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as tne argus wont to presa last weck the Gxaiuination ofLinaolh D. Sella of Mansfield, O., was in progress. It was known at this time that Delf' and Wen tworth had been captured but the appearance of Delf as a witness, at the instance of ProsecutingAttorneyEwerick, aurprised tho attorueys of SelU. Delf was at ouoo sworn and readily gave his testimony to the effect that both Sells and himself had coimmtted the burgltiry in question on the night of January 17 last. He detailed the particulars as to how they had brokun into the store and stolen tho goods, which consisted of seal-skin oaps, gloves, scarfs, neckties, eheap jewelry, etc, and how they had afterwards gone to the room of Harry B. Orr, at Mrs. Clark's on Maynard street, and had tberu divided the proporty among the three. Delf also testifiod that subscquently, while in Bells' room one day, the latter had packed one of the seal-skin cips in a eigar-box and the two had theu proceeded to the expresa office and Sells oaa sein n to Mansheld, O. The cap was sent to Harry Lookridgo of that place, and has since been recovered and was identified by defendant as the one sent by Sells. The defense, without offering any testitnony, permitted Sells to be bound over for trial at the Circuit Court, and his bail was fixed at $1,200. This has not yet been furnished, hut his father will return at oncë to Mansfield and raise the inoney, when he will deposit it here with some person who, being thus secured, will becoine SoII'b surety. Delf and Wentworth were eaptured at Aniherstburg and by strategy iuduced to come over to thïs side of the line Thesuccessinfinding their whereabouts, capture, &o., should be credited to Deputies sheriff Warren and Thompson, who returned to thiscity on Thurslay night with the prisoners. How theso persons got away is thus detailed : The esoape was effected about 12 o'clock Siinday night. The men had then tiken to the Toledo & Aun Arbor Riilroad traok, in tho rear of the, and walked on the track to the old saw-mill on State street. They uien toolc the south Ypsilanti road and after proceeding about five inile3 stopped for a rest, Emerson going straight on and Delf and Wentworth afterwards branchsng off to Saline. Tbey slept Monday niht in a barn and got something to eat at farm houses, inquiring their way to Trenton all the while, but keeping out of the highways as imich as possible. Tuesday they reached Bel lien, and too'c the Flint & Pere quette Road to üirleton and timnce took the Canada Southern to Trcnt.m, which they reached about midnight, and passing tho renmnder of the nighi in a saiv-ruill prooaeded en-ly the next uaorning to Amherstbura:, where they spent the d'iy, md pussad tha night in a spoke f ictory. They siw 1 vtorl for their breakfast fora lady, and remarked that it was mighty hard woud to saw, and that the lady gave them a very poor breakfast- 80tne pieoe9 of broad. The recaptureof Delfis regarded with a good deal of satisfaotion by Deputy Sheriff Warren, some persons havinc charged him with oarelessness in permittina; the escape, after boing warnec by Merry, and it being supposed that some one outside furnished Delf with toois, which is shown not to havo been the case. Emerson, who it sogms plannerl and efïected the escape, was coufined iti tho Charlotte jaü at the time of the fècèni escapo there and is balidved to have been one of the principal actors in the exploit, although he made no eflfort to escupe himself, being confmed on a charge upon which he was suro of aequittal. All the students arrested are now disposed of until the June terra of court when the examinations of Ddlf, Orr and Sells will take place. The examiaation of HirryMerry, the High School student, accused of receiving stolen goods, was conoludod on Thursday of last weak by a vindication of hiuiself, and he was theroforo diaoharged, his father entering a recognizance for hia appearanoo at the June terra of court as a witness against Delf. Cali ana seo the beautiful patterns of Wall Papor at Douglas & Co's., National Buik Blook. Taeir arrangement tor exhibiting it are uusurpassed, and their pnces can uot bo leaten. 16-2t Bach & Abel offer for the next thirty days, 3 case.-; of Bleached Muslin, equal in vahifl to Fruit of the Loom, Wamsutta or New York 9cts. per yard 5 bules of the best Brown Cottons in the market at 8 cents par yard. Never before have suchinducements been oiïüred in this lino as are offered this inonth 12-tf - Senator Conkling, it is said, has never even seen his new son -in-la w, and Utioa people think he needn't put on so many airs about it, as Mr. O.ilunan is a bigner mn now financially and socially than Koscoe Conklina; was wheu lie marriod Horatio Seymour's sister.


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