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Proslavery Papers

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The Ypsilanti Sentinol, Whig, hoads an article respecting ustMeanness Extraordinary," because we publishcd an article fïom the Emancipator, advising Liberty men to" discourage all you can the circulation of Proslaver y papers." Well do you argue the contrary of this, neighbor: Do you think papers that will advocate the continuanco of such an unchristian curse as Slavery ought to be circulatcd : But you say that "by " jwoslavery papers." All undersiand the papers oí' the other parties are interested" [intended] Not so. We cali all papers proslavcry that sustain Slaveholders for office. - All Whig papers do not do this. We have on our exchange list a very honorable excoption. The Editor has given the plainest notice that neither personally by his vote nor by his paper, will he even sustain a slaveholder for any office. Now the Ypsilanti paper will neither say nor do any such thing : thereforc, we cali it "proslavery;, and deern it, with all others of a likc character, unworthy of circulation in a frec community. It sustains the Slavc-Power of this nation in continuing in existence the curse of Human Slavory. The proof is found in the fact that it stands ready to support for President and Vice President, in 1848, the Whig nominees, should they be one or both of them Sluveholders. Of course, it would fill other oiïices of the Government with scourgersjbuyors and sellors of thcir fellow men, providod they were "good Whies.By doing tliis, it supports Slavery in the strongest manncr,and is utterly unworthy of oncouragemcnt by a Liberty man. As the Sentinel will roll up its eyes in grcat horror at these charges,Jwe will prove thein by a text that cannot bo set asid e. Will you refuso to support Slave-holders for office, or not ï Dare you to make this simplo statement in your paper ;"SII0U1.P A Sl,AVE-HOLDER BK NOMINAI'F.Ü HY TUK WhïO PARTY AS THEIR NF.XT CAXDIDATE FOK PjlESlDKNT OU VlCE PllKKlORNT WESIIALLON THAT ACCOUNT, VVITHHOL KKOM TUK El.ECTOUIAL TICKET OUR VOTE ' PKRSONAKLY AND THE ' ÏNFLUBNCE OF OUR PAPER IN 1T8 SLlPORT." Darc you come up to this simple and just test, and answer, Yes! You knoto you dare not ! ! How, tlien, can you complain of being callcd " irortavery,' while your influencc and paper are pledged to support, for the highest offices in this nation, any Whig Slaveholdcr that may bc called for by Southern Whigs1? Our charges are predicated on your refusal to vote for Slaveholders : Should you respond unqualiíiedly yes to the test of your sincerity we have proposed, we will retract every word of the foregoing. But therc is no use in alluding to the supposition ; for we knoio you dare not do it : and by rcfusing, you convict yourself of the worst kind of " proslavery." But a refusal of the Sentiael will not only demónstrate its determination to support Whig Slaveholders, and thereby sustain the Slave Power, but it will require us to say still more. The Sentinel is now fullof anlislavery, talk, and propositions, and denunciation of Slavery, &e, yet it belongs to a proslavery party and will support slaveholders! Ilere is a. doublé game goingon, the object of which can be nothing else than to secure as many anitslavery votes to its proslavcry parttj, and ils slavcholding nominees, as jwssiblc f By antislaverv lal!: and palaver, it labors to get , the support of antislavery men for its candidates, whether they be Slaveholders or not. Is not this a shuflling. ' underhanded, contemptible course % Wc will let the Sentinel answer. , The same remark apply to severa other Whigpapei-s of this State that dea r largely in antislavery professions.