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News Of The Week

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The board ot supervisors, at a special meeting in Klint Wednosday to discuss the hearing of "the recent Supremo Court decisión on the tax questiou, passed a resolution that all proueriy in Genesee county hereafter shall be aesed at the f uil cash value. Other boards of supervisors are doing likewise. The dcepest part of Lake Superior, whieh is off the end of Keweenaw Point, is 928 feet, or o f er 300 below the lcvl of the ocean. Rev. Dr. J. L. O. McKeown, who was for one year President of the Albion College, has just died at Uosevüle, N. J. The April salt product was 120,171 barrels, njainst 160,505 last year. Tbe Detroit & Hay City Railroad Company are about to nrect a mai-bine and repair shop 33x64. and a blacksmith shop 14x16 near thcir round house in Bay City. The city has granted them water free fol a term of ten years. The works will bring with thn about lifty families. Tlie thirty-eigth annual meeting of the General Assooiation o Congregational Ohurche of Michigan will be held at Grand Hapids, beginning May 21 and continuing five days. J'here are 12 inmates in the State Prison insano building, the last addition being a convict named Cady. East Saginaw is the larpest horse market in the State, handling about 5,000 horses per annum. The Porter Coal Mining Company near Jackson now e.mploys about 200 men, mines some N.OOP tona of coal per month, which is mostly oonsumed by the Michigan Central Kailroad, and pays out to its employés $9,000 Der month. A yonn man of 35, and unmarried, named Henry Gailup, in the employ of Mrs. Hobart, living between Leoni and Grass Lake, was run i.ver on the 4th on the Central Kailroad and ompletely torn to pieces. He was probably - drunk and asleep on the track. Kour prominent physicians of Grand Kapids have offered to divido among themselves, and perforin gratuitously, the dnties of city physician. and to give the 800, allowed as salary, toward the erection of a city hospital. A hotel will be run on the bank of Higgins' Lake the coming season, to accommodate the sporting fraernity that come there each year. The cttizens of Big Hapids have agreed to f urnish the Detroit, Lansing and Northern company the right of way and depot grounds, and unlesB they now change their mind the cara will run into Big Rapids over the extensión in the course of three or four months. A party of 215 Rnssian cmigrants, en-route for Kanaas, went west over the Michigan Central Friday. Their odd costumes and quaint manners attracted much attention. Kev. John Locker, of Cass City, was arrested by Sheriff McPherson. of Port Huron, on the 5th inst., brought to Caro and lodged in jail to await examination on a charge of adultery with one of his church members. The aftair has created quite a sensation in that locality. The first bees ever brougbt into Emmet County were brought across the bay one day last week. The Jiluskegon News and Reporter says: There is no use in denying the fact that many of the Muskegon lumbermen are in a bad fix at present. Milhons of feet of logs are hung up and cannot reach the ui ill booms this season - unless we have a second flood. Then the looi price of lumber is making otir manufacturera feel gloomy, and a number of the millowners contémplate Bhutting down tomporarily, and await results. The Port Huron and Northwestern Railway was formally opened to Davisville, 26 miles, Saturday, by a trip of the director and their fatiiilies in the first passenger train over the road. The party left Port Hurnn at 10:30 A. M., arriving at Davisville at 1 o'clock, wh re they were entertained by Messrs. Moss, Mills fe Gaige, at Mr. Mill's residence. A BÜBsfield man who advertised to cure the opium habit, has gol himself into trouble. Two very estimable women. Mrs. John Young, of Blissfield, and Hn, J. M. Lukes, of Lansing, hnvo nHdenly died under his questionable treatment. tíuád iy forenoon the rooms of the Calvert Lithographing Company and the news and editorial rooms of the Post and Tribune company were badly damaged by fire. Sears & Holland's new salt block in East Sagiuaw was destroyed by tire Mondav, togrther with two rtrill houses and 4,000 barrels of sa t. Loss estimated at $20.000. Insurance as follows: Salt block, Fire Association, Western American, Lancashire, $2,000 each; drill houses and machinery, $2,000 in the Springfield and $1,500 in the London. A boarding house owned by Mary Dunlap, adjacent, Sc 'melzer's grocery nd a small dwelling were also destroyed. Charles Irvin, who shot and killed Clarence St. John in a saloon row at Evart, in February, gets 10 years at Jackson. The new Recreation Park, in Detroit was formally opened Monday afternoon with appropriate ceremonies. Alex. Childer, a colored man of Howell, committed suicide Monday morning, by shooting himself in the head four times with a revolver, f rom which he died instautly. The Hinden swamp, in Sanilac county, comprising 6,000 acres, and owned by Francis Palms, of Detroit, is to be drained this year, and will be under cultivation next year. Monday merning the large brick block on Saginaw street, Flint, was almost entirely destroyed by fire, together with its contenta. Lossen on buildings as follows: J. A. Farr & Co. Cinoinnati, $)1500: Henry Barber, Mt. Morri, 1,500; Levi Walker estáte, 3(2,000 all fully covered by insuranee Losses by occupants are as follows: John Brady, restaurant, 1,500, insured l,100; Cari Schimmer, 1,200, insuranee $500; J. H. Oower, tinware, $800, not insured, The usual origin a detective rlue. One man, a Germán named Fred Urtel, unmarried aud aged 35, was burned to death in his bed. Forcst fires were reported two to six miles north, west and east of Lapeer, doing more or le3B damage to fences and other property. At Fish Lake Mr. Stephens shut down his milis and the entire force of employés engaged in keeping the fire at bay. The flameB got into the lumber piles Monday and great damage was with difficulty prevented. The Carrollton oar factory of Carrollton has lately received two orders from the French government for 3,000 pieces of oar-wo-k, the effect of the company's excellet exhibit during the late world's exbibition in Paris. Fires are reported in the woods in the región f Port Huron, and also at Grand Junction, between Kalamazoo and South Haven. The latter town was saved from destruct on on Sunday only by the most strenuous exertiona of the citizenB. Edwin Fisher, of Keeler, a man well known in Van Buren county, was engaged with others in raising a barn a few days since when a timber feil, catching him in such a shape as to completely mash the upper portion of nis head and, of course, kill him instantly.


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