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Estáte of Chrlstian MlUer. STATE OF MICHIGAN. COTTÑTY of Wavbtenuw, ís. Ai a sesniou of the Probate " Court for the Cumity of Wnshtenaw, hulden ai ihe Probate Office, ín the. city of Aun Arlior, nii Tucsduy, the twt-iity-ninili dny of April, in the onr (bousiiTid eight hunnrod and Bcvnty-nino Pr i ent, WiUlana D. Htnrrnisia, Judg o Probate. in the iiKiitcrof tlie est -i te of Chxistian M decensed. On readin? and filinsr the petition duly venfied of David V'. l'.ilnu-r, pfsylnt; tliat ;v ci-nmn in&trument now on flte in thls Court purportii ■ to be tne last WiJl and Teetftmenl of aaid d ceasn I, muy be mlmitteil lo probate, and tba.1 Jucob Vogí 1 nul w,l!i tm Uankemay beappoiated ex?cuíms theruoí. Tliereupon it isordered, tbal Satwrday.the tweoty-fotivth tl.-iy of M y next, :it ten oïlocli in the toronoon, be Hssigned for the bem-inoi Bnid netítiün,unú that thgdtviees, legal et nnd UiretU law of tsaiil deceroed tmd h!1 o b i1 perüoáff intereated in said estáte, ut required to Éppem al ■ :; of -."i;; ootirt, theo to be hol(l;ii at tve t'rohute Ofíice in tho city of vnn A.rbor, and show cause, if any theic be, wí-iy the pryer of tfae ptitione hótild noi bé ;n .iTiicl : Arid it is turther ordere( ibft pijd pelitonei notice to the perona rñtersted in aid tstatB, of the peirdency of sai! petitton RBd ilie heariny tbereof, by nauaing :i copy oí this order to be publishcíi in the Itflí dio7( Agos, n nttwapaper printetl and oironlated in í;vi(l nonníy, tbreo succeasive weeks previoos to taád dyof hcarinp. "W1LLIAM D HAEUIMAN, CA trae copy.)' Judae of Probate. Wh, t. Doty, Probate Renistw, Ltafee of Samuel Ï). Bird. OTATE OBl MIOELiGAN, COUNTY IO ot' Washtcnaw, a. At i session of the Probate Court for tiie Oouuty of Wnshtenaw, holden ut the Probóte Oítice in tlit' city oí' vin Ai bor, on Thursáay, the ft ral day of Muy, in the yt-ai-one tliousund eiht hundred and eeveu ty-nyie. Present, WUHilru l. Harriinay, JuAfsof Prohte, In the matter of thu estáte of Samuel D, Bird, deceiis.'íl. Le vi C. Bird ftnd "Wllliam T). Birfl, executqrs of the last will umi testament ot' aaid üeceased; comea into court and represent. th;it tliey ire now prepared to ronder their finnl account tis such execuIOT$, Thereupon it is ordered, that Tuesday the ten(y-s.'venlh day of May instant, at teno'clock In the foreno&n, be asfgived for exaraiuing and allowins such aecooot) and tlif. the detlfees, tegatèeo and hcirs at law of said deceased, and all ui her persoys ioterestod in sala estáte, in; rcqulred to appear at a sesston ofsaid courl, then to be holden ut Hip ProbatoOfllceip thsclty of Ano Aiborinsaid county, and show cause, lf ahy there be, why Iliesaid account sbOuld not be altoved : And it is turther ordered. that said exeöytora gire aotice to tin; persons interested In said estáte, of the pendency ot said account and the Hearing thereöf ''.xt ''illsin i ..i.' -■ u: ■ ■ '■■ '■ tM,iiif.iiirii u the Michigan A bous, a new&paper prínted and circuiating in said couLity, three .successive weeks previous to said day of hearing. WILLIAM D. HARIÏTMAN, (A truc copy.) Judgeof Probate. WM.G. Dory, Probate Register. Cliancery Sale. STATE OF MIC3IGAN, THE CIRCUIT COUEI for the County uf Washtcnaiv, in Obancery. Dewit II. TayloPi Onardittn of Arthur H.chainplin,eomphiinant, rs. Tnwry W; i:o-.f and íiizia C. Seainan, d feudants. In pursunnco :i!ii! by virtue of i decreé of said Court made and entered by said Oourt iu Uie alovp entitièd c:nie, on the 23d any of Jtmaary, A. I). 1&7U. Notiee. is hereby ai ven that I ■halt sell nt publio nuctión; to the mgnegt bidder, on MllIfDAT, THE KxTí FNTII HAY OF JUNIC, A . 1. 1879, at too u'dock in the Jorenoon, at the eaut front door of the Oourt House, in the city of Ann Arbor, County of Washtenaw and State óf Wichiiriu,the followins desc ïhed real estatp, beinc the same meixtioned and doscribed in said decree, to wit: All that eert ai n piecb or pnreol o( hun] situated in theCouuty of Washtenaw and State of Itidbigan, boimded and deseribed as iollows, to wit : Beginning at a stake live ehains nortli of the center of section nuniber twenty-eight in township two south range six enst on the quarter line, and runlïing thence eau parallel f o the nortl: line of Forent Ilill Cemetery u it now runs on the enst an;l west quarter line twen y chaina and thiny rtve link?, thetice north iorty six iniuutes east sixtuen chains and eighiy-eijjht Knlts, thenco. south eighry-soven derees anrï fitty six minutes west eiL'ht ehains and thirty-niue links, theiica soulheasterly along the eftstboundsof hmds nnw owned by Holman and O'Tonle six chains and seventy links, thence wesl parallel to the ast an 1 w it quarte üne tw.-lve chaina and fifty hnkt, theure south on the quarter line ten chaiiis and ixty-fuur links to the land of CbarlesT. Wilinot to the place of beginnintp AIso the f ollowiajr describid paree! of land sltualein the same township and range, county and State afovesaid. beginning at the point where the hnlf quarter line botween the enst and vest halves of the northeaat quarter of said s:;otion number twen-ty-eiifht intersects Jho middle of the ravine eight chaina and two links nörth of the northeast corner of Forest Hill Cemttery ïrounda, thence northoaatcrly nlonp the middlo of the ravine to the lluron river, thenee alonp the south and west bank of said river to the north and south half quarter line ot said quaiter section, thence. south along said halt quarter line to theplace of beginning, containing aboat five arres of land more or less. All of the abpve ciprih; i laiiils l.rinyr the sajïl:1 puvehased by said Trrfcy W. Rooi of Philetus Rtftrks and wifc, TIerry I'. Al'lerton an'l wite, Jacob VoHand andwife and Charles T. Wiinot and wil'e, anti supposed to contain ii bout thirty three aci-es tnorL? or less, togethel o"ith the neredicatnenta and appurtfnanaes thereunto belonginp or in anywise aniiertaining. April 2, A. B. 1S70. JAMES McMMTON, Circuit Court Commissioner in and for the üonnty of VV'ashlcnaw. A FüLcir, Esq., Solicitor for Complainant. Kcal Kstate Tor Sale. STATE OF MICHIGA1S", COUNTT of VVashtenaw, ss. In the in at ter of' the estáte of Jacob liauer, deceased. Notice is hereby piven, lhi.t i piirs"'"í'e,of aa order ,.,'„ri n ,v.„ ,,,..i,.,._ siened, aamlnisiTator de bonia non of the estáte r said deceaird, by ihc iton. Judfre of Probate for the County of AVashtonaw, on the twentysixth day of April,' A D. 1879, there will be sold at public vendue. tothe highest biddfr, 4 the late re8i'!ence of said deceased, in Lodi, in the County ofWashtenaw, in said State, on Wed-nestlay, the eighteenth fluy of June, A. V. 1S70, at ten o'cloek in rhe forenoon of that dAyfaubjeot to all eneumbrances by mort L'a'e or otherwise existing at the time of the death of said deceascl, and also subject to the right of dower of the widow of said di'ceased m said real estáte) the following described real estáte, to wit : The west half of the southwest quarter of ection Dumbei't.hirty-one (.'ïl) and tho west twenty (20) acres of the eat half of the Southwest quaiter of said section thirty-onc ('l) in town three f.'i) south range five (5) east fLodf), in Michigan. And ten (10) acres of land off the northeast corner of the north sixty !G0) a:res of the ast huif of the northeast quarter of soetion number thirty-six C36) in town three (3) south range four (1) ea8t (Freedom), in Michigan, Dated, 'April 2u, 1S70. AAltON L. FELDKAMr, Administrator de honis non. Estáte of William A. Jónos. STATE OP MICHIGAN. COUXTY of Washtenaw, ss. Notico is hereby iven that by an order of the Probate Court for the Coullty of Washtenaw, made on tho twenty-eighth day of Anril, A. D. 1S71, six months from that date were allowed for ereditors to present their claims against tho catato oí William A. Jones, late of said county, deceased, and that all ereditors of said deoeased are required to present their claims to said Probate Court, at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arhor, for examination and allowance, on or before the tweiity-eiRhth day of October next, and that sueb claims will be heard before said Court, on Monday, the twenty-eighth day of July, and on Tuesday, the twenty-eighth day of Octoher next, at ten o'cloek in the forenoon of ench of said days. Dated, Ann Arbor, April 28, A. I). 1.H79. WILLIAM D. IIARimrATC, I'w4 Judge of Probate. Estáte of Mary E. Palmer. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washtenaw ss. At a session of the Probate Court for the County ef Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Tuesday, the twenty-seeond day of April, in the year one thousand eight hnndred and seventy-nine. Present, William 1). Snrriman, Judee of Prohnte, In the maller of the estáte ol Mar; E. Pulmer. deceased . On reading nnd Bllng the petition. duly veiilled, of Uavid W. Pulmor. praying that a eertain instrument now onülo in this court, purport ing to be the last will and testament of said deceasef!, may bc adnutted to probate, and thal Henry u. Paimermay be appointed executor thereof. 'l'hereupon it is onleied, that Sfonday, the nineteenfh day ot May next, at ten o'eluck in the rorenoon, De nssigned tortbe hearing of said petition. and that the devisees, legatfel and heirs at law of said deceased, and all other persons interested iu said estáte, are required to appear at a session of said Court, then to be holden at the Probate Orhce in the city of Ann Arbor, nnd show cause ïf any there be, why the prayer of the petiüoner should not be (rrantcd : And it is furthcr or.lorcd that said petitiouer eive notiee to the persons interested in said estáte of the peudency of said petition and the hearing thereof, by eausinj? a copy ot this order to be published in the Michigan Auouá.a newspaper pi inted and circulated in said county, three successive weeks previous to saiddav of hearing. WILLTAM D. HARRIMAN, ( A true copy.) Judge of Probate. Wsi. G. Dorr, Probato Register, The undersigned will, af ter the flrst. day of May pay on the claims against ,1. Mllhlig & liro., adividend Miflicient to make the amount in the three dividemls the sum of forty-[ vo per cent, Claitnants will present their claims tor this dividend witii the interest n'gured up to May lst 1S7Ü '7-at D. OEA.MEB, Assignee. r INSEY & SEABOLT'S Bakery, Grocery, AND FLOUR AND FEED STORE. We keep constuntly on hand BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, Lc, For AVholesalo aiul Retail Trade. Wc shall also keep a supply of J. M. Swift (Jo's Itcst White IVlmat l'Iour, Bye Flour, linckwheat l'Iour, Corn Meal, Feed, c, &c, &c. At Wholesale and retail. A general stock of &E0CEEIES AND PEOVISIONS r.mstanüy on hand, wliicli wül besold ou as reaaonable tenns as at any other house in the city. ■j4Ö-Caah pafd for Butler, Egg3) and Countrv rrodaoe generally. 0ïF Gomls dclivorcd to any part of the city without extra charge. RTNSKY & SEABOIT. Ann Arbor, Jan. 1, 1879.


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