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l'he steamer Nile, from Elva for Newport, , th a cargo of are, has been lost. Three only :re saved of a crew of 23. i A great fire occurred in the city of OrenLrg, Ural Eiver, Monday and Tuesday, deroyirig the principal part. Loss enormous. ore than half of the population are destitute food and shelter. A number of persons 3re injured. Gen. Grant arrived at Hong Kong, China, in od health, May 1. A telegram states that the Chilian fleet has tired from the Peruvian coast to protect ilparaiso and other ports threatened by the eruvian fleet. The recent lire at Orenburg is attributed to irelessness. Nine hundred and forty-nine cüings were burned, together with 1 losque, i milis, 292 hops, several tar, coal ld iirewood stores, timbar yards, ineat maret, fruit market, women's gymnasium, club ouse, workhouse, pólice station, and justice'B jurt, besides the buildings named already. he Czar has contri .uted 10,000 roubles for ie relief of the sulïerers. A dispatch from Berlin says Solovieff, who ttempted to asBassinate the Czar, declares jat though he was compelled, under threat f dcath, to fire at the Czar, he purposely ïissed him. Among those arrested on suspiLon of Nihilism is Stasov, who was one of the ounsel for the defense in a recent trial of a [huist. The Governor of Kieff has received jtters threatening incendiarism and slaughter y means of dynamite and bombs. The Panama Star and Herald tells the story f an attempted revolution there. A plot to ipset the state government had been concerted iy disafïected politicians, who sought to purhase the officers of Columbian guards on the sthmus.and secured some. The commander of he regiment, becoming cognizant of the facts, ebuked his officers, which so incensed them hat Captain O'Baldiah assaultcd the Colonel vith bis sabré and was shot down by the Monel's son, aged 18, and a lieutenant in the attalion. The row then became general and :ontinued until Col Carvajal and bis son, four ther oflicers, and several men wcre killed, and 'rom eight to ten wounded. News of the ;ragedy was circulated around town. and the idherents of the government at once decided ,o check the attempt at revolution and to punsh the crimes committed in Cuartel. They sept up a fire on the national barracks from aalf-past six uutil nearly nine the following morning, when the troops unconditionally surrendered. Thirty were killed and as many wounded. Martial law is proclaimed. The long-looked-for single scull race on the Tyne, between Edward Hanlan, of Toronto, ünt., and John Hawdon, of Delavel, England, for L200 a side, took place Monday, and, as was generally expected. resulted in a victory for Hanlan. The weather was splendid. The course was from the Mansion House to the suspension bridge, at Scottswood, a distance of three miles and three furlongs. Hanlan won the race with the greatest ease by six lengths, The correct time of Hanlan is 22 minutes and 6 seconds.


Old News
Michigan Argus