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LEGAL NOTÏCES, te of William randera. OÏM f, ( oi'XTY ■J of lA "ii rif tlie pTiilmtif i at thff oJ Aun Arbor, oö t Muren, lty the year one 1 , , ■ red tfnd seTanty nine. ' art, Willism T).n,. . „f pr Bte Iu the Maller of tl , , iLtMÖb Onreadingandfllingthe netition.dnlT vtriflea, ": MaryAun ,K that i f.t-rtaiii ii. ait, purp-rijng tt? he thu IbsI ■., : inuoitof s:iid dcceased, maybr. ndmitted to Probate and thid sh muy be atd execntor thert Thereui on t is ordensd, Ihnt twenriny ot April next, t ten u'clock in th forenoon,h aaaigiidfartliehi :'.rir,ri snid petuiotf, and that tii ■ dwi ee id heir :it luw of sairt clfi'.M,.,.;, imd all othei peraona inlerested in redtopitcaitaeMtohofiwid cüurt, tiicn to )■■■ bolden ut the Probate office in tlie city ot Aun Ai , cause, if any there be, wliy tlie prayer cffth petitioner shoulrt not be gr.inied: Ai , ordeiedthat wikl ytiTf notice to the peraoss intearancd hisiud oí Hul petición, iviir? the he;rii!Lr tnRU, ïy canáiilg h eopy of this orde pnblished in the -M : mh,-.n Aí:;us, anews paper printed .nij county, thiea succe38ivcwoek8i)revioiiB to 8aiil diiy n heiirmg. WILLIAM D. HARR1MAN, IA fcrue oopy.) j e oj pjolte, Wm. O. Iotï, 1'ioUate i'.cgister. Ksrute of Thomas Fox. OTATE OP MICHIGAN, COUNTY kj of Washtenaw, as. Al F the Probate ('ourt tor tne ''ountj of Wnshteuaw, bolden it tne Office in the of Aun Arlror, m Tliunday, Cb tv.'i!ity--iv-i.t[ r,;, . c: Karch, in thé fak tliouöaii'l eijht huuüred und eeventy-nine.' Present, WUliain D. Harriimm Ji);je.rf í'jobB'.. In tbmatttii of the estáte oí 'I kou is Fox, dtstruma Web-b, administratrix with tiie will - oexed of saiij estáte, comes i court awl representa thal abe i. bow prepared u reudur ueninal account assueh adminwtwtïiï. Thereiipoa it is ordered, thal WednesBay rA twonty-tliird day of April nest, at ten o'clockln the ning au! oUowlog siich account, and thal the ilevi eea, legaten :uid heirs ut law of ■ ], aml uil othei peraoaa 1 iii sid eslüVi, ure required to appear al ascssioB ofsaid conrt,thes to (e kolden :t ihir ith . ■ ■-, lm, Arborfniai ! mi. '.'■. ah I ihi v cansí . f any there !■, whj the.safif b ■ allowed : And it ís f r ■ Botiée ro the persons interested In said estáte, of the pendeney of i.y causlug acopy ol tobe publúhed in tlif MichÍ AROtra, a Dcwapaperprinted andcircidntlqgio said couiity, tlnee sttccossire weeks nrevious tosaid day of ni . MAM D. nARKIMAN (Atruecopy.) Judión!' t'roli;iti. U'm. (3. Dotv, Probate Kegister. 8-4. Ï5state of Samuel!). McDomlI. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY J of ■ ■ At ; session of the Probate Court for the Coudty óf Waghtenaw holden at the Prol ..;■ Ann Artor, on Satuntay, the livcnty-ninth ,dáy of March, in the yearone thousand ei,_.)it iiundred and seventv-nine Present, Williaui . Harriman, Judge ol Probate. In the matter of the cstatrf Bamoel D MoDowell, deceued. V John Uravcs, administlTto" .ritl] the will anI ai'l egtate, comes luto court and represents thit hc is now prepared to render his tina) account u sueh adrainistrator, and prays thi tfce fd lor the assijfninentoi' theresidueof aaid estáte to tlie pexaoBS enliiled to the same. Thereupon it is ordered, that Suturrlay , the twenty-sixth day of Aprii next, at ten o'clock in the loreuuon. be aseigned for examining and allowinu such account, and for the aesigBmi nt ef tle reaidue and the (Icvisei-s, lpgatees, and heirs at la-' of said deceased, all other persona interested in said estáte, are required to appear nt a session of said Court, then to be holden at the Probate Oftici! in the city of Ann Arbor. iu said coimtv, and -show cause, if any there bo. why the sir] account slionld not be ailowed, and tlie reidae of sakl esligned : And it is fnrthei ordered. thnt aidl ir:ii)r Live nolice to the persims interested in said estáte, of the peudency of said account and the heariiii thereot', by causiní a copy of this order to be pubhslied m the Michioan ahgus, a newspaper printed and circulating in said county, three suecessive weeks previous to said day of heaiini W1LLIAM D. HARRIMAN, (A true copyl. Judge ol Probate. Wm. G. Dotï, Probate Register. ' )lY Mortüíí1 Sa!e. and rEFAULThaving been made in the condition U of a certain mortgage made and exeouted by ate. Darius S. Wood and Deborah B. Wood ta Emily ons, Beiton,and datedjuljtbe íifteenth, A. D. 1876, last iui'1 reoorded in the office of the Register of Deeds )urt ot Va--htrimw Oounty, 8tate of Michigan, on the lder ñfteenth day of Jllly, A. 11. 1S7I1, in l.iber 44 of mortnges, ut page 324, wlüch mortgase was duly mth assignec by said Emily Bentoo to Conistock F. , be Iliü, Febnniry llith, IS70. as per 3signment reeorant, ded in eaid Registers ornee, in Líber 6 of assignvut menta at page 169, and tbere being elainied to be 1 in dne and unpaid on said morl gge and the note aei of compunynitf the same at ihe ante ot tbisnotice, the Qce, sumoi Two Thoand finxty-Totnr and 74-luO Doliow lar (i'2,(i4.;4,l, also au attorney's fee of Twenty)uld Five Dollars astprovided for in saïd mortsage, and bat no proceedings at laworiu equity liavinj; boentaïted kn to cullect the suni ot any part thereof. Now, and therefore, notioe ia bereby eiren, that by virtue of tliis tiiu power of sale in said m rtgnge centained, and s, a ot' tbestatutein made and provided I ity, shall, on Tueaday, th thirteenth dny of May A D.1879, at ti-n o'oloek A. M. of that day, at rhe Boutb door of the Clerk's otiice, in the city of A nn e. Arbor, that beiug the place desigratted fov hoMifB thr Circuit f' ai for the Oountj of Waahtenuw,) seli at public auetjon or venduo, to the highestbidder, tbe premises deMsribed in &aid mortiage or so canch ili"iHji (r.i;d ï)v aeeeasarjtto siivisfy sairt ate ''; "in;) (iiiKiaii nee.-adecente the fíL"!2Lby !.Ilvv Wlth .(he oeruin? interest at nine per oent. Saidpremises being doscribcd in said morteiise asfollows: The soutb west quarter of seetion twenty-flve, ra townubip three, south ol lle rnnge nye eaat, ooDtainirff one hundred and sixty ey, ucre3COMSTOCK F. IIILL, erl, Dated, Feb. 12, 1879. As3i8n f ortgage. BEstáte of Frederica Gerneri w. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY nd KJ At a session of the Probate ut Court for the County of Washtenaw, bolden at the Probate Omce m the city of Ann Arbor. on Satnrir- day , the twenty-ninth day of Mareb, in the yeai reone thonsand ei-ht hundred and aeventy-uine tl Preaent, William I. Harriman, Judae of Probate ;d. In the matter of the estáte of Frederica Gerner, en ChriBtian Mack, administrator of said estáte in comes into oourt and represents thut he is now oref- frío!-'0 rdt'r hiS anal accoimt HS BU=ó adminisve Tbereupoii it isonjered, tliat Tuesdav the twene, day of April ,,uxt, at ten o'clock latte ■- '"' ■ - iminlng and allowini oe iftol account nd that the heirs at law of said deer ceascd, and all pther persons intcrested in said esCourt, then to be holden at tb.' Probate Office in the fiiy of Aon Arbor in said coanty, and show cau e. . any thre be, why the said account shot.ld not be allowed: And it is fnrther ordered that said ad- mmistrtoTgfve notico to tbe persons nterested in Wüdeatate, o the pendency of said account and 7 tl h17",lh;""-. by cansioi a oopy of tl,s order í to be puUislred in the Michjoam Ads a newse paper príated anácirculatingin said cooñtv three live weeks previous to said day of hV-irincr - ... WILLIAMD iím:i:im'asSi r W.Tïi.-Trrobate Beglster. , [ Kstate of ja-oli llauer. OTATE OP MICHIGAN, COUNTT ■' n ?f,Wïthtw' "■ f ' s " ' w Probate Court for the County of Washtcnaw, holden at the ■ Probate Otiiee, m the city of Ann Arbor on Tuesdaj.thenventv-nfth ,lay of March, in the yearone - tliouinixt i-i ■ ht hundred and seventy-nine Piesent, William D. Harnmnn, Judjrc of Probat : In the matter of the estáte oi Jacob Eauer, deOn readiug and aiing the petltlon, duly verified, of Aaron L.ïeldkanip, piaying thathe niav be 1 'ii'i'i"ï" i.' 1 6State KÍ'm'"r úd d'eceased I '1 !i. riupon it is ordered, that Saturdav, the twenli day of April next, at ten o'ciock in fhe tarenoon, be asstoned for the hearing of said petition. and that the hars at law of said deceáserl and all otlier persons interested in said estáte aré required to appear at a session of said court, then to be holden at the Probate OiBce in the city of AmTArboi, and how ttm, if „ny there be, why theprayerofthepetitioiiexsbould not begranted And ft is fuithei ordered tjhataaid petitioner irivê notice to the persons interesten in said estáte oi the pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof by oausmg a oopy of this order to be published in . !l(í M. ; a newipaper printert and cir[;:Mj;;_ ..„ecssivo weeks preWILLIAM D. HAHRIMAN, (Atruecopy.) Judge oí Probate. Wm. G. J)ott, Probate Eegister. Estáte of ifem-y Smitli. OTATE OF MICHIGAN. COFNTY kJ of Washtenaw, ss. Al a seaplon of the Probate "'■iiy oíAii,, Árbor „n Tuesday, líe twenty-flíth ,k,y of Mareh, o the y "■"■ thousai : .! ;hl hundn ity-nlae. - U llira I). UarrimaD, JVrigo r Probate. I'i the BUrttteroftheeBtateofBenry Stoltb, do■ Oook.aclministratorof said ostate, comes tote loourt and 1 prêsents thafhs is nnv pVeparS to remler bla ínal account a uoh administmtor .1, that Saturda, the th ay „i April nest, at ten o'cl,ck ni tuo forenoon, be asaigned fur examininit am g uch acoonat, and tbai the licirs :nv"f, d, and all olber persona interestei lu said estáte, are required t appu at a of Mid court, then i,, be boldon at tho I róbate Office in the city oí Aun Arbor in sid connty, nd show cshee, if any íhore be wliv th mt shoald not be allöwed. Andftisfarther ordered that nid a.lmiiiisíniíor give notice to ons nterested in said eetate oí the penden■■y "' said account and the hearing theraof hy :ausing a copy of this order to be published in the rs,n Deyspaper printed and circula1 n " sid eflunty, three sucui'ssive wocks previma to s;iu day of h .■., WILLIAM D. IJARRIMAN. í i-no copy.) „f i-yobate. Wii.H.Dutv, Reglsteï Coitiiui.vMoiHTs' Motttee. OTATE OP MICHIGAN, COUNTY O' Wwltenaw,M. TlieiimleisiKnedlmvinbeen ippoiutcd by the Probate Court for 8iid Conntr omxmssioners to seceive. examine and adjust nll ''■allns :' Linst the efttoofBeu Corbett, late oí bíikJ oountr dtcofwed lerebygive ,,',, dntta ÜQWed, lv order .tt' saul Pxotnyte ( x: t, ío? Crt-íliors to present theircïaiTiïBpïiinst the etntv oi .lid aecteeed, and tbst Uieywil] moet ui t!ie resi -í F: Buok, io Saline -nty nïuead ityfourtlidnj of June und oa Vednesday tbi ,y i Sontembef ' ' ■ i .ilJay t xamineantlt üma. lmtcil, Murdi 24tl, A. 1. F. v.rcic lA'MAM ! Couimissionere.


Old News
Michigan Argus