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The Legislature

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May 7. - The Senate passed the following Senate bill to make an appropriation for publishing the proceedíngs of the Michigan superintendent of the poor; House bilí to facilítate the transaction of business of co-operative and mutual benefit associations ; House bill to amend section 3157 for the incorporation of literary and Hcientific aBsociations. House bill requiring eer ain state ofneera to givebonds; to amend sectïon 5318 Compiled Laws relative to justice eourts; Senate bill to protectthe people f rom imposition and fraud; House bill to amend the act relative to the issue of fraudulent and part paid hhares of railroad stock; House bill to amend the act for the incorporation ofcities; House bill relative to tbc admiasion of foreign insurance companies to this state; bil! relative to the repair of sidewalks in tne highway ; House bill to amend section 749, Compiled Laws, relative to the eligibility of persons to township ofüces; House bill to prevent the killing of elk; lost, reconsidered and tabled; House bill to require orders drawn by commissioners of highwavs in the Upper Península to be audited by township boards; Senate'bill for the eollection of social statiatics; House bill to regúlate the mode of appointing cierks in the state departments; Hourc bill to proscribe the manner of selling household interesta in lands on execution. The House passed the following, the firet soven of which are House bilis and the last two Senate bilis: Amending section 7354, Compiled Laws, relative to poor debtors: amending the charter of Nashville; amending the act of 1877 to preserve political purity; relative to Tawas and Manisete State roads; relative to servica of process, etc, on insurance companies; making appropriat:ons for the State Prison; amending act 772, Laws of 1877, relative to care of insane convicta after the expiration of sentence; amending act 53, Bession Laws of 1877, relative to teachers' iniititutes; amendatory of the railroad law. May 8 - The Senate pasised the following, all except the first having already passed the House: to amend section 5, act No. 30, lawa of 1875, to confer corporate powers on religious Bocieties; amending law relating to swamp lands ; f orbidding saloons to open after polling hours on election day : relative to selling exploBive substances. etc, relative to the pólice court of Grand Rapids; chauging the names of certain streeta Ín Bay Oitv; amending the charter of Grand Rapids: amending the charter of Ann Arbor; for remapping torn and mutilated city and village planta; relative to assignments; authorizing the examination of mines by adjacent owners; to authorize associations for intcllectual, scientific, spiritual and religión culture; to amend sections 5894 aud 5906, Compiled Laws, relative to depositiona of witnesses in civil caaes ; to amend tbe plank road law. The House passed the following of which only the last thrce have passed the Senate: to establish a separate school for the blind; to secure local optioii in reference to the liquor trafile, 40 to 24: to make an appropriation of swamp lands for a state road in Mason county; to protect vineyards and orchards from larcency ; to amend section 3631, Compiled Laws, relative t o primary schools; to amend eection 1660, Compiled Laws, to provide for the floating of logs and lumber; to change the name of the Board of Charities and Corree ti on. May 9. - The Senate passed the following biÜB, all of which have already pssed the House: For the Detroit boulevard; to amend the Recorder's Court section of the Detroit charter; for the taxation of telegraph companies; to make appropriations for current expenses of the Reform School; to make appropriatien for a new cottage and dormitory for the same school. The concurrent resolution for an investigation into the Flint asylum affair was passed, and Senators Cochrane and Hodge apoointed. Tbe House epent the day in the consideraron of the special order, being the bill for reviainif certain portions of the tax lawB. May 10 -The Senate passed the following billa all of whioh have passed the House : Amending the general law relative to opening streets and alleys in oitiea and villages; raaking appropriatioDR for the asyluüa of the deaf and dumb and the blind; amending section 7824 of Compiled Laws relative to relief of poor debtors froin imprisonment; relative . to docket entries of justices and pólice juaticea I in criminal oaseB. Adjourned until Tuesday morning. Tñe House passed the following, of which only the laat three have paaaed the Senate : To amend the chai ter of Pontiac ; to ameud sec5954, Compiled Lawa, relative to proof of demand in Buit: to protect the title of ownera of noating logs and timber; to amend the act of 1871 for the protection of mechanica ; for the drainage of certain landa in the townBhip of Hush, Shiawassee connty ; to amend the law relative to proceeding against corporationa in ohancery ; to amend the charter of ManiBtee ; to authorize the formation of lumbermen'a exchangea ; to amend the plank road act ; for refunding moneys expended by certain oounties for support of insano aoldiera; to amend aection 1192, Compiled Laws, relative to highways; for the incorporation of state conventions and divisions of the Ancient Order of Hibernians ; for the conatruction of a portion of the Tnscola and Saginaw Bay State road ; for the preservation of the original sec tion corners and quarter posta. May 18. - The House passed the following : Home bill to provide for the incorporation of Baptist Churches; House bill to provide for the appointment of a clerk and deputy clerk of the liecorder's Oourt of Detroit; House joint resolution instrueting the Agricultural College land grant board to adjust certain irregular sales of lands; Senate bill to amend the act re - ativc to beasts distrained; Senate bill to amend seetion 4486, Compiled Lawa, relative to the payment of debts of deceased persons: House bill relative to the coramencement of actions; Senate bill, to amend hapter 228 Compiled laws relative to the forclosure of mortgages; House bill to change the names of Marston Nelaon Jonea and Martin Parkinaon Jones; House bill to amend seetion (ÏO, Compiled Lawa, relative to disorderly persons; Houso bill to transfer certain moneys from the general fund to the fund for .the support of insane soldiers at Kalamazoo; Senate bill, to drain certain lands in Ganges, Casco and Clyde, Allegan county ; House bill to amend nection 7488, Compiled Laws, relative to criminal ooats; Senate bill, to amend seetion 4247, Compiled Laws, relative to the oancellatioR of niortgages ; Senate bill to amend the act for the pólice regulation of the liquor traffic; House bill to provide for laying out a road from Bear Lake to Sherman; House bill to define and suppress tramps. The House ref used to recede from its ameudments to the Agrieultural College approprition bill; a concurrent resolution was adopted that the Legislature finish its business on Wednesday, May 28, and that the final adjonrnment be Saturday, May 31. In the Senate on motion of Mr. BillingB the daily sessions of the Senate were ordered to commence at 9 o'clock; Senate bill amending seetion 5372, Compiled Laws, relative to justice courts, was passed; the Detroit charter bill was, on Mr. Palmer's motion, laid on the table with the view of supplying some omissions. The remainder of the afternoon Bession wap occupied in committee oí the whole. The Senate concurred in the House resolution for final adjournment.


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