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The Legislature

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April 10. - Both Houaea met last evening after the election vacation, but neither transacted any business of special importance. Today the Benate passed a number of bilis in committee of the whole but none on the order of third reading. The House passed the following, none of which have passed the Senate: authorizing the Board of Control to appropriate swamp lands to complete the Alpena and Montmorencv state road; relativo to the maintenance of illegitimate children; to amend the act for the appointment of a crier for the öupreme Court. The following bilis failed to pass: to amend the act for the incorporation of mutual fire insnrance companies; increasing the bonda of the State Treasurer to two hundred and fifty thousand dollars; to prevent and punish the crime of abortion. A resolution was adopted that hereafter the daily sessions commence at 9 A.M. April 11. - The Senate passed the following, of which the first five have pasBed the House: amcnding section 7548, Oompiled Laws, relative to punishments forassault; providing for the military tax; to amend section 7121, Compiled Laws, relative to writs of error aud certiorari; to amend section 5977, Compiled Laws relative to the return and surumoning of jurors. relative to the transmission of postoffice addresses by members of the Legislature to the Secretary of State; to amend section 5291, Compiled Laws, relative to justice courts; to amend section 7590, Compiled Laws, relative to offences againat property. The House paased tho following of which the iirst two have passed the Senate; reorganizing Duncan, in Chebpygan county; incorporating the village of Grosse Point, with the name changed to Point Claire; appropriating swamp lande to complete the Alpena and Montmorency state road ; relative to the maintenance of illcgitimate children ; to amend the act for the appointment of a ener of the Supremo Court; authorizing the allowance of injunctions by circuit judgea of adjoining circuits; incorporatiug Baptist churches, was laid upon the table; asking Congress for condemned cannou to aid in the construction of the Snratoga tional Monument ; asking Congress f or ai i appropriation to improve the harbor of the mouth of the Au Bable ltiver; amending sectiou 8, article 79 laws of 1873. relating to the Commiflsioner of Railroads ; amending section 3157, Compiled Laws, relating to the incorporation of literary and acientific infltitution8;to prevent the Bale of unsound meat ík the city of Detroit. April 12. - The öenate pasaed the followiiig, of which the firat eight have passet! the House: amending the law regulating the inspection of illnminating oiU; revising the charter of St. Clair ; incorporating the Michigan State Medical Society; amending the law of 1873, for the trannfcr of insana aoldiers front Detroit to Rala r n azoo jLsylmw: amendict; tti9 law fur tbe r#orgmn lzation of the military forcee; providing for changing the name of minor children or other adopted persons; amending section 2B73, C. L., relative to trespasses on the public lands; for the restoration of certflin lands to market; revising the charter of Fenton, paBsed, tabled and directed to be reprinted, pending an order t take im medíate effect; amending section 4247, Compiled Lawb, relating to the cancelation of jnortgages; adding a new section to chapter 228, Compiled Laws, relating to the foreclosure of mortgages; amending sections 4Ü26-27, Compiled Laws, relating to entry books of Registers of Deeds. The House passed but one bill, and that has not yet passed the Senate: to amend sections 2110 and 2111, Compiled Laws, relative to budjects for dissection, was paased. The House concurred in the Senate resolution of thanks to Prof. Brodish for his portrait of Gov Croawell. The Senate bill making appropriations for the Agricultural College, was referred to a spe-ial committee, of which Mr. Hall was named an chairman. April 14. - The Senate paeaed no billa but discussed and agreed to quito a number of billa in committce of the whole, among them one making an appropri-.tion for the admission of girlf to the Agiicultural College. It appropriates $12,000 for building, heating and furuishing a hall for the accommodation of youug women, $1,000 for the pay of an additional teacher for the year 1880, and $ 600 for the pay of a matron for the same year, In the House, the Speaker named as a special committee to consider the bill making appropriations for the Agricultural College, Messrs Hall; Brown, Henderson, Reed, Shattuck, Stanchfield, Thorpe, Turck. White and Y erkes. April 15. - The Senate passed the following of which the first eight have paseed the House : making an appropriation of State awamp lan'ifi to repair the Tuscola and Saginaw Bay state road; appropriating non-resident highwar tax for a mile each flide of the Isabclla and Cedar Ri ver state road; asking Congress to oppose.the enactment of any law limiting the jurisdiction of United States courtn in proceedings against municipal corporationB ; amending section 3629, Compiled Laws, relating to primary schools; amending section 1198, Compiled Laws, concerning labor on the highways; amending section 2168, Compilftd Laws, in reference to agricultural societies; to prevent the sal of nnsound meat in Detroit; amending 1 he laws establishing the legal rate of interest ; amending the law o t 1875 relating to canal and harbor cempanies ; appropriating money to complete the State Normal School buildings; amending the charter of Lansing; making appropriations to Michigan University. The House paBRed the folio wing, of which the first five have passed the Senate: To organize the townahïp of Grant, Cheboyean county; to appropriate swamp lands for clearing and deepening Indian Creek; to amend tne act relating to the commiBsioner of mineral etatistics; to pro vide for printing more agricultural reporta ; for transcribing the records of mortgages and deeds in certain oasen; to amcnd the law relativo to fishing in inland lakes; to authorize the appointment of probate registers; to allow thb township board of Orange to audit the claim of Charles Mathcws for services as drain commissioner; to provide a punifihment for slander; to ornead the Detroit charter relative to the recordei's conrt; to provide for the compilation of the drain laws; to provide for the collectionof the statistics of municipal indebtedness ; to amend the act for the promotion of immigration ; to amend the charter of Cold water; relative to the collection of taxes in Detroit ; to amend section 7757, Compiled Laws,relative to fraudulent and part paid shares of railway Btock; to amend the charter of Fremont, Newaygo county.


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Michigan Argus