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Abstracts of Titles. All parties who ara desirous of th condition of the title to their lnnda, or parties wh( wish to loan money on real estáte will do well tf cali at the Regist er's otBce and consult a Compared Set of Abstract Books. Said books are go tar advanced that the Registe] can f urniBh on short notice a Perfect Statement as to the Title of any pnrcel of land tn Washtenaw Connty kí thowu by the original records. 0. H. MANLY, Register. GET YOUB PROPEETY INSUEED BY 0. H. MÏLLEN, Insurance Agent No. 4 South Main Street, ANBi ARBOR, - MICH. The oldest agency in the city. Eatablished a quarter of a century ago. Representing the ollowing fi rat class copioaniei: Home Insurance Co. of N.Y., Assets over 86,000,000 Continental Ins. Co. of N. Y., Assets over 83,000,000 Niágara Fre Ins. Co., N. Y., Assets $1,442,400 Girard ot Pa., Asaets over 81,000,000 Oriënt of Harirord, Assets $700,000 49" Rates low. Losses liberally adjusted and romptly paid. C. H. MILLEN. RAILROADS. Toledo and Ann Arbor Railroad. Taking eflect Sunday March 23, 1879. OOING NOBTH. GOING 8OTJTH. flix. bip. Exp. Kip. Eip. Mix. A. Mi.M. P. M. A.M. P.M. P. M 6 50 10 40 00 TOLEDO 9 29 2 60 9 25 6 53 10 42 6 02 North Toledo 9 2Í 2 48; 9 22 7 07 10 50' 6 11 Detroit .lunction 9 19 2 S9 9 04 7 20 10 581 6 20 Hawthorn 9 11 2 81 8 47 7 33 11 06 B2S Samarla (08 2 23; 8 30 7 4X1111 6 34 Seola 8 58 2 18 8 19 7 55 111816 42 Lulu ; 8 49 2 10 8 02 8 03 1123! 6 47 Monroe Junction 8 421 2 05! 7 51 8 35 1132 fit; Dundee 8 35 15S 7 32 8 46 1137 7 03! Macon 8 30 1 50 7 21 8 58 1142 T 10 Azalia ! 8 24] 1 44 7 10 9 25 1154 7 23 Milán i 8 11 I 32 6 37 9 3SÍ12 00 7 29 Nora 8 05 126 6 25 9 52;l'2 0Bt 7 38 Urania ! 7 58 120 6 13 0 13 12 15 7 46: Ypsilanti June. 7 48 110 5 54 0 40112 28' 8 00 ANS ABBOH 7 36 12 58 5 30 The 7.38 a. m. express outh makes close connecíons at Monroe .Tunetion for Adrián and Monroe nd for points on the Lake Shore ; at Toledo with 'olumbus & Toledo and the Wubiish. The 12.58 p. n. express south connects at Toledo with the 3 'elock train east on the Pennsylvania Road thro' o New York. All trains run hy Columbus time- minutes faster than Ann Arbor time. J. M. A8HLEY, Je., Superlntondent. DETEOIT, HILLSDALE AND 8OUTHWESTERN RAILROAD. To take effect Aug. 19, 1878. OOINO WEST. OOIMQ KABT. TATION8. MaÜ. Exp. BTATIOK. Exp. Míil A. M. P. M. A M p M Ypaüanti.... 8:15 6:05 ..u.r.n. Toledo June. 8:35 6:25 Bunkers 5:00 2:00 aliñe 9:25 6:45 Hillsdale . . . . 5:80 2:10 Bridgewater.. 9:47 7:07 I Manchester.. 8:3U 4:02 Mancheiter. 10:22 7:33 ' Bridgewater 9:00 4:23 p. M. i Saline 9:50 4:42 Hillsdale 1:00 9:47 ' Toledo Juno. 10:10 4:65 anker 1:10 10:00 ' Ypsilanti... . 10:35 5:16 Tttina run by Chicago tim. W. V. PAKKEB. Sup't, Ypiilinti. MIC 11 KUN CENTRAL KAILR0A1). ÍJOINO ffKBT. . ■& :.i s !.. ' _ . A. X. A.M'V-M.,p. M. P.M. r.lf. , , Detroit, leave, 7 00 9 35 4 45 M (i 20 9 ."(■ I G. T. Junction, 7 In 10 00 J 00 3 J5 6 35! 10 10 W'uyndJunetion 7 4 10 20 5 32 ", 30 7 lO'lO 42 Kpsiiuuti, 8 10 10 45 n 00 ö 51 7 36 11 04 AnnArboi, 8 30 U 00 t 30 4 0" 8 10 11 21 Delhi, 8 44 6 4;; Dexter, 8 ftfi 6 83 4 2Í 8 31 ' Chelsen, 9 l.l 7 (,8 4 4 8 45 Qruas Lnke, l 47 7 ;3 5 o."i 9 07 P. M A.M. Jaekson, '10 20 12 15 S 00 10 9 40 12 45 Albion, 1104 12 48 g i 6 47110 33 ' 1 23 ManhaU, 11 ro; n-' 17 16 11 03 1 45 P.M. o BatÜaCnak, 12 19 1 55 ) 7 4511 36 2 10 (ialesburg, 12 52 '■ 8 20 12 07; A.M. A.M. Kalamazoo, 1 13 2 38 4 30 8 40 12 25 2 5S Lawton, 1 54 5 05 1 08 Decatur, 2 11 5 20, 1 27 , Dowagiuc, 2 38 5 46 1 57 -- NileB, I 3 05 4 07 6 30 j 38 4 15 Huchanan, 3 19 6 43 2 54 ThreeOaks 3 49 7 13' ! New Buffnlo, 4 03 4 ü 7 28 3 45 Miiïhiguu ('iiy, 4 30 5 20 7 Mil 4 15 6 30 Lnke. 5 13 (1 ll_' 8 4i 5 04 6 19 Kouüington, (i 00 C ,") :i . 5 55 7 10 Onicago.urrivc, 0 60 ; 111 10 ;,n C 45; 8 00 001NUEA8T. . i ' " j t IIMIlÍII, A.M. A. M. P. M. ' P.M. P.M OhicaKO, leave, ■ 7 00 9 00 4 0(1 5 15 9 0 Kensiuetnn, 7 50 9 50 4 ñ(l 6 05 9 50 Lake, 8 4 1(; Si ;. IS 6 50 10 32 Michiguu Clly. 9 2i 11 U ti 3."; 7 4(J 11 20 New Bnffnlci, , 9 47 11 29 (i Ó7 11 39 Three O.ilis, 10 02 - - 7 12 A.M. BuchaDan, KI 32 7 43 ! ; Niles, 10 45 12 15 8 12 9 OU 12 35 Dowagiac, 1116 8 40 ! 103 Decatur, 11139. B 05, 127 Lawton, i 11 57 - :- I 9 23 a. m. KalamazüO, 12 33 1 40 10 00 6 60 10 26 2 17 Galesburg, '12 52 . 7 091 2 37 Battle Creek, 1 27 2 13 H 7 40 11 08 S 15 Marshall, 2 26 3 00 f 8 10 11 37 3 49 'a.m., Albion, 2 52 3 21 a.m. 8 35.1205 4 10 Jackson, 3 45 4 05 5 40! 9 40 12 50 4 51) Grasa Lgke, ' 4 08 C OT 10 00 Chelsea, 4 40 ; 6 31 10 18 Dexter, 5 00 6 47 10 30 Delhi, 8 10 6 65 Ann Arbor, 6 20 5 10 7 10 10 46: 2 05 6 80 Ypsilanti. 5 38 6 24 7 27 11 00 2 20 6 45 WayneJunc, ü 02 6 45 7 62 11 22; 2 44 7 09 G T June. 6 33 6 16 8 25 11 50 3 20 7 45 Detroit, Ar., ! 6 48' 6 SOi 8 4012 05 3 35 8 00 Grand Kapids and Kalamazoo Express arrivés at Grand Rapids 2:20 p. m., and leaves Grand Rápida 6:15 a. m. Sundays excepted. Saturday and Hunday enoepted. t Daily. H. B. LKDYARD, Gen'l Manager, Detroit. H. C. Wentwobxh. ö. P. & T. Agt., Chicago. CANADA SOUTHERN K' V l.IM:S. The Ouly American Route Through Canada Trains leave M. C. R. R. Depot, Detroit, oity time, as follows : Atlantic Express, daily, 4 00 a. m., agner car to Boston. Fast Day Express, daily, 12 10 noon, Wagner car :o New York and Boston. Lightning Express, daily except Sunday, 11 10 p. m SVagner car to Buftalo and Rochester. Toledo trains leave 7 50 a. m. except Sunday ; 8 10 p. m. daily ; 6 60 p. m. except Sunday, For Fayette 6 30 p. m. except Sunday. For Information and tickets apply to G. W Sharpless, agent M. C. R. R., Ann Arbor. W. K. MUIR. Gen'l Manager, Bt. Thoma, Ont. M. C. ROACH, Pass. Agent, Detroit. FRANK E. SNOW, Oen. Fs. and Ticket Aft. Detroit. ITOTICE. Thf aaderaigned has purchased the intt-resi af uoerge H. Wiaslow in the frame aml picture business, NV 31) Kast liuron Street, ami will continue the business at the same place, giving pro'npt attention to all orders for frauies, etc. A fine stock of Chromos, Kngravings, and I'hotojrraphs on hand and for sale cheap. All debtsdue the late firm of Winslow .4 McMillan are payable to the undersigned, and any debts contraited during hi connection villi the trui will be paid by him. Ann Arbor, Oct. 14, 1878. 1'lOtf D. McMILLAN. DETROIT ThroatiLunglnstitute MERRILL BLOGK, corner of Woodwanl H Jefferson aves., Detroit, Mich. M. Hilton Williams, M. D., Prop'r. Who jieraonally reeeives patiënt at the Institute for the cure ot' all the various dlseases of theHead, Throat and Chest, and their complications, through the systeni oí inhalation, combined with proper internal treatment. To thoue who have ttaey are pleaaed to cali "lingcring colds" we would aay unhesitatingly, and ïf possible with a volee thftt would awaken all frnm that pleasant delusion, that without prompt and earnest effbrts in a rationa] und proper marnier, raany will soon follow those who have found releabe from their sulïeriuK in that "sleep which kuows no waking." You have beon consciou?, hut almoat afraid to oonfess the fact, and unwilling to admit it to yourj elvea that the slight Irritation of the throiit, the aunoyance of nasal catarrh, the symptoms of a lironchial inflammation of a few weeks or months ano, which you confldently believed would " wear off," bas becoine lirrnly eatablished, and is most certainly, and by degrees, more or less rapidly, and with fatal precisión and unyielding grap, advancing to hopeless consumption. You may object to and shrink from the frank statement by your medical adviser ; you may deny the truthful conviction which forces itself upon your observatlon ant reason, hut the plaiu fact, divested of flattering atsurance8 that can only cheat you of even life itself, is that these throat disease, the bronchial inflaminations and other constltutlon&l causes, are telling agalnst you with unerriDg certainty, and the assurances- so pleasant to the ear- that all wiil ba well bye and bye, are the more delusivo and cruel. You do not want to .stupefy the senses hy upiates, nor takeinto the stomach drugs that will forevei' destroyitstoneandimpairitsoffice. You do not want inerely palliative treatment toconduct and lull you nto lancied security to the very brink of th grave, for it is neither reasonable nor just to yourselves, or those who regard your casca with tremhling solicitude and painful anxiety. The chilly blasta and storms of advanced autumn, the inclement winter with it searching windsand atmosphere charged with moisture, have had their effect upon you - the great and rapld vilissitudes of spring, that, with the re-awakenlng of vegetable life, is peculiarly fatal to consumptives - these changes of seasons are now upon the invalid as well as upon the robust, and it ia wise to just now stop and refleet upon the nature and progresi of your dlsease, and the remedial measures you have employed, and seriotisly to inquire if there is a way open to you by which you may escape the danger which ís im pending. We say, without hesilation, that thegreater nirniber of pulmonary díneases can be cured. Wc need not dilate upon theories while we to present living evidences of the eth'cacy of judicious medieation in a class of cases so long and persistently pronounced hopeless. Inhalations are applicable in all diseases of the respiratory organa, includingcatarrh, throat diseases, asthma, bronchitis, consnmption ; and thou.-,andsof cases can be cured by thia mode of tteatment when nothing else can reach them. Those who desire to consult me in regard to their cases had better cali at the ofHce for an examinntion, hut if imposaible to visit the office personally, may wrlte for " List of QueBtions." and circulai ' both of -whlch will be sent free of charge. Addreso M. HILTON WILLIAMS, M. D., Merrill Block, Dktrott, Mich. oray's spkcikic mkdicine. trademark. , trade marx -""ÍSi. i. 11(3 ulclil Jlill.Srtlto Jjtt$ jm, 3llin unftulingcuw ÊÊL, L EeforeTakingSJiL Univeral Lassitude, Pain in the Baek.Dimness of Vision, Premature Jld Age, and many other diseases that lead to Insanity, Conaumption and a Prémattire Grave. tiGe Full particului-tj in our pampblets, whioh we desire to send free by mail to every one. The Specifle Medicine id sold by all Uruggists ut $1 perpackage, or aix packages for $5, or will t,o sent by mail on receipt of the money by addressini; THE UKAV MEDICINE CO., No 1Ü Mechanica' Block, Detroit Mich. Sf-Sold in Ann Aihor by all Druggists, and by druggistb every where NïCHOLS, SHEPARD & CO., Battle Creok, llcli. ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE VI BBÁTOR THRESH1NG MACHINERY. THE Matchless Gratn-Sarin;?, Time-Sarlng, and Money-Savinu Threherr oftLia dy and geacrtion. Beyond all rivalry (br Kupid Werk, Perfect ClDJBf, aodforSaTlng Orain ttmn M'atng. STEAK Poner Hinchere a Speclalty, Special ■liet or Separators made expresuly tor Steam Power. OUR Unrlvaled Steam Thresher EngtiiM. both Portable and Traction, with Valaabl ImproTtmeuts, ftir beyond any other muite er kind. THE FXTIKK Threshfngr Expenses (and often three to flre timen that amouut) can be made by th Kxtra (irain 8AYED by these Improved Machine. G11AIN' Balsera will not submlt to the enormous wasUge of Grata and tbe inferior work den ky all other machines, when once posted on the dlfference. NOT Only Vastl v Superior for Wheat, Oata, Barley, Rye, and fike Grains, bnt tb Onlt Sooowafui Thresber in Flax, Timothy, Killet, Clorer. and Uke Seedi. Requiros no "attachmenU" er "rebaltdlAg" to thange from Grain to Soedt. IX Thorouffh WorkmanKhtp, Ele ant Flnliih, Perfection of Part. Completeuexs or Equtpment, #te., ar " Vibrator " Thresher Outflts are Incomparable. JUT ABVELOLS for Simplicfty of Parts, nstng Jkfm leas thanone-half th- usual Helta and Gean. Maket Clean Work, with no Litterings r Scattering. rOUB Sízps of Separators Made, Banvlu from Slx to .o, and twostylei f MottBf ed Horse Powera to match. FOB Particnlars, Cali on our Dealen or WriW to us for IHusitnitcd Circular, which we mU fr, ITI. ROGER Aürenl, Ana Arbor, Mich. , _■, WILLIAMBEID, fllViyÜi T P iJQmVtVB I 'Of th" late firm of Kei.l A ISHHHHHPfl ii ' . . JL-I l..'i-l BullMM.I (f fï H f W S TTfl II Wholesale k Reüill 'Wlü ii wm fiw ?iffl. tm! french a amebhaN KV ■ 1 6 I III Ribbed and Roogh Tor lik. M W W -h{f Jll Sky I.iehtR, Cut and KoamfnTjWRA olí eled GlaHi, SUver Plated 11 A ■ iá I [flTljirViMl Sash Bsrs, Frcnch aod GrI rvflJw!jïrnY5 1 "1RD I'oklDg Glniis Piatm, ILJ I T.1.J - rj L. a.l aod "11, (. vlvr, PuKy, 12 & 14 Congres St., Detroit, Mich. M Cl COMPOUND EXTRACT OFi' CONTAIKINÖ H CnliBbs, Jnuiper & Spirits or Nitre ■ IN A CONCÉNTRATE!) FORM, FOR 1 Diseases of tho Kidneys k Bladder, I Sonorrhea, Weaknesses, OverEsertions, Sleet, Strieture, Obstruction of the Urine, and all Disenso ï tlie E'rinary nul Krxunl OrKatist, No matter of how lon' tauiliug, ami (Vhftlhtr la MALE OR FËMALE. pvlcc, -.- - One lollnr. Preptretl Trom tlie origmfcl recipe of DR. HILL, nd olJ lij W. JOHN3TON t CO., 16! Jefferson Avenue, DETROIT. fUK U.l: V Al.l. IIHIUCISTS. B


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