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LEGAL NOTICES. Mshiip of Kobert FergUMO STATK OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of 'V:ih(, .,:, v, 113. Notifce ís hereby giyen, that hy iin order of the Probate Court lor tho Uouiity of waslitenitw, m-uh: on the twenfcy-flrsl day ot April, A D. 1879, six munihs from that date were allowed for creditorato pxesenttbeir cl;ums arainH ■:f ot ltohert l''erguaon, late of unid county. (k'censed, and tbat all creditors of finid deccaned nreroquired lo present thtir cluims to said Proüf, at tin: Probóte 'Hrk-e in the city tf Ann Arbor, for ex;irain;it!OM and allowance, onor before the twentj-flrut day oí Octoter next, and ibat shcIi riaiirjs will be henltl before sitid Court, on Miiriilay, tile twentr-flrst day oí -TuJy, and m Tuesdiiy the twenty-firet day of October next, at ten o'elüek in the forenoon of each of Haid dayft. Suted, Ann Arbor. A.iil 21, A. D. 1879. WlLIilAM D HARUIMAN, 17w4 Judge of l'robate. Estatp of OTarf' Ann Cropsey. STATE ÜF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of "Waahtenaw, ss. Notice is hereby girra, thvt by íin urdrrof the TroimteCourt fortheCounty of WaahteDAW, mnfc on the twenty-thírd day of Aprll, A. D. 1879, ñx rnonth írom that fíate Mtn alkm-ed for editora to present tlifir claims agslutk the SBtafe oí' Mary Ann Cropsey, late of said countjr, f'c.crnwd, ■■xnd that all creditors of said deeeaserl ar required to prenent tlieir ÍIbíBib to nid Probate Court, at the Probate Oflfcu in the city of Ann Arbor, íor examínaiion and allowance, on or befe tlie twenty-tlnrd day of Orober next ai.d thftt socíi claims will be he:rd before said Court, on Wednesoay tlie twenty-third day ot July, and onlliuraday the twenty-third day of October next,at tn o'elodc in tlie fnreiioorj of each of sairt d Dated, Aan Arhor, April 2:, A. D. 1S70. WILLIAM D. H ERIMAÍT, 17-4t Judge of Probate. Estáte of 3Iary E. Parsons. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washlenaw, ss, At u seseion of the Protmt Court íor tbe County of Washtenaw, holtlen at tb Probate, Office in the city of Ann Arbor,on Fridny, the eleventh day of April, in the year one thouaand eirht hundred and Beventy-nine. Present, William D. Harriman1Jndge of Probate, in the matter of the estáte of Mary E. Paraons, deetased. Thoinas 3. San ford, exeeutor of the Last wili and testament of snic estáte, comes intocowri and representa tbaí he is no w propared to render hisannual account asauch esecutor. Thereapon it is orderecl.tíiat Saturday, the tenth day of May, nex.r, at ten o'clock in ihe forenoon, b assigned for examtntng and aïlcjwinp such account, and that the deTÚees, regatees mui heirs at law of Mld deceased, and all (Hher persons interestod ín Bftld estáte, are reqnïred io appesr at a session of said court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the. city oí" Ann Arbor, in said eonntf, and showcause, if any there be, why the said account sïirmld not be allowetl : And it is further ordered, that said ejecutor gire notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendeney ot saïil account aad the hearing thereof, by caasinff a copy of t hm order to be mibliehed ín tlie Michigan Argus, a newgpaperrïnted emá circulating in aii couoty, tli ree succeasive weeks prevïous to said day of hearing. W1LLIAM D. HAKKlMAir, [A true oopy.] Jndfte of Probate. Wm. G. Doty, Probafe Résister. Estáte of Hannali Smith. STATE OF MIOPIIGTAN, COUNTY of Washtenaw, ss. At u seysiou of the Probate Court for íhu Cimnty of Washtenaw. holden l khe Probate Office In the city of Ann Arbor, on Monday, the twenty-first day of April, in the year one tbousand eijcht hundred and seventy-nine Present, Willtatn I. Harriman, Judge of Probate. Ín the nuUicr of the (Milita of Haanah Smitb, déceased. Jumes M, Kelscy, ;iímínitítrafor of said estáte, comes intoeonrr and representa that he is nov preprepared to render his final accouut as auch admi oistrator. upöH it ís ordered, that Saturrtay, the sprenteenth dav of May next, ai ten o'clock ín the forenoon, be assignetl for exaroíning and allowing such account, íind that tlic heir at law of said detetftfbck and all other persons interested in said estáte, are required to appear at a session of said court, then to be holden at the Probate Office in t Anu Aiimr, u said eounty, and show cause if any ther.; be, w!iy the said aeconnt should not be allowed : And ít ís furtheronlered, that said administra tor gíve notice to the persons Interested in said estáte, of the pendeney of said account and the hearing thereof, by eau si ni; a copy of Hila order to be publiahed in the Michigan Ab gus, a newspaper printetJ and eirculating in said county, three successive weeks prevíous to said day of hearing. WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN, (Atruecopy.) Judge of Probate. Wm. (i. Doty, Probate Register. Estáte of Josepli I. ISarher. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washtenaw, ss At a session of the Probat Courfcfor the Cuunty of Washteuaw, bolden ai the Pmljate Ofliee, in the City of Ann Arbor, on Thnrsday, the seventeenth dny oí April, in the year one thonsand eight hundred iind seventy-nine. Present, William 1). I [arriman, Judgeof Pr ate. In the matter of fhe estáte of Joseph I. Barfcer, deceased. Onreading and filing the netition, dnly Terifled, of Mana Ij. Barker, prayiüg íh;it a eert ai n in i Rtnimtintnowoii Ele in íiiis conrt. purporting to be the last wíl] and testament of said deceftsed, may be admitted to Probate, and that she muy be íiP7)'iin(ci execntrix thereof. Thereupon it isorderedTthat Monday,tbt nineteentb day ot May next, at ten o'eloek in tbt forenoon,beaa3igr.'ídf(n-tíiehearinp:of anid pefition. and that tke deviseea, tagatee, and heira ut law of said deceased, ;md al! othei persona inierettd ia said estáte , are required to . ppenr sit a sesión ot uid court, then to be holden ut the Probate office in the city oí Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should nol l granted: And it is further ordered that satd petitionevgiv tiotioe to the peráon interest od in said estáte, of the pendency of said petition, ani? the hearing thereof, by causinff a copy of thia ordei to be publisï.ud in the M uhican Arcíus, a newspapur printed and circulated in said county, three successive weeks previons to said day oí hennng. AVILLIAM D. HARlïlMAN, (Atruecopy.) Judge of Probate. Wm. O. Poty, Probate Register. fttortgge Sale. DEFATJLT having been made in the condition ot1 a certaïn mort grage raade and executed by Darius S. Wood and Dcboruh S. Wood to Emily Benton.and dnteil Jwlj the lifteenth, A. D. lS7ft, and recorded in the oüice of tbe Register of Ied of Washtenaw County ritate of Michigan, on the Üfteenth day of July, A. I. 1876, in Liber 44 of nortjBf ee, at page d4, which mortgne was duly aasignec hy said Emily Bentou to Comstoek F. Ilill, February lOth, 1ÏJ79, aa per assignment recorded in sakl Itegisters oííice, in Líber 6 of nssigrnments at page f69, and thore being elaimed to be due auö unpaid on 3:tid mortgnge and tbe note aecompanying the same at he date of thisnotiee, tke Hum o: Two Tbousand Sixtyï'our and 74-10 Dol',111,4.7-1), ivlso :in attorney's fee of ïwentyFive Dollars as pro Lded tor in suid mortage, and do procet'dings at luw or in equitj inving been taken to ooïleot tlie srfEo or any part thereof. Now, therefore, notice is hereby given, tbat uy TÏrtue of the power of sale in Baid mort 0a ge centained, and ot' 1 he statuto in such caw.1 nuvde and provided, I shall, on Tuesday, the tlarteenth day of May, A. D. 1S7Í), at ten o'clock A. M. of that day, at the south door of the Clerk'a office, in the city of Ann Arbor, (thftt beiiiff the place teeignated for holdinif the Circuit Couri for the County of Wnshtenuw,) aell at public auetion or vendue, to the bighest bidder, the premises describid in lid mortgitge ot so much therool as will be necessary to satisfy said amount of morteuge and note, together with baid attorney'sf'ee and uil necessary costs and expenses allowed by law, with tlie accruing interest ut Din per cent. Said premises being described in said morragQ asiollows: Tlie south west quarter of section twenty-five, iu township three, south of range five east, containing one hundred find sixty acres. COMSTOCK r. BILIi Assignoe of Mortgage. Dfited, Feb. 12,1879. Mortjíaj;e Sale. DEFATJLT HAYINO BKEN MADE IN THE conditions of a cerhtin mortgnje bearing date the eleventh day of Tuly, one thouBHnd eitjht hundred and seventy-six, made and exeeutcd byC'harie Gwioser and Elixabetta (.j winner, his wil'e, both of the village of Manchester, Wusbtesaw County ( Michigan, as mortgagors, to John Conrsd Binder, of the township ot lïridjiewater, county of Washtenaw and State of Michigan as mortagee, nnd recordt-d on the twenty first May of August, A. T). 1870. at '-Í1 ■, i1 m., in liber 51 of mort gages, on page G91,in the'officeof the liegister of Deed 3 for the county of Wnshteiiaw, Michigan, and more than sizty.days hnving elapsed since defanlt was made i ii the pa y ment oí' interest and principal due thereby according to the terms of said snd the note accompanying the same, giving the mortgaee the right to elect that the wbole Bum of principal and interest sbould be due and owing at anee, and the said mortgagee having so made his eledion aüd there being elaimed tö be dne on aaid mortsageandthe note aforementioned at the date of thia notice the snm of niae huudred and two dollars. ;rn] no procoedin at law or inerjuity hnrin been instituted to recover the same or any part thereof: Notice is therefore hereby giveo, that by virtue of a power oi aJe in gaW morSgagra containcd, and of the statute in such cases made and provided, T shall sell at public auetion or vendiie, to the bigbeet bidder, on Satukpay, the ïwestiSllTH day o Jttly, A. D. 1S70, at ten o'clock in the forenoon pf said J;iy, at the .south door of tlie Court HouSa ftht beinsr the pïoce for holding the circuiteouit for the county oí WaMenaw, Mirfïigan), the premisea desoribw in said mortgage, as followa, to wit: All those certaïn piecesor parcela of land sitúate and being in the village of Manchester, in thecountyol Waahtenaw and State of Michigan, and being more particularly described in hi.ii by Chrtstoplier Kat 2, his wifo, and .hiL-ob Katz and Ann Mary KtttE, lis wife, of the townsuip of Manchester, county and State aforesaid, to Charlea Gwinner, and heirig recorUed in the Regiater'a Office of Washtenaw county, in ïiber ede, "ii p&ge 729, on the I7th day of Auguat, L864 : and alao in a deed given by John W. Cowan and Dorcas Cowan. bis wife, of thetownof Sharon, county and State aforesaid, to Charles (ïwinner, and bfilng recorded in the Registert Otfice of Wiishtciiawcotinty. in liber 62, paeGIG; and also i n ;i deed given by William H. and Ct-delin Bessae, his wife, of Manchester, connty and State aforesaid. to Charles Gwinner, and being recorded in the Register's Oljicoof Washtenaw vounty, in liber Gij, page 432. It being expressly hereby intended by the parlies of the iirst part thsttUis mortgage is to cover tlieir entira interest under the last mentioned three deeds. Thé said premises being descrïbfd in tbe'dcëds above mentioned, M follows, to wit: Pait of lot oumber aeven in block number three in tlie village of Manchester, begin ning at the northwest corner o1 said lot thencc south on a parallel line with the line of said lot sixiy-two and one-half feet,thence east on a liueparullel with the south line of said lot thirty-two feet, theDce north on a line parallel with the east line of stiid lol .sixiy-two and one hall feet, thence west thirtjr two feet to the p!acof begioninr; also being to roda ofl southeastërly end of vfllage lot number Bi ven in blonk oumber three in the village of MaO. also i-t ' i órlot number seren in block niiiiluT tliree oí the village of Manchester, beginnintr sixty-two and one-half ieet south of the northwest corner of said lot, roDning tlience cast tliirty-twu feet. thnce &outh thidy-eight foet, the nee west thirty-two feet, thenoe north thirtyeight feet to the place of beffin-ning. Said premise wiil be so!d to satisfv the aniuunt so elaimed tobe iue.wïth the interest accruin after this dte and an attoriu y fee of thirty dollars provided for in iaidrnortgage, and the costs and exponaos allowed by luw. 'Datcd, April 22, ISTü. ,1OEIN CONRAD BINDER, Morttfagw. "kamer, Fiii'KAiiF & Oorbin, Attorueys lor Mortgagee.


Old News
Michigan Argus