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News Of The Week

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The Colleare of Notre Damt, the well-known Catholic school between Niles and Sonth I3end lnd., was dentroyed by tire Wednesday, tojethcr with all the adjoining buildings, except the church. The tire caught from some tar roob'ng. Loss, two hundred thousand dollars; insured for seventy-five thousand dollars . A dispatch from Cheboygan on Wednesday, s&id the Straits were practically opeD. A schooner passed through that day, bound up, being the first craft of the season. Wednesday morning A. A. Sage's shingle mili, near Long Lake, in the Township of Maytield, Lapetr Co., eaught fire from the slab burner and was entirely destroyed. Loss probablv $3,000; no iusurance. The wife of the well-known Methodist preacher, the Kev. Thomas Stalker, died at Pontiac, Wednesday of consumption, aged 48 years. The Mason county Board of Supervisors have purchascd Micbael Moore's farm, five miles from Ludington, for a oounty poor farm. The house of Asa Moore in Paris, Kent connty, was destroyed by fire Wodnesday, together with most of contents. Loss about $2,000. At Barstow's Biding, about six miles from Big Rapids, two men named Crowley and Boyd got into a drunken quarrel, reLarding a bet, in hich Boyd shot Crowley, the ball penetrating the abdomen. Crowley was brought to Big Uapids and attended by Dr. Hendrix, who prononnced the wound fatal. The trial of Qeo. W. Burt at Howell, for the murder of Martin Vanetter at Fowlerville, October 18, 1867, ended Wednesday in a verdict of murder in the second degree. It waR the fifth trial for murder in Livingston county, and attracted unusual attention. At a meeting of the Western Michigan Dranght Association at Grand Rapids, Wednesday, it was determined to postpone the proposed State tournament indefinitely. The lumbermen in the north woods are experiencinK irreat difficulty in eetting their logs out owiug to the unusually low Btage of waté"r. Most of the bdow in the woods has melted bo gradually as scarcely to have raised the streams at all. " Speaking of the Au Sable and its branches, a correspondent says: The most doubtful streams are the North liranch and Bean Creek. On the North Branch thereareabout fonrt""" -ii; „"ftT me logs on the North Branch, Upper South Branch, Hubbard Lake, Wolf Creek, and the main river, will, no doubt, be Buccessfully gotten out. On Qilchrist Creek, where there are about twenty-four million feet of logs, they aie being flooded out, and the running of the logs is only a question of time. Sufficient water is obtained to nood the logs about three times a week. A íire at Fenton Thursday morning destroyed A. V. Anderson's barrel factory, Calwell & Atlams' new saw-m;ll, Buskirk & Britton's fruit and vegetable dry er, the Fenton woolen mili, JjfKÜe Lewis' grocery store, Hoisington's restaurant. E. 8. Hirstz' music store, and the lurge wooden bridge on LeKoy street. The Owosso tire department carne so the rescue by special train. The loss is about $35,000, on which there is but a small insurance. Wednesday evening some incendiary fired the barn of Mr. R. M. Bailey near drian, and that together with the sheds, outbuildings, etc, covering half an acre, was totally destroyed. Five horses, seven mileh cows and three calves were burned, besides valuable vehicleB, farm implements, stock, etc. Ieburance $1,200, which will cover about one-third the loss. The barn of Hiram Deati, three miles north of Hartford, waB burned Wednesday night with three horses, five cattle. a mower, and various other farm implements. Loss, $1,200; insured $800 in the County Mutual. The Michigan State Pólice Association (an organization of local detective associations) is to meet at Kalamazoo May 14-15. to perfect and develop their operations. Every local association shonld send at least three delegates. A terrific fire has been raging in the pine woods uorth of Farwell. öeveral of Gerrish's lumber camp have been destroyed and a largo section of the county was threatened, as the woods were as dry as tinder. A large amount of damage has been done to logs and standing ti saber. Charles Montague hos sold his interest iu the Opera House block, at Caro, to Georgc Phelps, of Mount Morria, N. Y., for 819,000. which also includeB his stock of goods in store. Mrs. Lewis, of Shelby, Oceana County, was accidentally sbot in the back on Friday. It was thought the wound, though serious, would not prove fatah Very extensive and destructive fires are reported in the wood soutk of Stevensville. Berrien county. Alcona, arnoug the new connties of the State, has an $18,000 Court House, and has just completed a $6,000 jail. Mr. Crossfcove, of Bay City, who recently broke his arm while wrestling, has been obliged to have it amputated. Wm. Dunston, who livcd a few miles north of Clarkston, was killed by an enraged buil on Thursday, and his wife seriously, íf not fatally iniured while attemptiug his rescue. T. Hampton's saw-miil, in Glenwood, CasH county, was burned on the 14th. Loss, $1,260 Richard J. Macoy died at Kalamazoo on the 21st, aged 72, where he had lived for 35 yeara. He settled in Adrián in 1836. He took the tirst contract to build a railroad bridge that was let in this State, which was constructed at Palmyra. G. B. Parker's house at Yermontville burned on the 22d. Loss, $3,500; insured for $2,500. Alpena county has given an official majority at 571 Ín favor of building a new courthouse. The old woolen-mill at Flint ír running again. employing 12 men, workiug exclusively on woolen y arn , turning out 1,000 pounds per week. A f uil set of machinerv for making cotton batting is about to be set at work also. The Firat Baptist Church, of Detroit, have called Rev. Z. Grenell, Jr., "f Bay City, to their vacant pastorate, and it is understood that he accepts. A little child belonging to J. B. Smalley, of Antrim county, was killed by hogs while playing in the door yard. The wife of L. L. Smith, of Vicksburg, has commenced a suit against her husband in the Kalamazoo Circuit for $5,000 damages for trespass in assaulting her when in liquor. James M. Foster. Town Treasurer of Chase, Lake county, has turned up missing, and so has $1,800 of town money. A Pottawattamie Indian woman, aged over 100 years, died lately at Sumnerville, Cass cuunty. She went west with her tribc, but returned 20 year ago to spend her remaining days in the land of her childhood 8he would not lire in a house, but made her home in a wigwam which she had built in her son-inlaw's door-yard, and where she lived in regular Indiau style. Mra. Miller died in Amber, Mason eountv, April 22, at the great age of 109 years. She was the mother of 13 children, most of whom are dead. She was well up to within a few hours of her death. Bhe was bowed down with her years, and in her coflin could not be straight enei. Two weeks ago a Oerman named Matthias Byerlein disappeared. His body was found at East Saginaw Monday floating in the river. Thedeceased served iu the Second Michigan Cavalry during the war and was of intemperate habits of late. No marks of violence were found. He was aged 48 and leaves a largc family. The body of a man named Schirmerhorn was fonnd fioating in the water at Sault Ste. Marie Monday morning. He carne there last fall from Canada with his wife and six children and shortly after disappeared, leaving his family in destitute circumstances. Marine City is infested with incendiarles. Three attempta have been made within a week to burn the business part if the place. John H. Welch, of lonia, bas been appointed by the Commissioner of the General Land Office at Washington a special timbra agent for the Interior Department with a salary of f 100 a monbh. His business is to hunt timber thieves on government lauda. A meeting of the executive committee of the Board of Kegents was held at Ann Arbor Monday evening. President Angelí and Prof. J. Beal Bteerc were instructed to yisit muse unís in the East and report the result of their investigations at a special meeting of the board May 15, at which time prominent architectfi are invited to be present. The llegeuts desire to expedíate matters and to make all necessary arrangements tor the congtruction of the fire-proof museum building. The Adrián paper mili has been purchased by J. F. Jones, of the Adrián and Mansfield Paper Company, and will resume business on an extensive scale soon. The mili originally cost $85,000, and has a capacity for making five tons of paper per day. Lt. Charles L. Sherman, from Kalamazoo, committed snicide in Philadelphia a few days ago. Cause not stated. Monday night, an unsuccessful attempt was _made to wreek the evening express train on the Chicago & Lako Huron Uailroad, two miles east of Flint. A farmer living near by, who discovered the rails loosened and unspiked, ran over a mile and flagged the train, thus preventing a terrible wreek, as there was a steep declivity near by the place where the rails were removed. Chas. M. Cobb, aged 77, a respected citizen of Albion, was killed Tuesday af ternoon by stepping in front of the day express engine. The house of Michael Butler of rand Rapids burned Tuesday and two little children perished in the flames. The mother has since become a raving maniac. Kdward Sanborn, a man 73 years old, and an old resident of Danby, feil down cellar at his non' residence Monday night and was almost instant! y killed,


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