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Ami Arbor City Markets. Iljvisfd Woekly by tho I'ulilisher. Ajtir Arbor, 16. Potafoes continuo vcrr soarco anl déniers oüci from 75 to 80 cents, according to stock 00 hand. AppiQ-j- Groon, wantod ut 3öc. Dricd, wanted 2Váa:ic. Heans- W;inted at 75n.$l. Calf siiins - 9o. Kip 7c. Curn- helled SGi: ; oir I8i2"c. Hides - Ll-e ffreen ; cured 6} La7. Majile sugar 10c. Oats- 55c. Pelta- 5ön$1.50. rotatocs- Not plenty and wanted at 75. Whrat- Acliro at SI. r.ETAIL ItATES. App'es - Green, 4.W30c. Bcana - 5c per qtiarft. Brmi - GUi'U pur hundred. Uutter- 16c. Cheeefl - I2lc. Cnrn- 2óc ear ; sliellod 5nc. Corn Meal- Coarse il ; ?1.7.ï boltcd Cranbcrries- 10c per quart Eff„'- 10c. Flonr- SSnS.tO. Tatent ÍS pot liürrel. Ground Peed- SI per huudred ur $lli per ton. mms - Buftar curtd lüc. Jlominy - 4o per 1b. Ilotrey- 13a29c. I.ard- 8c. Mitple silgar 12'c. Oats- 3e. Oatmeal - to. Potatoes -."ic. Pork- frell a8n: allt S10o. Snit- OnonilftgR il. 40. Shüulders - 7c. Wateres, Chairas, AT COST! To close out in thirty or forty days if pabÉlMh J. S. CUOSSMAN, l-lt Jeweler, at Mooro's Booistore. Prices of Lime Red u eed Kelly isliii.,1 I.ime, 2.5 cis. per biisb ITIonroe Mme, 83 ccnls per biikhcl. H icon Lime, 23 cciils per bimUel. FOR SALE. Calfiiica Plustor, Water Limo, Cenwnt. Piaster ng Halr. nnd Land Piaster, at my Lime-Kiln nca -■entral Uoput. iait JACOB VOLUKD. The Relief Park Assouiation of Ifala city propose to rent Hio park to the highost bidder for thé entire ".rom June 1, 1S70, to May 1. 18S0, „nd the undersigned wil] rcceive seuled jiroposals until the hrst dy ol Juno, 1879, with the privilege to accent or reject the same, at the store of C. Eberbach 4b Son C. EBERBACH, President J. Wíl, HANG8TEBFEB, Sec'y. 'pillï LiARGEST ANIÍ BEST STOCK OF PAINTS, OILS, ALL KINDS OF Painters' Materials, &c. AMEEICAN AND FEENCH WT2TDOW GliASS All HMt, L.T SOBG-'S. !6 and 28 East Washington Street, ANN AEBOE. A NEW ORQCERY! ATWEAST HURÓN STREET, GASPAR R8NSEY Has opened a new stock of Groceries at the above location, comprising everytblng in the line at bottom priccs - and purchased exclusively for cash. From a Ion experience in the trade, rctail and wholesBle, he believea He can solí gooas as cheap as the cheaiiest. CALL AND SEE HIS PEICES ! AH Goods Warranted First-CIass. Farmers produce w.iuted for whicli the hi"hest cash prico will be paid. ÍW Eemember the placo, 1G East Hurón Street, Ann Arbor. FUElfITUBE UPHOLSTERYI .+. A.MUEHLIG 95 SOUTH MAIN STREET, Anoounces to the puhlio that M: la bettrr thancver prepnred toshoit thi-m a coniik-te stock of Furniturö, coiii)rising BED KOO1I SUITES, PARLOR SUITES, SOFAS, TETES, CHAIRS, &c, &c, At Mires woilili ri iij y low. Ï-SP" Cali and see our stock. O IXSEY & SEABOI.Ï'S Bakery, Grocery, AND FLOUR AND FEED STORE. Wc keep constantly on lmnd BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, &c, For Wholesale and Rotail Trade. We shall also keep a supply of DELHI FLOTJE, J. M. Snift & Co'8 Best White AVhcat Flour, Bye Flunr, Baokwheat Flow, Corn Meal, I'ced, &c, &c, &c. At wholesale anrl rcl:til A fr.Tií.r.,i .áuii „■ GEOCEEIES AND PIÏOVISIONS matantly on IianJ, wbich wil] ï-? noW on as reasnable terms as al anjr ulhcr house u ibe city. - Cash imid for Butter, Eggs, and Country roüuce generally. ■ J S Goodsdelivered to any part of the cilv withut extra charge. RINSEY & SEABOLT. Ann Albor, Jan. 1, 1875. To ti-y the BEFOIIE YOU BÜY. It is Simply Wonderful IT IS SOLD AT J. E". SGHÏÏH?S Hardware Store. tr. L. ALBEETS01Ñ W II I T E FANCY SHIRTS íLsJLJ ! __jv.j TO MEASTJKE. WZLJ7 ':U Wood'rd Ave "P Detroit, Mich. Send for rules for self-raeasurement. TROY LAUNDRY! ftB, Collars and Cuffs a specialty. 13-8t IDIVIIDIE ISTU. The undersigned wil], after Ihe flrst day of Mav pay on the claims against J. Jluhlip & l!ro. adiv'ieod -u meien t to nmke Ilie amount in the three diviilends the sum ot forty-tuo per cent. Claiinnnt3 will present their clüims tor tlus dividend vitli the mierest iigured up to JXay lt 79 I7-3t D. URAJ1ER, Assignee. piíEDIIlKIÍ KltAVSE, ATJCTIOUEEB, 'ill attend to all sa Ie, on sliort notice, nt reafon ble charges. P O. addreai Aun Arbjr. Midi. Estáte of Samuel Cross. OTATE ÜP MICHIGAN. COUNTï kj of Wuhtausw, ss. At a newton of the Probat. Uourt tor the Cotinty of Washteuaw, holden at tlu Probate Office m the city of Ann Arbor. on Satur day, thetenthdayofMay.lB the year onetbou and elghl hundred umi seveutv-nlrie Present, IVllliam 1). Harriman, .ludgeof Probóte ceaaed I"attter ol' the e8tate ol' tíl"úel Cross, deJortJB Forbeaand Jnmes N. Crow, adminiatrator ol suiJ est.ite, comes iutucourt and represent that tlu-y urenow preparad to reuder their final account asauch admiuistrators. Thereupon it is ordored, that Tuesdav, the tenth day of June next, at ten o'clock 'in the forenoon, be assigned lor examlning and allowïng Buch account, and that the Eeln at lav ol Bld deccased, and all other persons interested 111 said e8tate are required to apncar at i sess on ol said court, then to be holden at the I róbate Ollice in the city of Ann Arbor in said couiity, and show cause, f any there be why the said account should not be allo'wed. And-iiisfurtherordered that said ad ministrut ors give ootice to the persons interested in said estáte ol the pendency of said account and tho hearing thercof bv sausing a copy of this order to be published in' the MiciiKiAN Akgus, a newspaper printed and circulating in said county, three successive weeks previJUBto safa day of hearing. ' ... WIL LI AJÍ D. H A R RI M AN, w re TC,Py-) , .ludge of Probate Wm. U.Doty. Probate Register. ü.state of William üancer. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY kj of Wnshlenaw, ss. At a session of the Probate Court for the County of Washtnunw. holden at the Probate Othce in the city of Ann Arbor, on Thuraday.the hiieenth dar of Muy, in the year onethuusaiui eiííht hundred and seventy-mne Present, William D. Harrimai,, Judtre of Probate In the matter of the estale of William Damvr' Oeaenaed Alexander Daneer, exccutor of the last will and testament ofsaiddeceased, eomesinto court and representa tliat he ia now prepared to render nisfiual account assuch exccutor. Thereupon lt ia ordered, thal Wednesday the Uilday of June next, at ten o'oiock in the fore'noon be slgned tor examininy and allowinK ,uch account; and that the devisecs, lesjalcfs and licirs at I of siii.i ( all other person intcrested in Baid estáte, are required to appear al a session of mm court, then to be holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, in sald county, and show' cause, if any there be, whï the said account should not be allowed : And it is further oráered that said executor gira notioe to the-preons lnterested In sald estáte, of the pendency ol said account and the hearing thereof, by eausing a copy of thia order lo be published ín the Mictioan Argus a newapaper printed and drculating ín said couniv three successive weeks provious to said day of hearing- WILLIAM D. HAKMMAN [A trun copy.] Judge of Probate m. G. boTY, Probate Register. Estato of Jacob Berry. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTS kj ot Wiihhtenuw, ss. At a seesion of the Prubat Courtfor theOouuty of Washtenair. bolden at t ín Probate Otticein the city of Ami Arbor, on Tlmrs day, the flfteenth day of My, In the yoar oti tbougitnd iiL'hl hundred unrt seventy-nine Present. William 1). Hnrriman.Judgeof Probate Inthc matter ol theestate of Jacob Berrv de ceased. " On reading nnd fl'.intr tli e pclilion, duly Teriltrd of Clnriasii í. Berry, nraying that aoertaln instrument now oü ñ je in thia Coutt, pmpoitme to be t lie lnst will aml testament of núd dea ascd, 111:15 he admittt'd tn probate, and tliat she inay be appointed exeotttrlz thereof. ThcreupoD it is ordered, that ondny, Ihe nínth day of June next, al ten o'olock Id ihe 'forenoon, be asgignefl íor the hearing of eaid petition, and thttt ths deviséis, lent, und faeira ni law of said deceased. nd all other peraofls interegted in Baid estáte, are reqiiiren to appesi at a seeíion of smd (Jourl, then to be lionleu at Ihe l'robatc office, in the City of Ana Albor, and sívw caue it mv there be.why tlie prnyer of the petitionoi should not be cranted: And it is fnrther ordered Ihal said pof itioner give not ice (o fhe jiersons interetted in aid estato, of the pendeiMiy ot said petition and the heannir thcreof. liy causinar a oopyof lhi order tu be publkhed in the Michigan Am. is h newspaper prmted and cupulated in saul county three suceessive weeks previoui to said day ui hearing. WILLIAM D. HAliRIJlAN-, (A trne copy ) Ju Ige of I'robate. Villmm (i. Doty, Probate Register. Estáte of Krastus Whaley. OTATE OP MICHIGAN, COUNTY kj of Washtenaw Bs. At a session of the Probate Court for Uounty of Washleniiw, holden at the Piob'ilc Oiticc in the city of Ann Aruor on Wc nes day, the fourleentli day ol May, in the yoar One taousand eiffht buodred and Éevenry-nme. Presenl , Williiini 1). ilarrimnn, I u'dge ol Frobnte In the matter ot the es tute of Eraslus Whaiev dccuiised " On ronding and flling Ihe petition, duly verlfied of Jaraes M.Congdon, utiorney ii ract of EIIzk Iï' Wooil. prayinirtbat U. W Turn Buil m;iy bc' nnpointcrt admimstratiil de bimis non of tho e-tatc óf suid dtQtttsed. Thereupon ït is orderrd, that Mondey, the ninth dny of Juni! next, ut te o'cluck in the fortnoon be assigncd foi ihe hearink of taid petuiua and Ihe hen at law of 8 ,id d cuas, d and all persons intereslod in state, ure reouned to annpiir f 11 i'inn if c.ji.i „ ,1 . tü be holden ut the l'robate office in tlic city "t m Albor, inid show cnune. if y lliere be, why tl prHTef of the petiffoner stiould Dot tx ftruntèd : And ft furllicr (ndi-itd Ihnl FnH petilionei uii' notioe tu the psrgoua iaterested in snid L stut e ot tbc pendeoey oí aid petiUuii and ths hrïnL' theicof, by cHusing copy of tlns ordei 'e publiehed in the Michigan Ahqüs, ii ncwspnper piinted aai] oiroulated in said cuunty, three succensire woikspievioua to aaid dny of lieurin.' WILLXAM ü. UAURIMAN, IA fue copy.) judgu of prob„,o, W-a. (i. Doty, Probate Register. . LEGAL NOTICES, Estáte f ,r.cili I. liüiliör! OTATE OP MICHIGAN, COUNTT Courffrm1n''lr"ilW-li" A " "sion of the lrobnt Vr "n ■' ""!');i!f Whte„aw. holden ut the IBursilay, the jeventeenth dny ot April in the iTwent, U illJain D. Elarriman, JudK, „i ir !u,-' arafed.mOtteI' f th eStlUe üf Jo8eph I' "! Onreaainsandflüngtho petifion.dnly vmfled, t,,m !' Liil"k"r' ""'TB th!'l ertnin in,n, ., V ÏT" a testamento raid'dece.ifta, and th the diw leñatee, nd heir nt la of ."ui '"' !.'n,"tht P" oterwted in m irt tn 'f n'!""v1 tu :iJ1'!t'i"''lt wnon oi aid o"tv 't , T "Wc," "l the r''h offlcé m the -. ot ii,7i Arbor, ,ind show cause, ,r any there be k'i.inlcd. And it ih lurllitr onliTod thut sai,] netfïiv ( nollce toth persons interest'd inSd [■ ' ■ ' ,the pendency ot ,id petition, and tl,.nearinf! tliureof, by csusíbk a copyof IWa ordei piblislicd ,n Uie MkhtoahAbgüs, ü, printed andcireul! snid countï tliïec ooeveweek. previo, to m,d aayTho , , , VVILL1AM I). HAERIïTANT Chancery Hale. SÍTATE OP MICHIGAN, THE CIRCUIT OOtTRI n ','' ,', '■,. 'l:lty "f WMhtenaw, in Chnnwrj Dewil ir. Taylor, Guardián of Arilmr K. Chali, plm, complainant, vs, Trocy W. Ruot and Ezni C Symnan, delendants. ín purranaee na l,v virtu, o H decree ot s,,i,I Courl macle and ent, red hv sai, ( ourt ín I he at-ove entitlert cauie, on the 23d day o sbollsellnt pnhlio Ruotion, to the liiijlwest bidder On MOBBAT 1IIK SlXTHKNTIl 1AÏ OF JusK, A I IS9, a ton o clock in iho (breaooB.m ll.p eact from onnty of Washteuaw ánd State of Hlchlraii II,, tollriD dcsc ,.c,l real estat, being ,h s'„, mentionodsncl deacribed In 8aid decree, to wit certaln piect orparcal of land utuated it: beCoUnty ot Washtenaw ana State of Miohisan cnown bounded and descnbed a follows to wit ■ lieginning at a stake live cliaina nortli oí the centei l scctioii Dumher Iwenty-eteht in townshin two onth range si east on the ouarter line, aml rui,. V:;? '■"■' '■= frallel lo the nortt of ForeBi Hill Cemetary an it now runs on the cast and w, -t ruarterUne twen y chalni and thirty live link henaa uorlh torty 8ix ,,, ,ntes eart xten chaina nd eighty-cight links, thenoe south eighty-seven deiirees nd atty-íix minutes TresteijïhtPhaJnB and hirty-nlne links, thenoa soottaeMtctly aloag the Mt bounds of lancls now owoed l.v Holman and ) Inoiosixchriinsiind sevonty Knks, thence west u-alle! to the easl anjl wrst. nnarter line twclvo naiotand Mty links, thence goutb on the quarter .,'"" f,en.?i"' :lIHl -"'xiy-four links to the land of Jliarlea l. Wilinot to Iheplaceof beginning1. Als,, iistollowinydcscribed parcol of land sitúate in the townshipand mnue, county and Slate iiforolid.neginnlneral thepoint vriiere the half quarter nebetween Iheeast and west halyra of il, ■ northast quarter of said section nnmber twenty-eii;ht intersects the mld.lle of tlio ravine eight chafns and two links north of the northeast corner of l'orest Hill Oerntters K-rounds. thence northeasterly iihinsr the ini l.lle of the ravïne to the Hurón vivir thence along the soulh and west bank of said rlv' er to the nonh and south half quarter line ot said quatter section. thenoe south along said halt quarter hne to the piare of beginning, eontainin" aboul flve acres of lnnd more or less. All of thu abwe deycribefl lands boinir the same pnrohased bv said Tracy . Rooi of Philetna Rtark and wife, Henry F. Alderon and wife, Jacob Vollnnd and wife and i liarles T. Winiot and wife, and srfpnosed to contain bout thirty three acres more or less, togother n-ith the hercditainents and apportenanoes thereuuto betonginpr or in anywise appertaioine April 2fl, A. D. 1879. JAMKS WoMHON, Circuit Court Commissioner in and ror the Coanty of Washtenaw. A I'ELcn, Esq., ííolicitor tor Complainant. Chancery Sale. GTATE OF MICHIGAN. THE (JIBCTTIT TOUKT ' or the County of Wahtenaw- n Chancery I.iillior James, compJainan', vs. Martín Rvnn, Ratherine üyan. and Zina P. King, defendants ín pursuance and by virtueof adecreeof saidcourt made and entpred by said courl in the aliovc en titled oause on the 34th day of Jannary. A 1). I8?9 Noticoislicrebyuive that I símil sí-ll ut public anction to the hihest bidder, on Monday the IWENTY-SIXTJtDAY O MaY, A. D. l?79, St t(l. oclock in thcforenoon at the east front door of the foiirt House in the city of Alm Arbor, county nf Washtenaw and State of Micliiran, the followinsdescnhpd estáte, bcinff ihosnmemi-niion.-d and dPscnbedJn said decree, to wit ; AM that certniu trac or paree] ot ind sitante and bein n the township ot Northfleld. connty of Wnshtenaw and state of viiehigan. and deacribèd as followa to wH Beine the north half of the oortheast quárter of section Bumbet sixteen in t ■wnship ono somi. rnee i east, accordinrtothe United States survey contamina eiahty aerea of lund. Datl'd, April 10, 1879. JAMES McMAÜON, - Circuit Court Commiejioner in aud for the County of Wa-htenaw. John N. Gott, Solicitor for said Complainant. Cliancory Sale. BTVTE OF MICHIGAN, THE CTRCUIT (-OUR1 y for the Oounty of Wnshtenaw -in Chancery '■'mes Ottley nnd Juno Ottley, . nmplainant, vs ■lijali W. Jlorjun and The Ano Arbar -umi Bank, defendant". In purmimice and by virtue ol idecreeof saidconre mude and tntc-el hv s.i'l court in the above cntitlt-d canso un the 24th dnv ol Jamiiuy, A. D. 1879. Notice is hereby givn l.„t I slmll feil ai public anetiontothe hticünt li,iier.on lbiiuT,n dat or J[y }; ■■;!' t t. 'elock lp the foranboB,at i!h'. Hst front door of tbc Court House in the citj of Inn Arbor. oonnty of Washtenaw and stuio or !ii:liií,'in,tlief,, roa] catato helne ne same mentionl and rtescrired In the dprn. o wit: Hoinï hlock ruimbor six win in mini i ersii easl. in the city of Ann Arbnr, sountyof AVüshtennwand .State of Michie n exliïtiro number I9 "nd tbe west huif of 'Iota one Dated April 10, 1879. ■TAMESMcMATIOX, Circuit Court Cotmuissinut'r in and for the . „_ County f Washtenaw. iohn N. Gott, Esq.olicitorforsaid Complainant Clianiery Sale. , WTATE OF MICHIGAN. THE CIRCUIT COURT s i ., , ('""'-v "f Waishtennw- In Ch ncery - nther Jamen, cmplai!t, t; 0,-orge Speeohlei j .ïolin Vsaoatitzan Thomas Speechley defendams! _ In pursuance and by virtue of a d'ecree of said , ourt, made utf entered by said court. ín the a■ J' r"iill'! caue on the 24th d .y of Jauuerv A ; D.IS79. otl((: ïsherehy siven I slinllsell at "''''""ftion.tothehi-hest bidder, on Monday the 28Ml day oi May A. D. 1879, at. 10 a'clock in the forenoon uttbeeast frontdoor of the Court house in the city of Ann Arbor, County of Washtellaw and state of Michigan, the followinsr described real éstate being the same men tloned end deseribed In Bslddecree. towit: That part of the west half of tiieenst hall of the nortb west qnarter of suction miml.rr Iwt-nly. township two soulh raBjje, bíx east whlch Ups on the north stde of tba highway runping nnrth-west from the Spring milis so called in the ei ty of Ann Arbor aloresaid containins tbirtvttvo acres of land. ' Iliited April 10, 1879. JAMES McMAHON, Circuit Court Commissioner in and for the t „t „ Coantyof Washtenaw. JoirN N. Gott, Esq.,SoIicitor forsaid Complainant Notice of Chaiicery Order. OTATE OV MICHIGAN, THE CIROUn 7 Courtfor the County of Washlenaw, in Chan Almira Thompson, Complainant, V3. Silas Thonipson, Defendant. Washtenaw County, as. It satisfactorilv appearinu' to me that Silaa Thompson, the defendant u a non-resirtent of this State, on motion of Craroer, Frueaoff & Corbin, solicitors and of ecu n Rn the oomplainant, tt is orderod that the said i tendant, 81 las Thompaon, causa liis appearance Mus cause to bc mtered within three montha ir the date of this order, and that in rase of hia pearanoe he causa uu anawer to the cooiplftinal blll of complaint to oe flled in this cauae and a thereof to be ser ved on the complainant's sol tora rithin twenty rlays after du e servica til a co of said biil on the defendant or his solicitor anc notice of this order, and in defnult thereof that t said bilí b.' tu ken as conftssed by the said-flelei ant. And if is furihrr ordered t'hat wilhiu twei flay thu said oomplalnant cause a notieeof this oer to be published in the Michioam, weekly papr printed n the city of Ann Arhor, said county, and lh:.t the said publican. ,11 be co tmupil 111 k 11 1 paper at leasl once in caeh week f nx suooessive weeke, or that he cause a copy tin order to be personal!? Berved on the said 1 -mlant, Silus 'J Uarnpson, at l.a.-t tventy dn b 10 the time We prescribed lor bis appearanc Dated, Ann Arbor, May S, 1S79. JAM EB MoMAHON, Circuit ('ourt Oommissioner f WashtciiMw County, Mieh. Cbahxb, FarncArrpF ft Corbin, Solicito and of Counsel for Cumplainant. Real fotuta tor S;ilc. i OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNT1 I KJ of Uaslitenaw, sa. ín llic iiKiltir ot' thc ostateo , Jacob fiauer.deoeased. Notioe is hereby given th) ' in piirenance of nv. order tranted to ll1e unde sumen. dminiitrator de Ijonis non of the estáte i siiid deceaaed, by the Hun. Judge of Probate tor ih Connty of Washtenaw, on the twenty-aixth day o April, A D 187, thew will hp soH .:it pnblic ven dae. to the hiphesl l.Iddfr. nt the late resi:!eneeo thejjountyof Wa-shtenaw in said State, on Wednesdn the ei-hieonili day i June, A. D. !879, at ten ovlixk n the forenoon o I that aayiabjeet to all oncumhrances by mort gage nr otherwiae existlng l the time of the deatl I ol 8uid deoeased, and ;ils' subject to the right of I dower of the widow of aaid deceaaed in Buifï rea] estáte) the foliowlng detcrlbed real estáte to uit rhe west hall ef the southwesl qnarter of eclion munli r thirly-ime 131) and the west twenly (20 Rcrcaof the rast half of the bou th west qnaiter of said sectioD thirty-one f81) n town three (o rath range flve (6 eust (Lodi), ir, Michigan. And tan il(l crea of land off the northeast corner of the nortl, sixty 60) a -res of the past hall of ihe northI eat quarter of sectipn Dumbet i hiit j -six f36) in town three (9) aoutb range iour 4) cast (Freedom) ni Michigan. ' Dated, April 2(i. 179. AAliilN" L. FKf.niCAtP, Ailniinistrator de bonis non. Commissioiiers' Nottee, OTATE OF MICHIGAN. COUNTY Ou) W' ishii'niw.s. The undarniffned bnvinbten appointi'd In ],e Probate Cuurl for Baid County, Commisflionera to recejve. examine and luljnsf all claims and demindti f all per&ons ftLfunst the eslaii in i 'ui in rine Bios. laleuf said eontity, 1 hi'rohy pive nolio tl at aix monlln fiüin dalenio Hllowed, by order of -fi'l Tiotaic dunt, lm ( iciiilora t.) prfsmt thi-ir nviuiiht the ettale oi snirt di-ceased, and thal they will meet at tl. uf Emaouel the riiy ciíínn Albor, in ,-aid tounty.on Fitday the ttitei-mli dny of Angi st and '" Balurday tha ttfteemh day oi Novembi i next, ut len o'olock A. M., of tiicli i,t anid duys, to receivo, jxainuie and ailjust said cl.iims. Datad, Muy ith. A. D. VH7B, JOHN GEO1ÍGB KOCH, ) LEGAL NOTICES. Estáte of Mary E. Palmer t OTATE OP MICHIGAN, COUNTY V.J oi Waehtenaw m. Ata seasion of the Probate Court foi the County of Wnahtonaw, holden at the 1 róbale Othce iu the city ot Aun Arhor on Tuesday the twenty-second dav of Aprü, in the year one thousand eight hundred má severity-ninc Present, WilliamD. Harriman, J údirect' Próhnte In the matter of the estáte ot Marj E. Palmer! Ou ding: and fllin? the petilion , duly vei fled ot David W.Palmer, pruying ehal i certain instrument now on file ui tliia oonrt, pnrporting to be tle lut il , and testament of saiS deoeaseS, may o admitted to probate, and that Henry Ii. Palm, rmay be iappointed executor thereof y ThereHj)ouitioided,taat Mondny.the ninetfciah d;,y „i May ten o'clock in the torenoon, oeasBisnediorthe beanng of aid petition, andthatthedevisees.Iegatees and heira at luw of 8.1K1 decoHsed, and al] other persons interested in eaul estáte, are required to appear at a session of s,-ud Court, then to be holden at the Probate Olüce in the city of Alh Avbor, nd show cause ííany therebe, why the prayer of the petitioner lould not be rranted : And it is hm her ordered tnat said petitioner Kive notice to the persons interested in said estáte of the peudenoy of siiid petilion and the hearing thereof, by riiusine a copyoi this order to be pnblished lñ the Michigan AH6üs,a newspaper printed and oirculated in said county, three suceessive weeks previous to said dar of hearing. WILLIAM D. HAKRIMAN, w "J? T?7') r, JudSe of Probate. Wm. . Dotï, Probate Eegister, lístate of Samuel D. Bird OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY kj of Washtenaw, ss. At 11 sesgion of the Probate i on,l lor the i ounty of Washtínaw, bolden M !he Piobate Office lin the áty of Ann AÍbor, on Thuwlay the at day ol May, in the yearone tliousund eifilit liundreí] nnd seventy-nine Present, William I). Barriman, Jndgecrf Probate d eased BaaMer of the estale of Samuel D. liud, ?,ird ,a"d W D. Krd, encuton of the last will ai.,1 testument of sald deceased, comes mto raiiri and reprvsent ti, ai tiu-y are now prepared tu render lina! account as such I hereupon it ís onlered. that Ti.esday the twenty-s ventli clay of Maj instant-, at ten o'cíoek in the furenoon, heassigned for exarainiug and alfcwing such account and tha the devi ee,, legateea anS hrars al l:nv ol aid tltwa.-l, and all other persona interesled ni raid estáte, .irc requited to annear iii ;. Bi-sslon ol said court, then to be bolden at thp obateOffiCfintliecityorAnnArborlnsaMoouB: iv, and show canse, if any he, irhy the said "iint should nol be all.twn] : And ii 3 farther ordered, tht said pxecutore givc notlce to the persona iníerestea in 8a Id estáte, of thp penden oi ( said account and the hearing thereof by ca usina a eopy of this order to Be puíjltshed in the Michioan a, a Dowspaperprinted andcirculattug in saiil eounty, tliree successive weeks previous to said day of hearing. WILLIAM D. IIARRIMAN w tn,',e i?0?-) „ Judgeof Probute. Wm. G. Düty. Probate Estato of Christian MiHer. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY hj of Wushtenaw. ss. At a sessionof the Probate Court for the Couiity of Washtenuw, holden al the 1 róbate Ofbce, in the i-ity of Ann Arbor, ot, Tucsday, the twenty-nioth day of April, in the yeur one thousimd eight hundred and seventy-nine Present, Wiliiara I). Hamman, Judjri-ot Probate In the matter of the estite of Chiistian ililler Ji-ceased. ' On readinsr and filine the petition duly yerified of David W. Palmer, pmylng a certain iustrumfnt iiow on tile 111 this Conrt, purporting to be the liwt W i)l and Testament of said deceased may be ndmitted to probate, and tht Jacob Vogel and Willmtü Hanke may beappoint.'d executorsthereof Ihereupon ït isordered. that Sturdy,tbe twenty-lourth dny of M y next, at ten o'elock in the lorenoon, be assipned for the hearinj; of said petition, and that the devisees, leñatees and heirs at law oí said deceased, and all other persons interested in eaid estáte, are required to appe;ir at asession of oaid conrt, Uien to be holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, why the praver of the petitioner ahould not be granted : A'nd H is further ordered that said petitioner give notice to the persons i-it.erested in said estáte, of the pendency of said petition and the hearïne thereof, by causing a copy of this order to be pubhshed in the Miciikían Aunes, a newspaper printed and eirculated iu said county, thrtesuccessive weeks previous to eaid day of hearing ,. , W1LLIAM D HAIÍÍUMÁN, fA. true copy.) judge of Probate Wm. G. Doty. Probate Reuister. Estáte of William A. Jones. OTATE OF MICHIGAN. COUXTY KJ of Washtenaw, ss. Notice la hereby given that by an order of the Probate Court for the Counfy o Washtenaw, made on the twenty-eighth day o April, A. D. 1S7Ü, six months from that date were allowed for creditors to present their claims against the estáte ol WilHam A. Jones, late of said county deee8Od, and that all creditora of said deceased are requiredto present their claims to said Probate ourt, at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, for exsmlnatloii and allowance. on or before the twenty-eitrlith day of October next, and that such claims wü] be heard before said Court on Monday, the twenty-ei(thth day of July, and on Tuesday, the twenty-eiRhth day of October next at ten o clock lp the forenoon of each of said aam. Dated, Ann Arbor, April 28. A. 1). 1S7Ö WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN, J"w4 Judge of Probate. """ " J'iary Jinn Cropsey. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY kj of Washtenaw, ss. Notice is hereby given tlmt . by hij order e the Probate Con r( fortbeConn. ty of Washtenaw, made on the twenfy-Uiird tlay of i,pn'A 187n!!Íxmonth3 trom 'at date we allowed or creditors to preseni tlieir claims arainet the eslnte of Mury Ann Cropsoy, lato of suid ciunty aeceiisod, and that all creditors of said deoeaaed are required to present their claims to said Probate Court, at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Vror, for examinntion and allowanca, on or before t ie twcniy-third dy of Ooiober n,xt ai.dthat, snoh J claim willbehenrdbeforesaidCourt, on Wedneslay the twonty-third day of .Inlv, and oaTbnrsday hetwenty-thirddaj of ten O'dook f 11 the (oienoon of ench of süirl days. Dalcd, Aun Arlinr. April 'J!, A. J) 179 WILLIAJ] II. Ii'RimiAX, e '"4t Jlldííe of Vrnhulp r, Bátate of Robert Fergnsea OTATE OF MICHÍiíAN, COUNTY O of Waafatenaw, ss. NotiCe is hereby given, that y an onk-r f the Probate Court for the Coonty of vasntenaw, made on the twenty-flret rlnr of pril, AD. 1870, six months from that dntc Vcre lowFitftrcreditorstopieienttheir claims atrainat ie óslate ot Rnhert Fer(niii, lat of snid ronnty eoaased, and that all crédito of nid (lePca3t'd '.Toqimed lo present thelr olaims lo saul ProiteCoort, ..t thi; Probate uttice in the citv (,f nn Arbor, for examination and aliónanos, on ur efore the twenty-flret day of not, and ut suoh clnfma wili bo heard before said Court 'Mondajr the twenty-first day of July. and ,m lesday the tireiity-lirst day of Oclober next ten o'clock in the forenoon of eaoh of aatd duys' Dated, Ann Arlior Ar,iil 21, A. n 187Í) W1LLIAM D HABKIMAN, , "g4 Judcte of l'robate. , Rea] Kstnt lor Hule. OTATH 01' MICHIGAN, COUNTY OF W 18H. " tenttw.M. In the matter of the catate .f Mar garetta I. Donoelly, :i minor. Notice i.s horebv given. hut ín purauunce nf an order m:nu d t the umi, rslgocd gusrdwn of taid minor, by Die Hot. Judge of Probate ioi the couiity of VVitshlcDsw on Ihe flr.t a,yof April. A. I). 18Í9,th-e willhewld atpu li vetidue, to the highesl l.idder. atthix-ast dooi 'Oí the Courl House In Am,, Irbor. in IhpcounI W„shtenawin8.dStatB)on .-a-ii-day is n.ievii, DAI MAY. A. D. 1879, at ten ok inlhoforeiiQonof tlmt ilay [mi Mm t.i 11 " ranpps hy mortsuge oroth(rwi.-eexisiinit t. „e .,i the 1el, II tfie rlght, tftl, und ioferestoi s.iid minor ig iind lothn rolloving dwerihed1 '■■'l eatate, to wit: All t hal nortain truel or mircel of I;i„, .„ualr.l In theeltyof Ann Arbor.Td ?o. tj of rhtDw fcBown.houndJ. nnd ,Kwib-d sfollowe viz: ii,„ n(„.h „nc-ihird oflotnumber "9D (7) „. bln, k number iwo (2) uorth of range numbrthreeea8tinUdcltT Datecl, Apri] 1. l7!) CATIIARTITE WLSII.Gunrflian. LEGAlTÑOflCESr" Estáte of R.issell BriSSs-i„competentT OTATE OP MICHIGAN, COUiVTY KJ of Wiwhtenaw, S3. At a session of the Proat the I róbate Oibw m l he city of Ana Arbor on Saturday, the nmeteenth day of April in the vea r one th„„.and ei-ht hunírct and vcñty-nine.5 Present, Wilii,,m D. Uorrlmnn, .Ii.dgeof ) róbate i: estate of Küsae)i Bri-s' - Tl1ereupon it is ordered. that Satnrdar th eventeenth day of May next, at ten o'elock ir. tí? fonnoon. beawiimed for the hearing of "] peti. ion, und that the next of kiD of aaid iñcompt tent and all other persons interested in siid estafe , are required to appear at a „ession „f 3 court, then to be holden c the Probate office in the city of Ann Arbor, ar,d 8ho „„..Tm therebcwoy the prayer of the petiiioncr shoulá not be Bramed: And it i., fnrthír ordered ?h,t sa.d pHtiüoner give nolice to the perwn inte es ed in aia tote, oi the pendenTy o, sád pelitioa, nd the heariní Ihereof, by causing a ropy 01 order tobe published in the Michigan . liis a newspaper printed and circulatine in snid SSiÜST""1" weeks previoa tH ' ,,. , WILLIAMD.HABKIMAN, Estáte of RWMll Briggs-incompetent OTATE OP MICHIGAN, COUNTY kj of Washtemiw, At a session of the Probate (ourtforthelWyof Washtenuw, holden at th Probate ufhce in the city of Ann Albor, on ÏW day, the Mteenth d,iy of April, in tbo renioTa thousandeiïht hundred and sevnty-r,int Prraent, V,Hiam D. H imman, Judpe of Probaíe. i,n',';,;,tUpeerntheeatateOf RUSSe" Bri'." Od readmiiand tilinf? the petition , duly veriad, of Myron W elib. Ruarnun of aaid incompeíent persn praying that he my he licen.ed to ell certuS reni estáte bclonsinf; to said fnoompetent person toenthdiiyof Mayne.xt.nt ten o'clock in the forénoon be a3sl?ned for thehearineoí said PetiïL;"nd that the next ot kn, of said incnmpete n persen and all other person, interested in said estáte, are Aqmved to appear nt n femiofí of aaid Oonrt. tnen to be holden r,t the Protate Office in the city ot Aun Arbor. and -how cause, if any there be, why the i i lorther ordered thnt mid petnioner eire notiee to the persons nterested in said ..8tate, ot the penderfcy of said petitinn and the heniinir thweof he mISSÍha'S f "'ÍS r'ier fo PSSto ,, , WI1.UAM D. HARRIMAN, fAtruecoDy). Judae ol Probate Wm. (1. Doty, Probate Résister Estáte of Haanah Smith. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY kJ of Waihtemiw, ss. At a session ot the Probate tourt for tlieCountyof Washtenaw. holde t tl,o ProbateOSce In the city of Ann Arbor, on Mon day, the twenty-flwt day of April, in the yeor o tnousand ej_'ht hundred and seventr-nine Present, William D. Harriman, Judge of Probat deceased tr f the estate of Hnh Smit James M. Kelsey, administrator of said ealo comes mto eourt and represent that he is now rie' prepared to render his flnal account as soch náministrator. Thereupon it is ordered.that Satnrday, the svmtcenth dav of May next, at ten o'clock in the foreDoon, be assigned for examining and allowing such account, and tliat the heirs at law of said deceised uuii all other persons interested íd said csUte' are reqmred to appew at a session of said court, then to be holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county, and show uanw if nny thero be, why the sid account shoiild pot Ie allowed : And it is further ordered that snid admiiiistrator give notiee to the persoi [nterested In said i-state, of the pendeucT of said ccoubI snd the hearing Ihereof, by causing a copy of this order to be puhflshed in the Michigan A sus, a uewspaper printed and cireulating in said jfUheartB suecessiTe wecks Previoos o said dy WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN, W re nPy-' t, , JudSe of Propte. 'VM. G. Doty, Probate Register. Mortffage Sale. -)EFAUIr HAVING BEEN MADE IN THI J conditioaa of a eertain mortgage hearing dati the eleventh day of July, one tho'osand eisht hun red and seventy-six, made and execoted bv Chari (iwianer and Elizabeth winner, hk vrife, both oi the village ol Manchester, Wushtenaw Connty Mie hijjan, as morrgagors, to John Courad Binder of the township ot Bridgewater, countv of Washteikiw and (Statu of Michigan as mortasee and {e.rdl;d.?? tllc tnenty "' áay of August, A. D. 8 6, at $Ü r. M., in líber 51 of mortRage8. on page (.:!, in the ottee of the KeR.ster of leds for the county of Washtenaw, Michigan, and more than sixty ilays having elapsed sinee dcfanlt was ïnadü in the p;iyment of interest nnd principal due thereby accordins; to the terms of said mortKnge and the note accnmpanyinK the same, gWing the mortpageo the riKht to elect the whole sum of prmci'nal and interest should be dne and owing at once nd thesaitl mortgagee having so made his election and therc bom.; claimed to be due od aid mort;age and the note aforementioned at the dle of hisnoticethesum of nine hundred and two dollius. i,nd no proceeding at law or in equity havine neen instituted to recover the same or any pari tbeieof: Notice is therefore hereby given Aal by ïirtue of a power ol sale in sntd nior'.gae codiined, and of the statote in such cases made ad royidod, I shall sell at public auction or vendue tu ine mgnesi bidder, on Satürday, the TwmiMxTJiiiATor .Tit.y.A. D. 187!), at ten oVlcck o ma tnrenoon of said day, at the south door of the :ouit House the place for hoMine the circuit eonrt for the county of Washtenaw, Jlirhipin), the premises described in siiid mortgnee aa fnllowa. to wit: Al] those cortaiu pieces 01 paicels of land nitnate and being in the nï Jlantiestpr, in thecountyot Washteniw aoA Siati of Michiean, and being moreparücnlarly described in ft deed given by Christopher Kutz, fila wife and Jacob Katzand Ann Mary Katz, hi wife, of the towDShfpof Manchester, county and Slute ( harlw Gwinner, and beir.p recorded in the Kegister-s Ollice of W.shtenaw cmmU in libe? ... nt ,1, -eils ou paga 729, on the 17tl, &.J of Avgnst. 181.1 ; ami also m ;i deed given by John W. Cowañ nd Doroas Cawnn, his wife, of the townof Sharon Miinty and State nforesaid, to Charles Gwmner ,V-"1.,.t;';'.n!?..r.(:cor?cd. in,the__Eegi8te'8 Office of i. íiiicuaw umin , ni nuer t, paye and also la ii dc-,1 p-ivon by William H. und Cedeliu Bessne, 1)13 wife, of Manchester, eonnty and State foresald lo Charles Gwlnner, aud liein recorded in the Kegister's Ónice of Washteosw conniy in líber (, paBe 482. It hi-iue eipressly hereby intended liy (he partjes of the flrst part that thia roortpuge uto covor the.r entire n(erI onder tbc lst enUoned Ithree deed.. The u3 prcniises lenK deBcribed in tnedecd atovo mentioned, as fo)loir towlt: l'mtof lot numberseven Ín b)ock mim' ber tbree in the village of Manchester, bririnninr at the northwest corner of said let thence south on n parallel hnewith ihe line of said lot sixiy-two andone-balf tect. east on a line parallel with the south lino of snid lot thirty-two feet thence north on a line punillel with the ea.-t line of snid X silty-two and one hfilf feet, thence west thirty. o feet to the place of : also heinu (re -ods off Foutheastcily end of vfflage lot nuniber ven m bloofc number three in the villat-e of Man:hester; ilso part of lot nuniber seven in block nu ru oer in ree ot me Tilinte of Manchester becinniiifr sixty-two nnd one-half (eet south of the northwost corner of said lot, riinnine thence enst , Ihlrty-two reet. thence south tliirtj-eight fret thence west twny-m-n feet. tnence north thirtreirhl feet to the place oí beiíin ninR. Said premiw ■ ttIII bc sojri to satisfv Ihe amonnt so rlaimed to bo 'due, with Ihe interest aocruinz ft.r thi rl..te and nn ntlorney fee of thirly dollar providei (or in suirtmortgnye, nnd the oostsand oxpenbes aüowed bv law. Dateii, Ap'i] 22. 17!). JOHN (ONRAD RTNDES, Mortiragec. CüAMEIl, FllUEADFP ft CORBIN Atiornes tor MortLrnf?ee. I 1 OUSE AND LOT POE 8ALE. Locuted in a desirnble part of tne citj, asd ín pood repair AIsw 11 house to rent on favorable terma. Inquire at the Ar.GDt office, 01 22 THOMmJN STREET. Ann Arbor. Jan. 20, rM79. 4tf Mlyfiilflii jAiiilAñl akAtiim, Snl fot Catalogue. Oi-hiu Liki, Kru


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