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■■-The Michigan Central is earuing more money than last seasou. =- Did you ever see such weather? No - never ! "Vhnt, noVcr? Wel!, liaidly eter! - 111 men woro engaged by the city in cleañing the stroets niostly ibout Court house square, during the past few Weeks. $1 -j por day was paid laborers. - Walk up gentlemen Xotaries of the last batch, and get your commissions from County Clerk Clark, who received the documenta from Lansing on Tues(lay. - 'Annual election of offioers of Gas Light Co., took place on Priday with the following result : Pres., J. Austin Scott ; 8eo. and Treas. W. W. Douglas : liirectors, Silas H. Djuglas, John W. Huut and Janifs 15. Gott. - The pooi' fund was distributed thus during the inonth of March by city marshal Johnson . First ward, $12.80; Becond ward, $1.2.j ; third ward, f29.81 i fourth ward. f20.78 ; tifth ward, !?4G.1G; Bixth wanl, $1.M : total, $113.30. - ülra. J Austin Scott bas beeu unoonscious during a portion of the week froin a serious attack of cont;estion if the brain. Although not perhaps dangerously ill, yet. she has sho vvn sy mptoms that have alarmed herfainily andftiends. - In the case of the People vs. AVin. Osius, charged with assault and battery upon one A. Holniea in Pittsfiuld. in November last, and tried before Justice BeahaD on Tuesday, the jury disagrefd. Eiuerick mid Prazer for the people ; Cramer and Enne for defense. -Mr. Groen, auctioneer, advertises to sell, for account of whurn it ruiy cern, on S.iturd iy, April 2G. 1879, by auctiou in this city, soinefarm and road horses, wagons, farm tools bousihold furaiture, &a., a long list of valuable property. Farmers and others sbould atteud this sale. - The following officers of the St. Andrew's society of tliis city wereeleeted on Mouday : Wardens - iliíssrs. C. H. Millen, Sen., Jno. M. Wheeler, Jr. - Veatrymen--Ebenez3r Wells, U. S. Freize, C. H. Eichmoud, J. W. Johnstun, C. S. Dennison, Elward Treadwell, M. Coit Tyler, John N. Gott. - At the corner of Ann and Fourth streots, the delivery steed of J. Wui. Hungstt'ii'er was frightened on Tuesday by a load of passing furuitvire. Starting upon a run Mr. H. being thrown out, the animal proeeeded to Main street where it mounted a team stauding in front of the Opera House. Kesult - wagon light'y damagcd and horse badly cut about hmd legs. - A nuniber of candi lates aro in the field for cily attorney a position paying $100 per annum. Tliey are the present incuiubent, J. Q. A. Sessions, J. C. Knowlton, Johu P. Lmwrenoe, and A. HcEeynolds. Tbe eeleotion will be made at the meeting of the Common Couucil on the tírst llonday in May, at which time also a Murshal aud Chief of Pólice will be (lesignated. - Mrs. ÏSTancy Lelaud, wifoof tho late Joshua G. Leiand, died at her residence, corner of William aud Maynard Stteets, on Wodnesdiiy, of drópsy. Mrs. beland was bom in Madisou, Madison Co., N. T., in 1808, and was, tberefure seventyone yeara of age. Sho was the mother of Mrs. Chas. H. Worden, oTtho firni of Wiiies and Worden. FrieuJs of the family are respectfully invited to atteed funeral services, to be held at the late residenoe of the deoeased, to-morrow, (Saturday) at 10 A. lí. - The annual election for officera of the Fire Di'partment was held Saturday evening with thpfollowingresult : Chief engineer, Chas. B. Davison ; tirst assis tant, Alonzo Gretten ; secoud assistant, Gilbert Molntyre ; treasurer, Charles H Worden ; secretary, L. F. Wade ; nre wardeus First ward.Gotlieb Luick, Fred Sorg; Second Ward.Gotlieb Weitbrecht, Christian Sohmidt ; Third Ward, Dm. J. Fiynu, Jolin AI Slater ; Fourth Ward, Dudley J. Ijooiuis, Henry B. Dodeley; Fifth Ward.Eli 8. Manly.Albert McColluru ;Sixth Waid,Tbeodure Taylor, Jqhu Boiiner. - Members of the new Council comprising aldermen Hundy, Furdon, Hat zei, Besimer, DeForest, Itoss, Treiuaine, Keech, llathewson, Kellogg, Hill, SI.trtin, Mityur Sinith and Rocorder Clark, taet Mondajr eveningat Firemen's Hall, the room iu the Court liouse not as yut furnishtjd. St-milin comiuitteesfor eu8uing year were anuaunced : Finalice Committee - Aid. Keech, Treinnine, md Hill; Street Cdtninittee- Aid. Haudy, Besiuier, D -Forest, Tremaiue, Kelioai. and Hill ; Sidevvalk Committee- Aid. ÜBsimer, Perdon, and Ross ; General Fund Committee- Aid. Hutzul, DuFor68t and Ross ; Pólice Committee - Aid. Mathewson, Martin and Hutzel ; LicenseCommitti.ü, Mayor, Recorder, Handy, aud Ferdon.


Old News
Michigan Argus