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- -IlillsiJalo ia to have a new Universalist church. - Clinton exobange hotol has closed ita doora to tho public. -The Adrián Vi favors the running t targe of cows in tliat city. - Sophia S'iauticr, the SpringwelU ohild mardorer, wm ttllowed to escape to Windsor. - E.istern división of Cbioago and Lik ri.iron railroiid a advertised to be sold Muy 21. -Mr. II. V. Squiers of Lansing has handled 13,000 dozen of egga within the pust eix weeks. - Alex Childera n colored resident of Howell, suicided on Monday by shootiug himself three times in the head. - A cow rampant should be tho design on the Adrián city saai, for tho cow is now boss of the situation in that pUce. -Marshall Ejipounder ; Wheat haa seldoui preaented a moro thrifty and splendid growth than now in tb is -The family of George Rogers of Battle Creek, was poisoned by diseased meat last week. Hogers carne near dying. -Dr. Win. C. Fisher of Tecumseh, died on the night of the lOth of a disease that baffled tho skill of the physicians. -Dan Powers who struck another man ia Jaokson with a büliard cue, nearly causing his death, got off with a $2ö fine. -Tho Central Miahigan beo-breedors had a convention at Lansing on the lOth. A good-sized swarm of them wero ou. -Thomas Sloss of Taylor, Wayno county, died April 20th, from glanders1 coutraotcd i'rom a horse afflicted with that diseas, -Mayor Mabley of Pontiac, a largo clothing dealer ctmtemplates moving to St. Louis, Ho, where he can do a more extended trade. - A firo dcstroyod the cooper shop, stook and barrels of Benuett, Knickerbocker & Co., of Albion, on Thuraday evening ot last week. - A. Mrs. Fairbank of Ogden Centre, Lenaweo coanty, has inade a sensation bysudduuly deoainping for parts unknown, leaving ber husband and chüdren. - On the occasion of the recent ;jreat üre at Hillsdale the Jonesville fire engiue carne to the rescue at the rate ot five miles iu20 minutes, over the country rouds. -Richard W. Williams of Wheatland, gathered and sold from his orchard last fall 2,196 bushels of apples, besides a largo amount used on the farm and not measured. - Ueorgo Torrey, local editor of the Kalamazoo TiUgrapk, was absent from duty one d:y last week on account of illnesa- luxury be has not experieucecl for 40 years. - LüboringundurtemporaryderaBgoment Mrs. John Keegau of Adrián left home at midnight of S-iturday, with o covering bui an old gowa and oluded hunters soine time. -A young man aged 23, named Nicholas Willis of Ridgew,iy,Leuawoe county, wbo had boen long a sutTerer from fits, died suddetiiy while at the breukfast table a few days sinoe. -The sale of the "OM telegraph mine," mwhich six Kulamazoo meñ had an interest, netted them $111,000 over expenses of the long litigation to which the property had been subjected. - u. ti. ötyles of Ceresco, Calhoun county, has lost a valuable Hambletonian stallion froro inflammatiou of the bowels and kidneys, for wbich lie ro fused 11,500 at the last State Fair. -The Adrián reform club, once the largpst in the Btate, has lost its grip and voted to close up shop and dispose of its property to pay its debts. A few dozen chair.s and benohes compriso nearly all its cntire assets. -The councilof Hillsdale have placed the liquor bonds at $2,000 and no person can go upon but one bond, or if he does he raust swear to his boing abundantly able to plank down $2,000 for every bond he signs. -The Port Hurón & Northwestern Kailway was formally opened to Davisville on Saturday, being tho first time a passongor train ever weut over the road. This route of 26 miles is of the narrow gauge style, the track being but three feet wide. - Mrs. Gertrude Wilson, who died at Dearborn the other day, had for six weeks lived upon the bounty of those who belioved her story about being heir to $45,000 worth of the Detroit Brush estato property. She was buried at the county's expense. TT "n -n m - ". jj. .riagier, rormorly of Chelsea, procured a Utah divorce a year or two ago, aud subsequently marriod and arttled down in Jaclison. His first wife has now made complaint against bim f'or bigamy, and the Iegality of Utah divoroes will be tested. - Wilbur Aldrich and Fremont D. Eaiiok, tho Morenci yoatlis who were going to coin a millionaire'a fortune out of the counterfeit mouoy swindle, have been sentenced by Judge Brown of the U. S. District court. Earick gets four and Aldrich six raonths in the Detroit house of corrfiitinn -The Pontiao Bill Poster notices the terrible death of a Mr. Dunstanjof tlia county by a buil that had never 'show ny tomper before. Hia wife had a nar row escapo froui tho same fato, and wa anly resoued by the courageouo effort 3f Joseph Guppy, their man, who used pieoe of rail with great energy. - Blissfield village s ninch exoited over two recent sudden deaths, one be ing Mrs. John Young, aged 61, a 30 years' resident, and the other, Mrs. J M. Lutes of Lansing, the lattur a middle-aged lady who had come there for treatment by a local practitioner, who advertises to cure the opium habit. Ms. Young was attendod by the same. On the inqunst the doctor refused to reveal tho nature of bis specinc. - Cleveland wauts John Sherman for President. - Bossie Conkling was ono of Nellie Grant) Barloris' bridestnaids, all of vhorn are married except two. - "Thoro is one Demoorat," saya tbr Louisvilje Conricr-Jounud, " that Zach. Clmndler alwaya traats witli mnrkcrj respect. That is Senator Voorhees. In the dining-iooiii of the Kirkvvood House in Washington, a good mir.y jesn ago, Zachariah veatiircd to refer to Voorhees as a traitor and copperhea& Whereupon Daniel felled him with a pitcher f iiiilk.'' -The Chicago timen predicts that the Palmer ïiioveinnnt "will die a bornia'.'' Ank Akbor Towx.- Thu ernaar of Arm ArborTown mnkes tlio following report of erop, &o., tor tho year 1878: go. of acre of improvcd land 4„-, No. ol acres oí ummproved l:uui ui N'o. oi acres of harvested No. of busheli thrushed s'ï "-',. AveniK yield paf n ere ' S'-'i No. of arrea of corn ralseii ,'-',, -o. ol bushels of ears of corn ' i , ,- Average yieU pet acre '. J1 g -No. of b:rtlls ,q No. of deathj _ No.otdo-.-s ,, ,,ï No, of shèep ftheared ' m! No.Of b. of wooi. .::;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 4;


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