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A Correspondent of the Boston Allns givesan account of the procesa ofobtaining whal ai e callcd, in Europe, "Sun Pictures," which appear to ba similar ío üaguerreotypes, only that they are taken on paper instead of motal. They aro statod to be quite "the rago" in Europe, at the present time. They are the invention of a Mr. Talbot, and are cnlled by some Talbotype?, in honor of tho inventor. After giving a minute tleBoription of tho procesa he goea on to say : VVith nn atmospkerc bo transparent 83 you have in America, wondera may be efiected with thia Talbotypc paper ; and 1 doubt not tliat as your Daguerreoiypcs are far superior to ours,your Talbotypo drawinga will ere long, put us to the iblush. Ladies could scarcsly find a pretlier em plnyinent, than in making transcripta of this sort ifrom nsture. In England and FrancO sun pietures are bccoming the rage, and bccause this is the case, I have apont moro time on the subject, than I should othorwiee have done. "I will say that tho epucimen I alludod to just po,is a view of iho principal placo in the ciiy of Orleans- in iaot, tha shadow of the housps and cquares, thrown on a bit of pnper. 1 can read the signs on tho houses - see the plnce where Joan of Are harangucd the populace ; notico the aolcmn to%vcrs of Notre Dame loomiug VP, nd even mako om tho cnrriagos al tho shop floors. l enclo60 it, so that the readers of the Atlas may look at it, ïthoy cali at the office." They aro giving concerta in St. Lont ior tho benefit of the families ofnecdy voluntcor.A -New State.- Tlio Burlington Hawkeye announces that the Constitution of iowa haa been acccptod byaboutöOÜ majonty. Iowa ia thoro fore the 20th star in our conntellaliort. ThoLoxinjrton nnd West Cambridge Railroad is now in full opcration. The firat train paased over (ho line on Monday last.- Nno Bcifjrd Mercury. SoüTHERw Consistency - The authorities of Natchcs, Miss. have passod a law, prohibiting ilic boys from flying kitos. Wc wonder how long it wil! be, before thcy will prohibit, by low, the crue! iuflictiona of the lash, that are imposod upon the littlej:niggers" of Natchcz, by their white young masters? - CL Ci:. A Ccuiots Currenit.- The Govorn or of Or egon reeommends that a law be passod making wical a '-legal tonder" for debt. This is going a Itttlü f;irther back to first principies than the Iron money of the ancien t Spartnns. If we lived in Orcgon, wo should not want to carry with us more than fivo dollars of auch a currency, at a time, and we fcar that wo should find it quito inconvenient to go tho barn and get out the peck nveasure whenover we wislied lo inake change. Ch. Citizen, Takoa pail of water, put into it as mueh powlered alum as will lay upon a aix cent picce, let it stand all night and in tho morning you will have pure water, as clear as crystal, and lasieless as before the aluin was put in it. A fop is like a cinnamon tree - th? bark is worth more than tliu body. President Polk and family nro rusticating at Old Point Comfort. James is saiu to bo a master Jellow for a fishing frolic. REFORM IN FRANCE. A calculation, lbunded on official lists, presente the nutnber of functionaries and employés of the Department of the Interior throughout the kingdom at two hundred and three thousand five hundred and fifty; the total of their salaries forty-six millions two hundred and seventy thousand francs. The Minister of that Department presides speótally over the elections. Taking the personncl of the other branches of the Government, the service of the whole comprises three hundred and iifty-one thousand individuals ; adding to these a multitude provided for in some mode or other out of the Budget, the host dependant more orless on the Ministry does not fall short of nine hundred thousand. A recent circular of the Minister of the interior prescribes to all to endeavor "to strive courageously against the manoeuvres of the opposition parties and gain a triumph for the policy of the Cabinet." Not a few of the two hundred and twenty thousand qualified electora are embraced in the category of the ludgetcers. The radical and semi-radical press in Paris and the province has issued anaddress on electoral reform, ably exposing "the vicesof the present scheme of franchise," and the urgent necessity of various reforms, with a view to some real representation of the people and probity of administration, legislativo and executive. - " In France," it says, "a man may be a privileged voter without being able to read or write; he may not have foculty to vote, though amerabcr of the Institute, of tho Court of Appeals, or of the Council of the Univcrsity." It calis for an enlargement and diflerent system of franchise; a Deputy for every six thousand souls, (five hundred and in al!,) mileagc and daily pay, und certain dis(]ualificationsand restrainta in regard to seats in the Chain ber. RAILROAD IN FRANCE. There are now finished and in opcration, 90G miles of railroad in France, and that thcro are in progress of construction 2G19 miles. The finished works have cost 55,000,000 dollars, and the unfinished works are estimated to cost $400,000,000. This magnificent system of improvement has grown up stnee 1835: When the 2,G1Ü miles of railroad now constructing, can be added to the OOG miles already comploted, France will possess three thousand five hundred and twenty-five miles, forming, os her future Regent recently remarked, at the inauguration of the Northern Line, "a noble girdle, whose links are destined henceforth to bind moreclosely theoutposts of the capital, and to reflect, as well as receive new raya of glary and prosperity." Every city in the kingdom will be within n day's journcy of the centre of power and movement, nor ís it easy to form even an idea of the gradual transformation which will be eflected on the intellectual and moral condition of the people by this new species of communication. Modern times huve witnessed no institution more essentially democratie in its character, no institution which promises more for the diffusion of nscful knowledge, and which bids fairer to place the members of tho great human family in their appropriate position with respect to each other. The Queen's Habt has been baptized with groat eclat. The sacred rito was gracoftilly performed by his Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury,assistedby field marshal the Duke of Wellington, and sevoral other bishops of the church of England, and foreign ministers in full dress. The Queen's eldost daughtor and her young broihcr atood on eitherhand ol thoir ruothcr ar.d read prnyers out of thesnme book ; ur, to use the languago of the Court Jourmil, "Her Royal Highncss the Princesa Koyal and the Princo of Wales stood on either hand of her Majesty, nnd joined with the Queoti in the prayer of the service." A profound spirit of devc.ion tiw triuivity of Satin, SUk nnd Lace seemed to pcrvnd'e the procession. Her Majesty, Prinue Albcrt.and the Royal Family most graciously ncknowlcdged the obcisance