tlie Sprinj; milis o cailc.t in tbecityof Ann Arbor aforeaaid containing thirtyflvoaci-esof land. Pated A])ril lo, 1S79. JAITES Molj MÏON", Circuit Court Céromisgioner in und for the I Couniy of Washten'aw. John N. Gott, Bsq.,4oJicitor lorsaid Complaiaant. - _ FOB 'FarmerS THEECHO michigaÏTfarmer From now until Jan. 1, 1880, for $1.00 firstf teri' h'"h 1K""""' fr"m n0W Imt!1 th


Old News
Michigan Argus