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LEGAL NOTICES. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY ■■' " ".nof the Probate i'f Wü sil i :naw, nolrti-u 1 m thecity o u on VWdneu une . '■I l'robnte. ín ti). ■ . ' (i" reudinp and KiBjrlhe pelilioft, 8uly verifica "f George Johns praying ihal nttru.... 1 :il Wl i n3 that l,p „„.1 Jol) be appomU'ü exccutorg thereof. it oraered.Hintifooday.thetwelfÜi d;iy of :.i..y next, al ten o'clock hi I eforeai aísiued for ;!,, beminsroi Baid petltion.and thut theáevlsees, lezsieos, nd it la-w of aid ed, and all other persons interegted in suid p, are reqnired to opear ut a aéralos of paid Cour!, liitn to be holdeu at 11, ;■ Probate office, ni llic Oityol Aun Ar!)iir. and show cause, if anv e.whythe pruyer ol the petitioner should not be BTiuited: And it ú fin . red tli il saidji noi ice to the persons interested wtate, of ti.u pendency ot 8nid petition ■rcof. íiy enuaniz n copv .r tais M ichioa. Abovs a newspaper prmted and circulitted ú ntid munij lueeessiye weeks préviqa tb sud duy ot WlLI.IAilJ) HARBIMAN, JA ': Julgeot l'robate. William u. Uott, Probate Begister. Éstate of Aaron B. Vanatta. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY k3 f Washteria on of the P County of Washteuaw, holden Probate Offlc in the iüv of Arin Arbor, on Thnrsduy.tlies yeuteenth day oi,AprU,ia il,u ycar one ■i hundrfdand seventy-nine ut, Willfanjl). Harrlman, Judge of Probate. [Qtho matter bif the estáte of Auron 11 Vitnatta Vanatta and Beorge 1! vanatta, sxecntoia t ihe last w i 11 and testament of said ( 'dn i mid repri ■■al iha ■"'e un v. o render ttioir final acoouot is sncii executors. Th.-iv,,i,.,i, it is oijiered, that Saturdar, the tenth y.;-.i Dext, ;u 1 1 ■ 1 1 ,)'(■!" k in ,k forenoor be ningaiid aüowing such acoounl atees nnd heira at law oí ict persons Interested in Ion "f urt, then to be holden ;(i the Probate Office i eounty, and show ifany there be, why the said nccount should ■ ld il Is furtheford execul ' ''' '■ aiáaecouBtand the nearinK i eof, bj i upy of this oi printed and ctrculating fn ty, thtee succ sjT8 ireeks prSTlou ■arine [A truu cupyj W1LL.IA.M il Ü ARRIMAN, iTr r, Jttdge ot Probate. wm. G. Dott, Probate Regieter. Entate of Rnssell Briggs-incompetent. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY kj) of Washtenaw, At a ti lion of the Probate 'omt (Sr theCountyof Wnalitenaw, hulden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, on TneS■ntii day of April, 111 the year one t bxuidred and soventy-nint. ■:it, WilliartD. II irriman.JuQfreöfProbate ] n the matter of the e3tate of Kussell Briggs. an incompetent pi Onre.-iainfcañaaiingthepetitión.aalyveriAed.of Myron wabb, guardián of'snicl Ineompetent person, pniyin? that he m;iy l.e Ueened to sdl certsim real tiig to said infompetent person. eupi b ij Isoidered, thaï Satnrclay, thtcciiih cl.-iyof M ■ Mext.iit ten o'clook in the foreneon,bea88ignedforthehearingofsaidpetition,ani3 that chenext of kin of .s;ü! incompettnt person, and al) other pereonj interestea lo sftid estnte, are reqpu'üd to aBpeai at a essiou ol raid Oourt, then to be holden at tne Probate Oliice in the ci;y of Anti Arhor, and how, If any theïê be, why the prayer of the petitionershouldnot be granetad: And 't is tur i thul sai4 petifcioner give notiee to the .; in Baíd estáte, of the ii and the beazio)? thereof, hycansiriga o nv of ibis order to be puh'lishcl in the Ui s a newspacer pnated and ciróulated in said eonnty, foï Buccessive weeks previoaa to said dy of hcnriTi"-. WÍI.LIA1I D. HARRIMAN, f A true copy). .Tmlsie ot Probate. W. (i. Doty, Probate Register. Kstate oí Mury E. Parsons. STATE OP MICHIGAN, COUNTY of VVashlenaw, sa At a session of the Probate Coutt for tlip County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor.on Friday, the eleventh day of April, in the year onu thousaüd eijrht hundrpd and Beventy-nine. Present, Wiliiam I). Sartiman, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Mary E. Parsons, I. Thomas S. Sanford, executor of : willand testametitof said estáte, comes into courl and represen that he is now preparad to reuder nisanmial accoant assuch executor. rherenpon II ta ordered, that Satarday'. the tenth da) of May, ten o'dock in the forenoon, be taniiniuK and allowlng such account, ana that the dei i iees, regatees and heirs at law of said deceasi l.and al] otlicr persons interested in ilredto appear at a seaeioo of said court, then to bc holden at the Probate Office, in heciiy of Ann Arbor, in said county, and canse, if any thcre be, why the said account Bhoold not be allowed : And it is further ordered, that ecuior give notiee to the persou in said estáte, of tbc pendency ■ tlu" hearing tbereof, by causiir; a copy of this to be published in the Michigas Abgcs a oewspaper pnnted and crrculating In said county thrce successive weeks previous to said day of hearIng. WIlXlAM D. I1AUKIMAN, [A true eopy.] Judge of Probate. Wm. G. Doty, Probate Register. KJ oí Washtmaw. ss. At a seuios of the Probate CourtíoriheCountyoí V,':„Mma-. Lolden at the Probate Office in the City of Am, Aroor, on Tul' day, the eighth day of April, in the ysorone L und eight hundred mul eeventy-mné Present, William D.Harriman, Judge of Probate, decciied"1" trOÍ theeBfat of EraSnü Whaiey, On readinsr and flling the petition, duly ,-,.rifler!, Of James M.Congdon fttorney ín factoïElizaB Wood, praying that Oscar L. Xoblo ma? be iv moved Iromhis office as a.lministrator of'said eg. tate tor the reasonB in aald ptitiou set forti „„! that he be renuircd forthwítí K, rend an acc'umn of lus adiiimislratian of sftld e.-l.ile -hii Thereupon nisoidered, that W,dnesdaythe fourtcMith day of Maynext.atteno'clockiStheforenoon, be Msigaed foj e heartni of 811 S anl -.iro '" 'he heirs at lH '" sald .Sed, and all nlhrr persons mterested in siid estáte are mr.ired to appear at a se.sion of 8aid eonrt tl e,! to be holden at t b,e Probate office in the city of Ann I Arbor, audsliow cause, if any there be, whv the prayerof the petitforier siiould not be granted And a )s Lurl her ordered t !mt mid petitionc r pive to the persons interested i„ said esta ?n th pet"}"icy ol ." Peon and the hearmji tlereoi, by eausing h copy of this order to be pnbhshed in the Micuibas Abous, a new-D -ult p.mtedand oironlated ín said county, thr,e"'uoce3 sive weeks previous to sa.d day of hearing ... iV ' I LUA M D. 11 A 1 Ut 1 "Ú A ST Y.S%?. Probate J? S " lístate of ISobert Fergnson. OTATE OP MICHIGAN, COUNTY P ohíi "nlí ♦ y "1 WaSbtmmr, holden at the lav, the twmy socniíd iuy „f Marcí, in tlíe ent, ]Jia.,iI). Hariiman, Judire oi Prohte .tterfW estáte a? 'BbSJ FeUuJ,',; l'Uereupinitisordeted.thatMonday.thetwentv ooon. De twiiKuea lorthe heanBg of s.-dd pTti Ó, a,",dti1 " ofii(l (l.-c-a,?, , i ""'"l111-"1 ■nsaid estáte, aíerequirea to ppeai _at a Beraion oí stúd Court, theii t ■ holden at the Probate Oce in the city of Arm r! Bor, and show hu if any thaie ba, WibytheprayS ol fhe potitionex should not be ,] n .s lurther ordered that said peliti.mVr rive nptipetotliepeitipns intereeted in id jn Peaowoy ot said potition and the hl-Vrii ,,, VriLLIAM D. HAKRÏiiAN, YSg Probate Beff f eEstáte of William A. Junes. CÍTATE OE MICJttXOAK, cul'KTY O ot eshtenaw, as. Al a sessionof the Probate I Conri lor t „■ Cotótyof Washtenaw!holden at SÍI Probate rtihco, to tl,, div of .„„ Arl„,r on Sat urday the lw(.ily-,„ml, day of Mareh, i, t!„. y " r oo thonaaod plu and sevepty-oin r..-r„!, ,n1inj D. Hairiman.JudMb Probate i(l;i u,o mau.roi the e,t lte of VViUUim I Jonesi -'Hilin.-tlK.pHit.Vm.lulv verifica of 1 "- -1"11 ■■ ' il acertara rastro' 'urt,purJporUng.tobett; imeni of 9aid maybe -■-.-.yW.ed TUeieupon it is orderpd. tlmt Ai-!,,. vki_J ty-eighti day ,., April m-x., „t ten o'dock in hè of eaid aecuasod, and all othar persons inl ré iv;ui,v,i t0 llpIK,llr ,lt " o. .::„! obnrt, Iheii to be holrt ,t the show r1,„V, % 'n tlK, "f Ann Arbor, nd show canse, if any therc be, why the pniver M the Mtitfoner Bhonia npt be A,fj t i3 íurther ijrdBÍÍÍ tht said pttitioner f-ve notice to the perron intereuted in sai.i , -i tiopendoncy , :;n ilIld f he h'; i, - pnnted and ciioulated in soid county, thrtèsüeoessive weeks previons to said taypfïeSiw. ,. . i W1LLIAW I) ÏIAKlilMAN Real ío.i.tu; roí OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COI XTV (,F W1HFT li the matter o{ tbe-estato , I. DonneUy, , minor. Xu i, i, eiX 3535 i ÏIIF i;;' Cted, April 1, 1879 -l.iJiluurdúm.


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Michigan Argus