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The Erie Railway has obtained a verdict of O1,600.000 iii the English Conrt of Chanccry against Mr. McHenry, it English agent, for moneys misappropriated. Gen. Bheridan and Gen. Tcrry arrived at Yankton, Wednesday night, on the Bteamer Big Horn, f rom Bismarck. O. B. Howe i Son, leading grain and commiBBion merchantB of Buffylo, have made an assignment. LiabiliticB estimatsd at $75,000; aRsetB unknown. A convention of representatives from the State Boards of Health of Michigan, Illinois. Kentucky. Louisiana, Texas, ArkanBas and Tennessee met at Memphis Wednesday afternoon and effected a temporary organization by calling Gen. Cyras BusBey, of New Orloans, to the chair. The object of the convention is to bavo concert of action in preventing the introJactionaud spread of yellow fever in the United States. Orders have been ïsBued by the See iry of War to Geu. Pope, commanding th department of Missouri to furnish auch military forcea a may be required to enabli' the Indian department to keep trespasser out of the Iudian territory and enforce the President's recent proclamation on the subject. The forre in the lndian territory and vicinity is ampie for the purpose, and the Administration ia determinad to enforce the President s ordeis and protect the treaty and other rights of Indiana. The wife of Secretary Sherman. their daughter, and Miss Denison sailed Thursday for Europe in the steamer Adriatic. The Secretary and some friends of the family, in a revenue cutter, accompanied the tourists down the bay Mrs. Sarah Joeph Hale, for half a century editores of Godey's Lady's Book, died Wednesday morning. The national debt statement shows the increase for April to be $19,952. Gold certiticates. $15,772,600; oilver certifícate, $197,702; certiticates of deposit ontstanding, f 31,635,000; ref nnding certificaten, $3,104,250; legal tenders outstanding, $346,681,016; fractional currency outstanding, $15,913.009; United States notes held for redemption fractional currency. $8,446,338; called bonds nut matured, for which 4 per cent. bonds have been issued, $171,319,100. . „ The receipts from internal revenue for 1U months of the present fiscal year ending April 30, were $89,024,833; last year, for the same period, they were $89,585,354, a decrease of $560.471. During April the receipts feil oft $l,228,034,or more than doublé the decrease for the eutire 10 months. Since t' e lst inst the sales of stamps have very largely increased, and there is every prospect thut the receipt of the next two months will put a large balance to the credit of the present as compared with that preceding it, notwithstanding the reduction of the tax. lne bill amenaing me nuil iiicutijuittiiiuK m Canada and Detroit Uiver Bridge Company has been adopted by the parliamentary railway committee at Ottawa. This bill provides that work shall be commenced within two years and completed within six years iromthe passing of the act. A special f rom Vicksburg, Miss.,says : In August last Bob Harrison Page, ex-aheriff of Claiborne county, and a man named Jasper, killed the sheriff and his deputv and attempted to ooBsiuate District Attorney Brisco. He subsequently killed fonr of the üheriff's posse, who attempted to arrest them, and were coralled in Tensas l'arish, ha., Thursday, by Detective Frank Piercc and United States Detective John H. Boyle. They made fight. Detective Fierce killed Bob Harrison Page, and Jasper was captured and jailed at Port öibson. Pierce, of this city, had 26 balls in his They arrived in Vicksburg on the steainer White Saturday morning. There was a terrible wind Btorm along t Utah and Northern Kailway Friday. A freight train near Hound Valley, Idaho, consisting of 15 cars, some loided with siver bullion, was blown f rom the track, and some of the cars carried a distance of 75 feet. The machine shop and pattern rooms of the Pacific Iron works at Bridgeport, Conn., burned Saturday. Loss, 75,000; insurance, Q, 0,000. Wm. Tallarece and Geo. Rhodes, who were 0 i a hunting and fishing trip, crawled into the drum-house of the coal works at IN'ew 1 ven, near Pomsroy, Ohio, Thursday night, to sleep. About 1 o'clock Friday morniñg the house caught tire and burned to the ground, the sleeping young men being consumed in the James. Their bodies weee found in the inorn} ing charred beyond recognition. Advices from southeastern Kansas say that about 2.000 men have gone into the Indian Territory within the past week ; also that rich silver mines have been discovered just south of the Kansas line, and claims in large numbers are being registered daily in a squatters I registry office, two miles from Baxter Hprings, Kansas The Brooklyn Presbytery oegan voting Monday on the charges against Dr. Talmao. Talmage. The vote stood 12 to acquit, 3 to. find a verdict of guilty, and 3 undecided. The Baptist church, at North Adaais, Mass., was damaged Monday morning by fire $45,000, insurance $35,000. A terrible casualty took place at Stratford, Ont., Monday forenoon. A car of dynamite en route from Montreal to Amherstburg, while being shunted in the yard, explodcd with tremendous forcé. So great was the concussion that that the whole town was shaken as if by the shock of an eartbquake. The sho Jt was plainly feit at New Hamburg, 14 miles away The freight shed was wrecked, as were fully 50 houses in the vicinity. Three men were killed outright, D. Pigeon. Park Lemoine and Thomas Dolan.and bnrned out of all reembla oe to hum; n forms. The car contain-d 30 ; ages which were cntered as blasting powder. They were shipped on account of Vanderbilt to be used in blasting at the Detroit tunnel. The damage will exceed $250,000. Advices by the steamer Halhday arrived at Memphis Sunday night are to the effect that several uundred negroes have armed themselvea near Carolina and Leoti landings, Miasissippi. The object stated is to seize the first passing steamer that may land within their jurisdiction and compel the vessel to convey towards Kansas. The Senate committee on appropriations, in reporting.back to the Senate the legislative bill, struck from it the clausc directing the Secretary of the Treaiury to devote to the payment of the arrearage of pensions the special f and of -fl0,( . ' ',U3 legal tender notes now helH for the redemption of fractional curren y. The verdict of the Stanley-Hazen coe rt-martial wns handed to the Becrctaty of War Wednesday, but will not be made public for several days. The opinión of good judges who have watched tbe trial is that Stanley will be let off with a mild censure. It is said President Hayes will sign the? Democratie caucus bill, which passed the House Tuesday, as he considers it a harmless measure.


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