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LEADING DETROIT BUSINESS HOUSES. Jp 'Sil H9b Stearns' Drug Store 81 WOODWARD AVENUE, DETEOIT. We keep in stook the largest variety of Medical Merchandize gathered under one roof in America. ■arvisitor are cordially lnvlted to Yisit uur Store nhen in Detroit. FHY8ICIANS, SURGEOÏSS, STUDENTS, and DEALERS are invited to examine our large and complete aBsortment of Surpal Instruments and all kindred goods before makiog tt stt selr 2 tiona elsewbere, as we will make it to their advantege to obtain their suppliea oí us. FREDERICK STEARNS. HEL BROTHERS THE FAMILY GROCERS. Opera House Block, corner Monroe Ave. DETROIT, MICH., OFFER CTANDARD A COFFEE 8UGAR, 8 cents per lb. "PINEST ROAST JAVA COFFEE, -P 30 cents per ft. FINEST JAPAN TKA, 55 cents per R. U IN EST 31b CANS TOMATOKS, L 10 cents per can. YARMOUTH CORN, 10 centR per.ean. piNE APPLE, A 'iy, cents per can. TfINEST FRENCH MIXED CANDV, -C 'iy cents per lb. IjRENCH BON BONS, IS cents per ft. fiHOCOLATE CREAM DROPS, 15 cents per 1b. 7 th O AT MEAL &RIT8 for lu 2S cents. f th CRACKED WHEAT for n iu . 25 cents. 9 BARS BABBITT'S SOAP for 50 cents. A BARS PROCTER & GAMBLE'S SOAP for 25 cents. ■CUNEST BAKING POWDER, 35 cents per H. Í) S CHOICE DRIED PEACHES for J -"' 25 cents. Q TK FRENCH PRUNES for O IL 26 cents. T ARD IN CROCKS, -M 7 cents per tti. CIIGAR CURED HAMS, 0 SU cents per B. SriiARCVREDSHOULDERS, ö cents per 1b. TAYLOR'S COCOA, -- 19 cents per package. SI (.All CUBED DBIED BEEF, 11 cents per I b. O We roast ou r own Toffee. We make all our Candies. We warrant all our goods. We keep Canned Goodsall kinds. We keep Fancy Cïoods all kinds. We are the largebi. Retail House in Michigan. Priee Lists sent on appUcation. No charge for packing or cartage. At HTJLL BBOTHEBS, THE FAMI1Ï GKOCERS, Opera House Block, oor. Monroe ave., Detroit. DETROIT MABRBtS. Flodb - Choioe whvte 4 50@5 Medium 4 00(84 25 Low grade 2 50@3 C9 Wheat- Extra white 95@l 00 No. 1 white 90@l 00 Amber 90@l 00 Oobm - 85@38o per bush. Oats- 26@28c. 90o.@1 30peroeutal for gtato. Rra-46@47c per bush. Beans- ünpicked 60c. @ $1 per bush Pioked $1 60. Botteb- Prime quality, U@13. Medinni 9 10o Chkese- 9@9Kc per Ib. Cranbebbies- $8.00@9.00per bbl. Applec- $1 25@1 SOper bbl. Dried Apples - 3%&t ots. per Tb. Eoos-Fresh 8@9 c. Hops- 7 ctn. per B Hay- $9 00@ll 00 per ton. Hides - Oreen 6@6c; oured, 77}$o. Honey- 10@llo $ ib. Mafle Süoab- 8@10cts per Ib. Onions- $1 00@l 25 per busb. Potatoes - 70@80o per btmh. Pbovisions- Pork Mes $10 @$10 50; I-ard@6í; Smoked Hams, 8@8}o; 8houlders, 4K@6c; Bacon, 7c; extra Meas Beef, 9 50@10. per bbl. Poultby- Dressed Chiokens 9@10otü. per tt Turkeya 9@13ot8. per ft; Live ohiokens per pair 35@46o. Skbds- Clover $S.O0@3 65 per bushel. Timothy $1 35@ 1 40 per bu. Sheep Skins - 75 ets. to $1.50. 8alt- Saginaw, $1@1 10 per bbl; Onondaga $1 12; Wood - $3 10@6 00 per oord. Wool. - New York quotations; domestio fleece, 26 @ 38o; pulled, 17 @34c; unwashed, 9 @ 24o. RAILROADS. Toledo and Ann Arbor Railroad. Taking eftect Sunday March 23, 1879. OPINO NOttTH. GOIN6 80OTH. SHTtipEi?: jKxp.Kp.Hïi , „ A jj p i A.M.'r.M.;P.M. 50 10 40 6 00 TOLEDO 9 29 2.0 9 2 G 53 10 42 6 02 North Toledo 9 27 2 48 9 22 7 07 10 60 6 11 Detroit Jl'nctlon ! 9 19 2 391 9 04 7 20 10 58 6 2 , Hawthorn 9 11, 2'1, 8 47 783 1106 62' Samarla 0SSMíM 7 42 1111 6 3 Seola , 8 58 2 18 8 19 7 65 1118 6 4 ; Lulu ' 8 4s! 2 10 8 02 803 1123 64 Monroe JunctioD 8 42 205: 7 51 835 1132: 6H Dundee 8 35 1 55j 7 3i 8 46 1137 7 03 Macón 8 30 1 00! 7 21 8 58 1142 TÍO Azalia 8 24 1 44 7 10 9 25 1154 7 23 Milán 8 11, 132 6 37 9 38 12 CU 7 29 Nora 8 05: 126 6 25 9 52 12 0: 7 3 ' Urania 7 58 120 6 13 10 131-2 15 7 40 Ypsilauti June. 7 48 110 5 54 1(140 12 28; 8 00 AXNABBOK ,7 35 12 58 5 30 The 7.36 a. m. exprese south makes close connections at Monroe Junction for Adrián and Monroe and te points on the Lake Shore ; t Toledo with Columbus & Toledo and tlie A aluish 1 he 12 j8 p. m express aouth conneets at loledo with tho .i o'clock train east on the Pennsylvania Road thro to New York. All trains run by l'ulumbus time- 7 minutes fnster than Ann Arbor time. J. M. ASHLEY. Jr., Superintendent. DETEOIT, HILLSDALE AND 8OUTHWE8TKRN RAILROAD. To take effect Aug. 19, 1878. aorao mi. poma eabt. stations. Maii. Exp. ! statiokb. Exp. Miil A. M. P. M.í A. j, p. M YpaUanti.... 8:15 6:05 " ! Toledo June.. 8:35 6:25 Banker. 6:00 2:00 Saline .. 9:25 6:45 Hillsdale ... 5:30 2:10 Bridge'water.. 9:47 7:07 : Manchester.. 8:30 4:02 Manchester. 10:22 7:33 Bridgewater 9:00 4:23 p.M. Saline 9:50 4:42 Hillsdale. ... 1:00 9:47 Toledo June. 10:10 4:65 Banken. . . ... 1:10 10:00 ■ ■ 10:35 5:15 Train run by Chicago lime. W. F. PARKER. Bup't, YpMlanti. MICIIMÍAN CENTRAL RA1LR0A1). ilülHO WEbT. j j '"a i i c . ■rao. = h flfr ji fjïlf & _ _ s Sl'S'F i. M. .M P.M. p. a r.M.P.ll. Detroit, leave, 7 00 9 35 2 5o! 6 20 i SO G. T. Junction, T lñ 10 00 6 00 3 05 6 35 10 10 Wayne Junction Ï 46 10 2( 5 32 3 30 7 10 10 42 ïpsilunti, ! 8 10 10 45 (i 00 3 SI 7 30 11 04 Geddes, ■ Ann Albor, 8 30 11 00 6 30 4 05; 8 10 11 2) belhi, 8 44 6 43 Dexter, i 8 56! ! 6 53; 4 22 31 Chelsoa, 'J 18 1 08 4 40 8 48, Grasa Lake, ( 9 47' 7 33 5 05i 07 r. ti 1 a. ni. JackBon, 10 20 12 15 8 00 6 00: 9 40; 12 46 Albion, 11 12 48 '6 47 10 33 123 Marshall, 11 .) 1 MÍJ 8 J 15 U 03 1 4.r. Battle Cicek, íí" 1553 7 45,1136 2 10 Galesburg, 12 52 8 20 12 07 , A.M. A.M. Kalamazoo, 1 13; 2 38 4 301 8 40 12 251 2 53 Lawton, 1 54 5 05 1 OS Decatur, 2 1 1 ' [ 5 20 12! Dowagiac, 1 2 3fi ' 5 46 I 57 Niles, ( 3 05! 4 07 6 30 2 38 4 U Buchanan, 3 19 6 43 2 54 Three Oaks 3 4D 7 M New Buflalo, 4 03 4 67 7 28 1 3 45 Michigan City, 4:10 5 20 78 4 1616 80 Lake, i 3 li 02 b 40 5 04j 6 19 Kenaington, G 00 t 5o 'J "' 5 55; 7 10 Chicho, arrive, 0 50 ; 411 lo „n C 44 8 00 QOISOIH1. I : ! lo I J ; H í 'S jí í ■1 ijk i s f l_?í--i 5_ A..M. a. m. r. r. '. m. p. ir Ohicaco leave, 7 (10 9 00 4 1)0 ■ 5 15 9 0 Keosinuton, I " 5:1 J 50 4 SO 6 05 9 50 Lake W 1" ;i6 6 50 10 32 Michigan City, i) 2 1 1 ' :i IK 7 40 1120 NewBuffal.., 9 47 11 Í9 6 57 1139 Three Oake, 10 02 7 II A. M. Buchanan, 10 32, 143 : : Niles, 10 4s!l4 16' 8 12 9 00 12 35 Dowagiac, U 16 S 40 ; 1 03 Decatur, 11 39 9 05i ! 1 27 Lawton, 11 57 ' 9 23 a. M. ; Kulamazoo, 12 33 1 40 10 00 6 60 10 CC 2 17 GtilesburR, 12 52 . 7 09 2 37 Battle Creek, 1 27 2 13 H 7 40 1108 3 16 Marshall, 2 25 8 00 8 10ÍU37 3 49 A.M. Albion, 2 52 3 21 A.M. 8 35,12 05 4 10 Jackson, 3 45 4 05 5 40 9 4012 50 4 56 GraBS Lake, I 4 08 6 ('T 10 00 CheUea, 4 40 6 3110 18; Dexter, i 5 00; '6471030 Delhi, 6 10! 6 S5 AnnÁrbor, 5 20 5 10 7 10 10 46, 2 05 6 30 Yrailanti. .5 38 5 24 7 27 1' 00 2 20 6 45 Wavne Juno., C 6 45 1 62 11 22 2 44 7 09 G T .June 6 83 6 15 8 25 11 50 3 20 7 45 Detroit, Ar. I 6 48 1 6 30 '8 40 12 05 3 35 8 00 lirand Hupids and Kalamazoo Expresa arrivés at Grand Rápida 2:20 p. m., and leaves Grand Rápida 6:15 a. 111. ♦Sundayaexcepted. ISaturday and Wunday exoepted. tUaily. H. B. LBDTARD, Qen'l Manager, Detroit. H. C. Wkntwobth, G. P. & T. Agt., Chicago. RANADA SOUXIIER1 K'Y LINES. v The Only American Koute Through Canada Traína leave M. C. R. E. Depot, Detroit, city time, as follows : Atlantic Express, daily, 4 00 a. m., Wagner car to Boston. Fast Day Express, dally, 12 10 noou, Wagner car to New York and Boston. Lihtning Express, daily except Sunday, 11 10 p. m Wagner car to Búllalo and Rochestor. Toledo trains leave 7 50 a. ni. except Sunday ; 8 10 p. ni. daily ; G 60 p. m. except Sunday, For Kayette 6 30 p. m. except Suuday. For information and tickets apply to G. W Sharpless, agent M. C. E. K., Ann Arbor. W. K MUIE, Gen'l Manager, St. Thomas, Ont. M. C. ROACH, Pass. Agent, Detroit. FRANK E. SNÜW, Gen. Pass. and Ticket Afft. Detroit. Tennyson's ode to the dead Princesa nd liis poem, tlie "Defence of Luckow," 127 lines in all, brought liim the um of $1,500. ïhis is fair for a searm of distress in England, being a ritte less tlmn twelve dollars a line. Of One Mind. - We're in a pickle ow !'' said a man in a crowd. "A reglar jam!" said another. "Uoodness ireserve ns!" said an old lady. DETROIT rhroat 1 Lung Institute MERRILL BLOOK, corner of Woodward and Jeifersou aves., Detroit, Rïich. iL. Hilton Williams, M. D., Prop'r. Vho personally receivt-s patienta at the Institute for the cure of all the varioua diseasea of tbellead, Throat and Chest, and their complicationa, through the system of inhalation, 'coinbined with proper internal treatiuent. To thoöe who have what they are pleased to cali ' língerinií colds " we would say unhesitatingly, ind if possible with a voice that would awaken all ['min that pleasant delusion. that without prompt uid erncat etfbrfs in a ratioual und proper manner, many wíl! booii i'ollow thoM who have found release from their aufferiug in that " sleep which knows do waking." You h.ivo be;n coiiBciom, hut almoat afraid to soniess the fact, and anwülfag to dmit it to yourelvev that the slight irrihition of the throat, the nimoy-.UHt' of nasjri eaturrh, tbE symptoma of a brouchial inliiiiumation of a few weeks or montlis aso, which you confidently believed would "wear otf," has beeome firmly eatahlished, and is most certainly, and by degrees. more or less rapidly, and with fatal precisión and unyielding grai-p, advancing to hopeless coüsumption. You may object to and shrink from the frank statement ly your medical ndviser ; you may deny the truthful con viel ion which f orces itself upon yom observation and reason, but the plain fact, divested of fiattering afsurances that can only cheat you of even life itself , is that these throat disease, the bronchial inflammatiooa and other constitutional causes, are telling agninst ybu with unerriDg certainty, and the assurances - so pleasaut to the ear- that all wi.l lm well bye and bye, aro the more delu.-ive and cruel. Yoa do not want 1o stupefy the sonses by opiates, nor take into the stoinach drugs that will forever deslroyitstonc and iíiijiiúrits office. You do not want merely palliative treatment toconduct and lull you into iancied security to the very brink of the grave, font is neKher rensonablc nor just to youraelves, or those who regard your casca with tremhhng solicitude and püinful anxiety. The chilly blasts and storais of advanced autumn, the inclement winter with its searching windsand atmosphero charged with moisture, have had their effect upon you - the great and rapid vl(Lssitudesof spring, toat, with the re-awaketiing of vegetable lift:, is pecullarly fatal to (Minsuinptives - these changes of srasons are wow upon the invalkl as well as upon the robust, and it is wise to just n ow stop and reflect upon the nature and progresa of your diseaae, and the remedial mensures yon have employed, and seriously to inquire if there m a way opfu'io ou by wliich you may escape the danger which is impepdiptr. We say, withnut hesitation, that thegreater number of pulinonaiy diitëa&e can e cured. We need not dilate upon theories "while we are able to present, living evidences of the efficacy of judicious niedication iu a class of cases so loag and peraistently pronounced hopeless. Inhalations are applicable in all diseases of the respiratory organs, ïucludingcatarrh, throat diseases, iisthraa, bronchitis, consuniption ; and thousainls of cases enn bocurod by this mode of treatment when nothing clse can reach them. Thosfi who desire to consult me in regard to their cases bad botter cali at the office for an examination, but if impossible to visit the oifice personally, may write ior " ÍAtft of Questions," and circular, both of which will le sent free of charge. Address M. HILTON WILLIAMS, M. 1)., Mehrili, Block, Detroit, Mich. GKAï'li SI'IX'IFH MEUICIN'E. TRADE MARK.The (Jreat TH ADK4?K _., _ Jkan unfailingcure j&w. Jfe Before TatínggJÜlSSS Univeral Lassitude, Pain in the Back, Dimness of Vísíod, Premature Old Age, and many other diseuaea that lead tö lnsanity, Consumptíon and a Prematnre Grave. J03f Full particulars in our pamphlets, which we desire to send free by mail to every one. The Specifiö Medicino is soW by all Drugeists at $1 per package, or sis packages 'lor $ó, or will be sent by mail on receipt of the monoy by aVidressing THE (iRAY MEDICINÉ E0., No 10 Mechünics' Block, Detroit Mich. 4S"Sold in Ann Aibor by all Druggists, and by diuggists every wbere NICHOLS, SHEPARD & CO., Battle Croek, 3Xlob. ORIGINAL AND ONLY GEMUI V I B 1 T O JEt " THRESH1WG MACH1WERY. ffIHE Matchlem Gralnarlng, Tlm-STlng, JL Bd Monoy-Saving Thrcshers of thu daj ud genuiUon. Berood 11 rivalry for Rapid Work, íerfect CleDÍD, nd for Sving Grain trom Wastogc. Ll2 m mL S'SSÊm STEAM Power Threshen Spcialtr. Spcll fffiei of Separators made expresily for Steam PowOT. O HE UnriIed Stem Thresher Englnw, both Portable and Tractlon, with Valuablo IiaprOTment, far beyond any other make or kind. THE ENTIRï' Threshing Expense (anfl ofUn three to flve times that amount) can be mad DJ tt Kxlra Órala 8AVKD by these Improved Macbioei. GRA1N Kalsers will not nbmlttothe WW mous wastage of Óralo aDd tbe inferior work don oy all other machines, when once posted on tbe differtne. NOT Only Vastlr Superior for Wheit, Oit, Barlev, Ryc, and fike Qrain, but the Om BOOCJ"fnl Thresher in Flax, Timothy, Millet, Clowr, ttdJU. fieeds. Requires no " attachmenu or "reöuliainf w ehange from Grain to Seeds. IX Thoroueh Workmnshlp, Elejant Finish, Perfection of Parts, Completeneaj of Equlpment, ■■ our " Vïbeitob " Thresher öutfits are Incomparable. MABVKLOIN fnr Simplklty of Part, nslng less ihan one-lialf the usual Eelw and Gears. Kak Clean Work, with no Litterlngs r Scatterlngfl. POI'K Sizes of Separalors Kade, Banrlnt from Six toTwelre-Hursesize, and two stylaa of MouBW ed Horse Powers to match. F,Iï Particulars, Cali on oor Dealen ar wriu: to u for lUuslralod Circular, wbicb Wt BMtt fta M. KOfiEKS, Agent, Ann Arbor.Micb. , WTT.TT"ÍTÍÍr lP2tf1tVfclf(llllSTyT!BI (Of the late flrm of Beid I B V A I b 1 "i Vi i m I Ui!!, fiuecessor to uid ünn Yfll H Q W 0 1 Wholesale & K.-tU 'Wto I 1 U B PLMVI FKKNCH AMKRiCASC W m 1 ■ 1 m 1 Ribbod ftud Rough Plato f W Si t m KtJ-Al p:kT LlRht, Ont nd Knam(TTfWTETaíSFSYXall elRl Silver PlitW llinl I H -l i O lJ I Sasli Biirs, Prench and GrbAUUDUiamaM-Yj man I.ucking QUsa PlfttM, f#1 j Brlj J átjl I-end and Oil. Colori. Puttyt ' '■ ■ ' '■ ■ ■■1 pojntflt etc, 12 & 14 Congress St. East, Detroit, Mich. __ M SZTBACT Sarsaparilla IiacKnewledsrea to be the bfït nd mot reliable preparation now prepared fox LIVER COMPLAINT, nd for Puriiyiag the Slood. o ThiB nreparatlo" is compounded with great are, irom the btet Belected Honduras Sarsaparilla, Yellov Doek, Stillingia Dandelion, Wild Cherry, and other Valuable Eemedies. Prepared only by W. JOHNSTON & CO. Í CheraisU & Druggists, 161 Jefferson Ave., Detroit, Mich Boldby all Druggists.


Old News
Michigan Argus