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- -uouiwater aon i owo n cent. - Battlo Creek races Jimo 4, 5. - Measles aro a legal leader juat now ui Fünt. - OTer 300 resident lawyera in Detroit. - A f30,000 flre oí Trenton on Tues3ay of last week. - The Greenbaok paper t Paw Paw has changed hands. -The banks of Coldwater hold $15ó,000 of the four per cent bonds. - - Presbyterians of Monroe are bestirring theraselves about a parsonage. - A Jackson policeman ran a ptckpocket into the river and there caught him. - Lindley Bowne of Battle Creek, n wealthy, pcominenk resictent died last week. - Dr. Fisher of Tecumseh has gone to Colorado to recover nis former gooi health if possiblo. - Farmers about Port Hurón are sborter for feed this spring than they have beeu for years. - Detroit is looking to the Wabash and ita connections to maintain its commercial supremacy. -The Pope has declined to accept the resignation of GasperH. Borgess, Catholic BishoD of Detroit. - Mental excitement has impelled his friends to take Dr. Coons of Marshall to Kalamazoo asylum. - H. W. Stevens of Tecumseh, has sold a Nashville firm $5,500 worth of apples since last October, - Charles M. Cobb of Albion was JrHJ - ap-juy uj iue express bound west about 1 r. M. - Battle Creek teinperance people have resolved to prosecute any person cauglit selling beer to minors. - Rev. Ira Billraan, late of Adrián, was given a flattering reception by his new pavishioners of Jackson. - Mr. Edwin Smith of Fairfiold, Lenawee county, Mich., has a beard that raeasures seven feet, six inches. - Mr?. Eva McAllister, thenoterl singer of Battle Creek, where she has lived since 1861, has removed to Buffalo. - Jake Grozinger of Waterloo, plead guilty of incest in court at Jackson and Judge Huntington gave hini ten years in prison. -John Grand, of White Pigeon, for selling unstamped matches in Kalamazoo county has been sent to jail in default of Í500 iine. - A Pontinc jury gave Mrs. Horace Thompson an 800 judgment againat Eugene Steel, for selling liquor to her husband, causing his death. - A respectable appearing wotnan was arrested at Adrián for stealing ehoes and stockings for her little one. They culled it n, olear case of kleptouiania and iet her go. - Arnold Burgess of Hillsdale, had an $800 setter dog of purest ttrain serene, but doath reduced tho valué to what the hido would bring at a glove faotory. - Last Saturday railroad tickets were pold at Toledo for New York for one dollar. This would seem to indícate a bitter competition between the trunk lines east. - Jackson people affect to believe that the reason Prof. Ivan Morawski tried to kill hunsolf wns booauco of a oonsumiog but unrequited passion for a boautií'ul pupil of hia. - About half tbe population of Niles went to Notre Dame en Sunday to see the big ash-heap - all that remains of the once splendid college and seat of the order of tho Holy Cross. - Judgo Cooley reversed a decisión of tho cirouit coart applying to a citizen of Lapeer who allegod over-assesstnent, on tho ground that the city raised more money by tax thau its charter permitocl. - The hardware store of A. P. Gardner of Albion, was entered by burglars on Friday night and from $300 to $400 worth of cutlery taken, consisting of pocket knives, razors, sbears, spoone, forks, etc. - Miss Kittie Sanford, a lovely young lady of Jackson, wou taken nith UleeJing at the lungs a few days ago while playfully chasiug a pet dog about the house, and soon afterwaxd died froin the loss of blood. - Elijah Williams, an old and highly respected citizen of Toledo, was instantly killed Friday afternoon by thecaving in of a sewer embankment near his resiflence, whilo he was in the trench inspecting the work. - The bnrn on the farm of Robert M. Bailey, three railes north of Adiian was burned last week together with eight cows, several horses, a quantity of hay, grain, etc. One team he had just purchased the day beforo and paid $350. - Lillie Munn of Dover, near Adrián, had criminal intimacy with a 16-yearsold lad named Geo.Carpenter, a nephew of her employer, and vrhen tho evidence of her shame became apparent she took a dose of poisou that killed her in just half an hour. Tho President has Tetoed the bill raaking appropriations for the support of tbe army for tho fiscal year ending June 30, 1880, and for other purposes. He points out the objectionablo legislation which is sought to bo attaehed to the Array Appropriation bill; or rather he shows at the beginning that the head and front of the offending of Congress consista i the desiro of the two Houses to strike from a seetion of the law a provisión authorizing the presenco under Federal authority at the places where any general or special election is held of troops or armed men " to keep tho peace at tho polls." This was all that Congress proposed to do or rather ando: for tho legislation is repealing in its character. It was conceded by leading Republicana, in debate in tho House, that tho proposed repeal was unobjec tionable on the inerits, aud most of thein declined to discuss the question on its merits.


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Michigan Argus