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A DOLLAR SAVED IS A DOLLAR EARNED ! NEW GOODS! And price LOWER THAN JSVKR. I have purehased in New York, for cash, ana I Hm now daily receiving one of the Inroest and most select stocks of Orocerics in Waahtemiw County, consisting of a lull and well selected LINE OF TEAS, All of the new erop - including l.uupouilirs, Imperia In, yun{ Hyhou, II) non, Japans, Oolong-s, toruioüu, Conffous, üouchonga, nud 'l'waiiUayi, Together with a full line ofCUFFEES, consisting of the following branda: MOCHA, OLD GOV'T JAVA, MAltACAIBO, LAQUA YRE.SANTOH and KIO, both roasfed and ground ; a full and well selected stock of SUCARS, SYRUPS AND MOLASSES, Together with everything in the line cf Pure Spices, Canned fruits, and Vegetables. We have a full and completo line of BOOTS & SHOES, HATS, CAPS, GLOVES And Hosiery. Also, a choice assortment of Ladieb' and Qentlemen's Underwear. Cali and examine Ooods and Price and we will insure satisfaction. EDWARD DUFFY. " Maynard'a Block,-' cor. Main and Ann treeta Ann Arbor, Mich. ■WHihest cash price paid foj all farm produce. tB 1N8DKANCB CÖHPANÏ. Capital, - - $3,000,000. Assets Jan 1, 1876, $6,792,649.98. Lossen Paid in 55 Years, $44,760,391.71. Surplus over all Liabilities, includiig Ke-Insnrance Reserve, $4,735,092.86. ! Net Surplus over Liabilities, including ! Re-Insuranoe and Capital Stock, j $1,735,092.86. C. MACE, Agent, Auu Arbor. Abstracts of Titlcs. All parlies who are desirous of aacertaining tin coadition of the title to their landa, or partiea wh( wUh to loan money on reul estáte will do well t cali ut the RegisterV office and consult a Compared Set of Abstract Books. Baid books are po tnr ndvanced that the Registei can iurnish on short notice a Perfect Statement as to the Title of any parcel of land in Waahtenaw County at -ihown by the original recoids. O. H. MANLY. Register. GET YOUR PROPERTY INSURED BY C. H. MILLEN, Insurance Agent No. 4 South Main Street, AJÍJÍ ARBOR, - MICH. The oldest agency in the city. Established a quarter ol a ceutury ago. Itepresenting the following firnt class copioaniej: Home Insurance Co. of N. Y., Assets over $6,000,000 Continental Ins. Co. of N. Y., Assets over $3,000,000 Niágara Fre Ins. Co., N. Y., Assets $1,442.400 Oirard ot Pa., Assets over $1,000,000 Oriënt of Hartford, Assets $700,000 Rates low. Losse liberally adjusted and promptly pald. C. H. MIHEN. RAILROADS. Toledo and Anti Arbor Railroad. Taking effect Sunday Maren 23, 1879. GOINO NOKTH. OOIKO SOPTH. MiZ. ; hxp. Kxp. ! rLïpTExp731ïx". A. HA. M.P.H. A.M.ÍP.M.;P. M 5010 40 6 00 TOLEDO 9 29 2 60 0 25 6 5311 42; 6 02: North Toledo i 9 27 2 48j 9 22 7 0710 50' 6 11 Detroit Junctlon ! 9 19 2 391 9 04 720 1058 6Ï01 Hawthoin j 9 11 2 31 8 47 7 33 1106 fi 28 Samarla 9 03! 2 ïg 8 30 7 l 11 11 6 34 Seola j 8 58] 2 18 8 19 7 55 11 ISj 6 42 Lulu 8 49 2 10 8 02 8 03 1123 6 47 Monroe Jnnction' 8 42: 2 05! 7 51 8 351132 6 67! Dundfe SS-i! 1 56 7 32 8 4Ü1137! 7 03i Jlaton 8 30 150 7 21 8 58 1142 7 10! jWala 8 24 1 44 7 10 9 25 11ÍÍI 7 23 Milán 8 11 1 32 1 6 37 9 38 12 00 723 Nora 8 05 1 2G 6 25 9. 12 12 06 7 88: Urania i 7 58 120 6 13 I0 1SI12 15! 7 46: Yp-ilanti June. 7 48 110 5 54 1040,12281 8 00 ANN AKBOK 7 -Sfi 12 58 5 30 The 7.35 a. m. expresa south makes close connections at Monroe JunctioD for Adrían and Monroe and for points on the Lnke yhore ; at Toledo witli Coiambui 4 Toledo and the Wal:ih. The 12.58 p. I in. express south connects at Tuledo with the 3 o'clock train east on the Pe nnsylrania Koud thro' to New York. All trains run by Columbus time - 7 minutes faster than Ann Arhor time. J. M. ASULEY, Jr , Superintendent. DETEOIT, HILLSDALE AND 8OUTHWESTBRN EAILHOAD. To take effect Aug. 19, 1878. SOIKO WIST. OOING EBT. iTATiom. Mail. Exp. stations. Exp. Mail rpsüanti.... 8-u' ':L' a. m. p. m. ruledoJunc. 8:35 6:25 : Banken 6:00 200 aline 9:25 ti:45 Hillsdale ... 5:30 2:10 1 3ridewter .. 9:47 7:07 Manchester.. 8:30 402 Hanchester. 10:22 7:33 Bridgewater 9:C0 4:23 P.M. Saline 9:50 4 42 ! ïillsdale 1:00 9:47 ToledoJunc. 10:10 4:55 iankers 1:10 10:00 i Ypailanti 10:35 .5:15 Trains run by Chicago time. W. ï. PAKKEE. Sup't, Ypsüaati. I MICIHtíAS CENTRAL RAILROAI). 6 ===. = 0 a flOING WEST. . a !f . l? I. ja. ! tl_'tl_ 11 i i Detroit, leave, 7 oo y ;t5 4 45 2 50 6 2o 9 .-.(. I G. l.Junctlon, 7 IS 1) 00) 6 00 3 05 6 35 10 Vi W aynu Junction 7 4li 10 26 5 2 ;; 30 7 1010 42 lpsilanti, B 1 10 45 (i 00 S 51 7 36 11 04 ' Gedcies, - I Ami Arbor, 8 30,11 00; e 30 4 ufl 8 10 11 21 . Delhi, S 44' ! 6 4a Üüxter, 8 su ri Oj 4 gg 8 31 _ Chelsea, g [j 7 (n1 4 40 8 4.", Gruss Lake, 9 47 .. 7 ;;3 .-, M 9 o; . . ■ P. M A ji. Jackson, 10 20 lü 16 S 00 6 00 a 40 12 45 Albion, 11 04 12 4S 6 47 10 123 Marrhull, 1150 1 10 - q 7 15 1103 145 P. M. S Battle Crcek, 12 19 1 b3 t 7 45 11 35 i 10 Oüleaburg, 12 2 8 20 12 07 Kalnmazoo, 1 13 2 38 4 80 8 4012 25' 2 58 Lawton, I 64 5 05 1 08 Decatur, 2 11 6 20 1 2? Dowagiac, 2 íií. 5 46 1 57 Niles, 3 05; 4 07 6 30 i 38 4 15 Buchannn, 3 19 : 6 43! 2 54 ThreeOaks 3 ií 7 1{ , NewBuffalo, 4 u3 4 57 7 28 3 45 Michigan City, 4 30 5 i: , ft5 4 15 5 30 Luke, 5 13 li Ití S 40 5 04, 6 19 Kensiugton, 6 00 ti 6 I 9 10 5 55 7 10 Chicago, arr Te, u ón 7 u [(i 50 ,; 45 8 01 aOIKGEABI. J_ _?_ _?L _ í_ '_ A. . A. M. P. M. l'.M. P. V OhicaRü, leüve, 7 í 11 110 4 M 5 15 9 o Keoiugton, 7 W 9 60 4 60 6 05 9 50 Lake, 4 10 Si 6 45 (i 00 10 31 MichigHit City, íi i: li 13 6 89 7 40 11 20 NewButfa!n, '.1 47 II 89 G 67 ■ 11 39 Three Oak". 10 02 7 ï I 1 A. M. Buchanan, 10 32; 7 13 L_ '. Niles, 10 45 12 15 S 12 9 0u!12 35 Dowagiiie, 1 1 15 8 40 1 03 Deoatur, 111 39 1 9 05 1 1 27 Lawton, 11 57 9 23 a. m. ! Knlamuzoo, 12 33 1 40 10 00; 6 60 10 20 2 17 Galesburg, i 12 52 . 7 09 2 37 Battle Creek, 1 27 2 13 .g M 7 40 H 08 S 16 Marshall, 2 25 3 00 J g lolll 37 3 49 a.m. Albion, 2 52 3 21A. m. 8 35,12 05' 4 10 Jackson, 3 43 4 05 5 40 o 40 12 50 4 5i Grase Lake, 4 08 6 07 10 00 Chelses, 4 40 6 31 10 18 üexter, 6 00 6 47 10 30 - Delhi, ! b 10: 6 55 Aun Arbor, ! 5 20 5 10 7 10 10 46, 2 05 6 SO Ypsilanti, 6 38 5 24 7 27 11 00 2 20 6 5 WnyneJunc, 1)02 5 15 7 52 1122 2 44 7 09 G.T. Jlinc, 6 33 G 15 8 251150 3 20 7 45 Detroit.r., 6 48 6 30 ! 8 40 12 05 3 53 8 00 Grand Rnpids aml Kalaniazoo Exprese arrive at Grand Uapiaa 2:20 p. ra., and leaven Grand Kapida 6:15 a. ni. 'Sundaysexcepted. ISaturday and Hunday excepted. tUaily. H. B. LEDYAKD, Gen'l Manager, Detroit. H. C. Wentwokth, G. P. & T. Ast., Chicago. CANADA SOUTHERN II LINES, The Ouly American Koute Through Canada Traiua leave M. C. R. R. Depot, Detroit, city time as followa : Atlantic Express, daily, 4 00 a. m., Wagner car to Boston. Faut Day Express, daily, 12 10 noon, Wagner car to New York aud Boston. Linhtning Expresa, daily except Sunday, 11 10 p. m., Wagner car to Búllalo and Rochcster. Toledo trains leave 7 50 a. m. except tiunday ; S 10 p. m. daily ; 6 60 p. m. except Sunday, For Fayette 6 30 p. m. except Suuday. For Information and tickets a pul y to G. W Sharpless, agent M. C. R. B., Ann Arbor. W. K. MUIR, Gcn'l Manager, St. Thoma, Ont. I H. C. KOACH. Pass. Agent, Detroit. PEANK E. SNOW, Gen. Pas, and Ticket Agt. Detroit I 1TOTICE. The nndersigned has uurchased the interest of Ooerge H. Winslow in the frame. anrl picture busines Xo. 30 Baat Huron Street, and -will continue the business at the same place, giving prompt at. tention to all orders for frames, etc. A fine stock ot Lhromo, Kngraviugs, and l'hotographs on hand and for ale cheap. All dbta due the late fnm of Winslow 4 McMlllanarepayabletotheundersigned, and any debts contrected during lus connection with the firm will bc paid by him. Ara Arbor, Oct. 14, 1878. motf D. McMILLAN. DETROIT ThroatiLunglnstitute MERRILT, BLOCK, corner of Woodward and JcHerson aves., Detroit, Mich. U. Hilton Williams, M. D„ Prop'r. Who personally receives patienta at the Institute for the cure of all the various dlseascs ot theHead, Throat and Chest, and their complieations. through the systeiu oí inhalation, comblned with proper internul treatment. Tothose who have wlat they are pleased to cali linéenos colds " we would say unhesitatlngly and if possiblowith a voice that would awaken all from that pleasant delusirn, that without prompt and earnest etforts in a rational tmd proper nimmer many wijl Boonfollow those who have fonnd release fiom their sutferiug in that "sleep which knows no waking." You have been connciou!, hut almost afraid to the fact, and nnwllllng to iidmit it to yourelves that the sligbt irritation of the thront the annoyance of nasal catarrh, the symptoms of a broochial inflammation of a few week3 or months agp, which yuu confidently believed would " wear off, Ims become firmly estabJished, nnd is most certainly, and by degreea. more or less rapidlv, and with fatal precisión and iinyiolding grap advancïng tohopeless cnnBiiinption. You may object to and shnnk from the frank statement by jour medical auviser ; you may deny the truthlul conviction which forcea itself upou your observation and reason.buttheplnin fact, divested of fiattering aisurances that can only (heat yuu of even life itself i-t that these ihroat diseiise. the bronchial inflainmations and other constitutional causes, are telling against you with unerring certainly, and the assurances- so pleaaaut to the ear- tiiat all wiil be well bj-e nnd 6ye, are the more delusive and cruel Yon i-, not waul lo stupefv the senres hv oulntea nor takeintotliestoinach drugs il, at will fórever destroyitston.'andimiiairiuoilice. You dn not want mLrely palliatire Ireniment toconduct and lull you mto tancied security to the vcry brink of the prave, font i.s ncilher reusonable nor just to youraelves, or those who regard your cases with treuibliiigaolicitiide aml pninful anxiety. TJie chilly blasta and stonns of advanced a'utumn, the inclement winter with its searchine wmdsand atmosphere cnarged with moisture have had tbeir effect upon you- the great and rapid vicissitudes of spring, that, with the re-awaking of vegetable Ufe, i pecullarly fatal to consumptivês- thesechanges of seasons are nnw upon the Invalid as well as upon the robust, and it is wise to lust now stop and reflect upon the nature and progress it your disease, and the remedial mensures you have cmployed, and seiiously to inqulre if there is a way open to you by which you mav escape the 'langer wbich fa iinnending. We say, withOBt heátation. that thegrenter number of pultnouary dmeases eau be cured We neednotdilale ,on theories while we are able to present living evidences of the effleacy of judicious medication in a class of cases so long and persistently prouounced hopeless. Inhalations are applicable in all diseases of the respiratory ortrana, including catarrh, throat diseases, aathma, bronchitis, cousmnption ; and thousands of cases can be cured by this mode of tieatment when nothing else can reach them. Those who desirc to consult me in regard to their cases had better cali at the office for an examination, but if iniDossilile to visit the office personallv L51 wiÜí.ff ".i1 "f Oucstions." and circular.' both of which wnl be sent free of charge. Addrei M. HILTON WILLIAMS, M. D., Merrill Block, Detroit, Mich. GRAY'S srncu JC' BLKDICIKB. TRADE MARK.-,, _ 1RADE MARK ,n. The Oreat ' JXAtL V ïïlish Remedy, j$3S üetore lakmgLoes ()1 Mu„orv After TakUniveral Laswiuie, Pain in the Back, Dimness of T.UI1; , ri'matre ()l1' Age, and muny other diseasesthat Ieadto lnsanity, Consamption aud aPrtmatnre Grave. Full piirticulars in our pamphleta, which we desire to send free by mai! to every one TheSpeciflcMcdiciueiasold bv all Drugeistsai Í1 per packnge, or 8ix pack.ipcs 'lor #5, ur will be =-q i 1 Mtcl'"nics' BIork, Detroit Mich. fl9-8oldin AnaAibor hy 11 Draggtot, and by NICHOLS, SHEPARD & CO., Battlo CrooJc, Mlch. ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE VI BRATOE THRESHING WACHINERY. THE Matchless Gntin-Sarinfr. Tirae-SftTln, and Money-Savïng Thrchorn ofthis d&y and geccrsUon. Beyond all rivalrv ftir Rapld Work, Perfect Cleaniui, ud for SaviQg Grai'i fröni AV: - ■ "Bill TtÍ[í STEAM Power Thre.slicrs a Specialty. Special ■ÍZM of Separators made expressly for Steam Powtr. OÜR t'nrivaled Stam Thresher Ënginet, both Portable and Traction, vrith Valnable Improre menta, far beyond any otber mak e or kind. THE FXTÏUK Threliiiiu' Expenses (and oftB threetoflve times that amount) cao be made bj th Extra (Irain SAVKI by these Improved Macbloea. G.K4IX Balsem will not submit to the enormouü wastage of Grain and the inferior work doot b all otber mochines, when once posted on the dlfference. NOT Oiiljr Vastly Superior for Wlieat, Oat, Barley, Rye, nd like Grain, hut the Only Suomiifiil Thresher ia Flax, Tlmothy, Millet, Clorer, and Uk Seeda. Requires no " attachmeots " or "rebulldiu" to ehange from Grain to Secds. IN Thorongh Workmanishfp, Elegant Flnfsh, Perfeotion of Parts, Complcteness of Êquipment, c., our "ViBHATom" Thrcaher Outflts are Incomparable. JVf ABVKLOIS for Siinplfdty of Parts, usinr aTiA less than one-half lbo uual Belts and Gears UkM Clean Work, witü no Litteriiis r Scatierlagi. pOUB Sizes of Separators Made, Banrinr from Six to Twelve-Howp sue, and twostyle oí Iftuit M Hona Powers to match. FOB Particulars. Cali on oor Dealen or vrltc to a for lüustratt-d Circular, wbicii we bjJJ tnt. M. KOPEKS, itr-iii. Anu Albor, Mich. Ij-j.iji-mju.wi _ ---rILTAM: SËÖ7 IftlVfSlÉ & I fiSTÏ I (Of th late firm ofKeM 4c KE ■!&{ MiJêÈi nTT I P':''it SuccL'Ssor to said flrro n-Q1HB4tfVH90'3 in iiinss a&dJLead Biuinew.) lï Él H Ká TÍO Wholesale '.-■■M 'tiTla I Bf ■ 1 B 1 B KiblH-d nud Rough Pinte for IkMJVsrArH s1ív I'itïbta, Out aod KnamJiMJUI ITOI 2 eled (ïlnst, Sil ver Plateó LiiIHl3i33-d Sash Bars, French and Ger CrinfKlKiAIlian Lok'ng G'nas Pintes, I L J I K ♦7-m.VJ .J fi J Load and Oil, Colors, PuttJ, ... i, ... .. J Pointa, etc. 12 & 14 Congress St. East, Detroit, Mich. M m ezteaot m jSarsaparillaj HlsacRnowIedfred to be tbe be?t and mottH ■ reliiible preparation now prepared for LIVER COMPLAINT J And for Puiifying the Blosd. & I Bl'his prepnrntlon is comiui'.inded withgreatl care, irom thu beft selecled ÏHonduras Sarsaparilla, YellowB Dook, Stillingia IJandelion, Wild Cherry, and othep Valuable Eemediea. Prepared only by w. jOHjfsioir & coM Cliemists & Druggists, ■161 Jeffersoa Ave., Detroit, Mich'l Sold by all DmggistB.


Old News
Michigan Argus