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LEGAL NOTÏCES. Estáte of Catliarine Bross. STATE OV MICHIGAN, COUNTY oí Wrtshlenaw, ss. At a session of the Probate Cowtt for the fJotmly of WitshtenaW, holden at the l'iohale UtÜCi' in Uk: city of Ann Ar?Jor(on Wednesday, the sixtnli day of April, in the yoar one thousr.nd eijhl huiidvjd nu ' f ■■ - nty-niiie. Fresen t, Williain I. Hum mar Judge of Probate. In the matter ot theít;te of Catliaríne Brosá, decensf il. On readin? and Ölinjrthe peiiüon, duly Toifled, of Üeorge Jühnaon, praying that a oertain instrument now on ftie in thia dunt, purpoitlBff to be the Iftst irill and testnmnt of safd aeeeased, maj be admitted to probate, and that heundJobn Eeckmay be appointed executors therof. Thoreupon it is ordered,th;it .Mondayfthe twolfth day of May next, il ten o'clock in the foronoon, be auiivned foi the beavisgof said potitiou, and thit the de . and faeira ut luw of 8!iid deceasííd, au cl all otlier pt-rrfon interesttid ia Baid esliit, iire required to oppear ut a grssion cf ?aid Ooutl, then to be holden at the l'iobutí! oliice, in tlie City of Ann Arbor, and Know c;iu&e, if any there be, wliy thfï prayet of the petitioner should not be Krfii! t'.xl : And it is furlher ordered that siiid petitioner givc noüce to the persons interested in &nid est;:!1, of Wie pendency ot said petition, and the thereot', by cansina a eopy ftf this order to be published in the HiCHiOAn Aiu-ufi, ji newpaper printed and ciïculüttid in said county, thive sueeedwive -weeks previous to öaid day of hearing. WILLIAM D. HAURIMAN, {A truecopy.) Julge of Prubate. William (. Doty, Probnte Register. ____ Estáte of Aaron 15. analta. STATE OF MICHÏOAW, COUNTY of Washtenaw, sa. At a.sea&ien of the Probate Court for the County of Washteuaw, holéen at the Probate Office ï.n the city of Arm Arbor, on Thursday, the seveDteenth day of April, in the year one thousimd eífr.h1 himd rea and W?enty-DlBO. Present, william D. Harriman, Judge of Frorate. In the matter of the enlate of Aaron B. Vunatta, !. AiU-rt V. Vanatta ;ind Guorge B. Vanatta, executor. of the last will and testament of said deceased, come into court and represent tliat they are now prt-paivd. to ronder theii final account as such execuiDis. Th ore u pon it la ordered. that Baturdav, the tenth day of May next, at ten ocloctc in tlie í'orenoon, be assigned for exitmiDÏBg and allowiog soch aoooant, and tluil de visees, ltatees and Iieirs at ïaw 01 said deceased,aDd all other persons interested in said estáte, are required to appear ai a session of said court, then to be holden al the Probate Office in the city ot' Ann Arbor, in said county, and show cause, i i 'un y there be, why the sald account should lint be allowcd And il is ÍUrl her ordered that said executors f;ive notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of said account and tlie hearins thsreof, by causing a copy oí thia order to be published in the MlCttlGAH Abgtts, a newspaper printed and circulatiDg in said county, three suc0688ÍT6 veoka preTÏoua to said clay of hearing. [A true copy] WILLIA.M 1). II ARKIMAN, Judge of Probate. Wm. G. DOTT, Probate Register. lístate of Iïussell incaute tent. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, CÜUNTY O of Washtenaw, At a spssion of the Probate t'ourt for the ounty of tVashtènaw, holden at the Probate Uiïice in the city of Ann Arbor, on Tnesday, the fifteenth d'iy of April, in the yearone tbonsand oteht hnudröd and seventy-nint. Pnisent, William D. !I immaii, Juïlire of Probate. ]n t.he ïUiiUer of the estáte oí Ruaaftll Uiiggs,an incompetent person. On readmtrundfiling thepotition, duly verified,of Myion Webt, guardián of saíd incotiipetent person, prayitifi thst he Itïfty he lieensed to sell certuin reul e.stüte bftlcmtag to said Incofüpetent porson. Thereupon itia ordered, thatSaturaay, the sfiveüteenth day of Maynext,at ten o'cloclc in the forenoon, beassiijned for the hearing otsaid petitionta&d that the nextoi kin of gaid in compute nt person, and nü other personjintercsted in said estáte, are reqnired to appear at a pession of said Court, then to be holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann ArboT, and how cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitionershould not be granted: And ït ia Eurther ordered fcht said petitioner uive notice to the persons ini.erested in said estáte, of the pendency of said petiiion ;uid the heaiine thereof, by enusini? a C"py of this ordet to be published in the K1CHXGA3 Aböus, a newspaper priinod and cireulated in Bajd eemnty, four successive weeks previous to said öny of hearinfr. W1L.L.IAM D. HAKKTMAN, (A true copy). Judge oí Probate. Wm. Qt. Doty, Probate Register. Real Estáte for Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COX'XTY OF WASHtenaw, ss. In the matter of the estáte of Mar garetta I, Donnelly, a minor. Notice is hereby 5ven, that in pursnance of an order granted to the undersigned, guardián of said minor, by the Hon. Judge oí Probate for the county of Washtcnaw, on the fust day oí' April, A. O. 1879, there will be sold at puHic vendue, to the hïghest bidder, ut the east door of the Court House in Ann Arbor, in the county of Washtenuw in s:iid State, on Satuiídav. 'i n i. 8f.vkntf.enth day of May, A. D. 1S79, at ten o'clock in Ihe forenoon of that day {subject to all eneumbrances by mortfjage or otherwiseexistiiiir ut the time of tha Mie), alt tlie right, tltle, and interest of said minor in and to the fullowing dcscrihed real estáte, to Wit: All tbat certain tract or p;ircel of land yituaied in the city of Ann Arbor and ciiiinty of Washtenaw, known, bounded, and dfscríbed I as follows, viz : The north onp-third of lot namber srven (7) in )lock nuniber two C-J north of range unmber three east in said city. Dated, April 1, 1S79 CATHARTNE WALSH, Guardian. Estáte of Russell Briggs- incompetent. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Waebtenaw, 63. At a session of the Probate Court f or the county of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in ihe city of Arm Arbor, on Saturday, the nineteeuth day of April, in the year one thousand eight hundred and spventy-nine. Present, WuiiTuu r. Uarrlman, Jndgeof t' róbate. in tne matter of the estáte of llussell Briggs, an incompetent person. On reailniff and iiling thepetition, duly verified, of Myron Webb, guardián, praying he may be licensed to mortifage the real estáte whereof said incompetent is seized. Thereupon it ia ordered, that Baturday, the seventeenlh day of May next, at ten o'clock in the foreooon, be asaigned for the hearing of said petition, and that the next of kin of said incompetent, and all other persons interested in said estáte are required to appear at a session of said court, then to be holden i? the Probate oiEce in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any therebe,why the prayer of the petitioner should not be graated : And it is further ordered that aaid petitioner give notice to the persons inteiested in said estáte, ot the pendency of said petition, and the hearina thereoí', by a copy of this order to be published in the Michigan Ahgus, a newapaper printed and eirculating in anid county, threesucceasive weeka previous to said day of hearing. "WILLIAM D. HAKRIMAN, CAtruecopy.) ludge of Probate. Wm. G. Doty, Probate Register. Estáte of Krastiis Wlialey. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washtenaw. as. At a Hession of the Probate Court íor the (Jounty of Washlenaw, holden at the Piobate Office in the City of Ann Arbor, on Tuesday, the eighth diiy of April, in the year one thous and eight hunebed and sevenly-nme. Present, William D.Harriman, Judge of Probate Iu the matter oi the estáte of Ürastus Whaley, deceased Onreuding and filing the petition, duly verifieñ1, of James M.Congdon, attorney in faet of El iza B. Wood, praying that Osear L. Noble may be removed f rom lúa office is administra tor of said estate for the reasons in said potitioii set forth, and that lie be regnired forthnith to ronder an account of his adminUtration of said estáte. Thereupon itiaoidered, that Wed nesday the fowrtc-nthday of May Dex, at ten o'clock in tlie forenoon, be aasigncd for the heaxiog of said peti tion, and thtit the heirs at law of said decensed, nnrt all ot her persons interested in uid estáte, are required to appenr ut a session of said court then to be holden ut the Probate office in the city of Ann Arbor, and ühow cause, if fin y there be, why the prayer of the petitioner sliould not be granted : And it is further ordered that aaid petitioner give noticc to the persons iaterested id said estáte, ot the pendency of said petition and the hearing thereoi', by C4U6ÍDR a copy of this order tobe published in the Michigan AnOtTS, a newspaper printed and cifculated in said county, tïiree auccesaive weeks previous to said dy of hearing. WILLIAM D. HAH1UMAN, ( A true copy.) Judge of Probate. Wm. G-. Poty, Probate Register. A DOLLAR SAVED IS A BOLLAR EARNED ! NEW GÖODS ! AndpricesLOWER THAN EVER. I have purehascd in New York, for cnsh, and I am now dsüiy rüceivini one of the largrest and moat select stocks of Groceries in "Washtenaw County, consisting of a f uil and well selected LINE OF TEAS, All of the new erop - iacluding Guupowdcrs, Impei ial, Voung II}'Nontj, Ilysons, Japans, lolongs, lorinosas, (i!;oii, Soucliong, and Twaukuyfj, Together with a full line of COFFEES, consistibk of the followinif branda: MOCHA, OLÍ) GOV'Ï JAVA, MAKÁCAIBO, LAÖUAYRB.SANTOS íind iílü, both roasted und ground ; a ful] and well selected stock of SUC ARS, SYÜUPS AND MOLASSES, Together with everythinj in the line cf Pure Spices, Canued i'ruits, and Vegetables. "We have a full and complet0 line of BOOTS & SHOES, HATS, CAPS, GLOVES And Hoaiery. jUso, a choice assortment of Ladios' !ind Gentlenien's Underweur. Cali and examlae 3ooda and Prioea and we will insure satisfüction. EDWARD DÜFEY. " Uaynard'e Block,-' cor. Main and Ann streete Ann Arbor, Mich. IWHishest cash price piiid fo: all farm )roduce."a 5 bales of Kussia Crash at 10 cents Der yard at Bach & Abel's. Sold iu othjr houses at 15 cents, same goods. (12-tf)


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