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OPBBA HOUSE, ANN ARBOK. C. J. Whiïney, Leasee and Manager. Thursday Eve'g, May 8th. Mr. FRANK MAYO AS EAVY CB.OCSETT Suppcrted by the same cixat as appeared in its reeent suceesslul run at the Grand Opera House, New York. Appropriale scenery is carried by the management. Topular Pbices.- Reserved Beats, $1.00; general admission, 75 cents ; gallery, 5" cents. Seats can be seeured at J. C. Watts' Jewelry Store. EMANUEL WIANN, Druggist and Pharmacist, 5 SOUTH MAIN STREET, .ANN ARBOK, has on hand a well selected stock of PUEE DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, CHOICE PERFUMES, Toilet Arlicles.ShoulderBraces, Trusses,&c, which he offers for sale at pricea to suit the times. EES" Physicians' Preseriptions carefully prepared at all hours. I now have a limited quantity of my ohoice Easpberry roots tor sale, on the following terms, 25 for $2.00; 50 for $3.00; $5.00 per hundred. 18-1 1 BENJ. Day. Douglas and Co., have removed the Book, Stationery and Wall Paper Stock to the second door North of the flrst National Bank. 16-2t Douglas and Co., by having but one store ciin afford to, and will, sell goods cheaper than any other house in the city. ■ 16-2t Watches, Chains, AT COST ! To close out in thiity or forty days if possible. J. S. CBOSSMAN, 17_4t Jeweler, at Moorc's Bookstore. Prices of Lime Reduced ! Kelly Island Linie, 25 ets. per busli. TI on roo L,line, 85 cents per Imstoel. ITIacon JLlme, 33 cents per busüel. FOR SALE. Caicinod Piaster, Water Lime, Cement, Plastering Huir aud Land Piaster, at my Lime-Kiln near Central Depot. JACOB VOIjIjAWP. rpHE LABGEST AJi BEST STOCK OF PAINTS, OILS, ALL KINDS OF Painters' Materials, &c. AMEEIOAN AND FEENCH WINDOW CLASS AU Sizes. .T SOEG-'S. 26 and 28 East Wasliington Street, ANN AEBOE. G ET YOTTK PROPEETY INSUEED BY C. H. MILLEN, Insurance Agent No. 4 South Main Street, ANN AR HOR, - MICH The oldest agency in the city. Established a quarter oí a eentury ago. ltepreseuting the following tirst class cownanief Home Insurance Co. of N.Y., Assets over Jfi,000,000 t ontlnental Ins. Oo. of N. Y., Assets over 83,000,1)00 Niágara Fre Ins. Co., N. Tí, Assets 1,442,400 (ünmlot Pa., Assets over f1,000,000 Orlettt of Hartford, Asscls Ï700.000 Rates low. Losses liberally adjuBtcd and promplly paid. 1700 C. H. MILLEN.


Old News
Michigan Argus