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- Wool opetiud ni 'M cents in Jackson. - Ij semiet ftver oaspï in Tucumseh. - A $500 t;ix olusid every saloon in Ronding but one. - Marshitll, Hillsdule, Adrián and Tecumseb ilec&rnto. - An oarly sottler of Xecumsoh, Daniel Warinat, 'lied lately. - Su!o of Cliicaiio mid Lttkfl IIiiiuii rond was postponed oiio uionth froin tne 21st. - A ninn nnd wotuan slolo f1,000 frora A. Criuner of Jlvdin.i ohü night last weck. - Tliree tramps, lli.'ssra. Bcetle, Calibge Moth and Currant Wurm have ar rived nt Clinton. - Culilffiittr Ii3 alores with plutu glsB fronts - a larger uuinbor than Ann Arbor. - Elijah Williiwns of TnPiimsMi fina a contract to bridge tlio IlM.iin Iïiver hl Clinton vilUg.. for 325. - On bis wuy to ttüdress tbc graduntns of Orchard Luko Military Acudmuy on tho lOth of Jnuc, Gen. Shortnao will au cept the hospitiiliiiu.s of Dotroit. John F. Slaj-lon, wbo üoed tho Tlludo and Aun Aibor nülrnad lor bfttng ejected froui thcir cars, recovcred 70ü dan:oge in tbc Monroo Circuit last woeV. Excbanges fiom ndjniiiiiigcountiep, from wbicb tbis column is glfiuitd, we embellished with circus cuts - two shows of thia kind on tho rond in southern Michigan. - ttc-v. J. D. Shults, foruierly Methodist pastor at Hudson, bus reeently joiucd the Congrogational body, umi is at present preaehing ut Duudeu, Monroe conuty. - Marcollus Monroü of Coopnr, Kularnazoo counly, died ou the 13th, having been struck, a,s is supposed, by ths corner of a moving i'ioight caí-, receiving fatal injuries. The Battlc Cïisefe Baptfet ítur1íance is stili seething. Mr. Palmer wants to beoonie a cliuroh meniber iigain, but they will not huve him. Auother council may be oalled. - The Hepvllkan advisos the people of Coldwator to uuike up i purea and invite Prof. Cooley to delivcr his oourse of lectures on the "Evils of local govtinmcnt" in thftt city. - The insuranco companies having policies ou the Mourou court house have decliued to muke payinuut, and the Board of Supervisors are going to seo what they'll do about it. - Fred Parkhurst of Addison, Lpnawee cc uuty, trled to' sell a fino young Hambletonian horse at Jackson for $25 - and they gathered him in. The horse was stolen from his late einployer. -The mayor of Battle Creck has ordered the city marshal to attend church hereafter. He goos not for tho good of Lis soul, but to arrest loafers who come around and disturb peaaeful worshipers. - U. C. Beban, late city treasurer of Fliut, is a defaulter to the amount of souie $10,000. The monoy has been used in his business. Ho has ruado over all his property to his boudsmen, and the city will iiot bo tho loser. ., ti, „of f i-: f iw T ;,.!%, Tfclleher of Jaekson, who died last Maren and willed her property, !?J,000 or $6,000, to the Kev. Father Buyse, the Catholic priest, for good works, contest tho will on the ground of unduo influence. - Certain adventistsin Gratiot county have figured out that "the last sigri" is past, aud that the end of all thingsearthly will oome July llth. But you dare not offer to sell them seed wheat for 52 cents a bushei, to be delivered next fall. - Daniel Austia of East Milán married Miss Lizzie Hayos of West Milán. A charivari t'ollowed, parties going so far as to break open the door and insult tho bride, one of the number taking forcibly hold of hor and sailed around the room. - Solomon Smitu of Ridgeway, Lenawee county, is a riuh old bachelor, whose property his neighbors, or some of them at least, seemed to think was coramon to all. This idea has led to the arrest of several of them on a chargé of stoaling Smith's wheat. - The city assessoi'a books show 787 places iu Detroit whero liquor is sold. - Of these 442 are beer saloons, 234 beer and whisky corubined, Gl drug stores, 29 breweries and 21 wholosale liquor establishrnents. The tax on beer saloons is f50 each; general saloons and druggists, $150; wholesalers, $300, according to production. Tho total tax foots up $75, 750. - Things wero lively in Coldwater during the races last week, judging f rom the following headlines to an article in ono of her pupers : " Wheols of Fortuno Roll ! - Faro Banks in Full Blast ! - Drunkenncss, Vagrancy and Women " whoso steps take hold on Heil" Deluge tho city ! - Bootblaoks Capture tho Barns, Sheds and Dry GoodsBoxes ! - D. B. Hibbard, of Jackson, Shot by Ilarry St. Clair - The BíH lotlgos in his Watch Cliain and Savos his Life! - Eleven Persons Jailud on Wednesday and Threo on Thuraday ! - Exauiination of St. Clair." -The tbird memberof Senator liruce'a fa uil y staggers ir.idül the na,mo of Roscoe Conltliiig Bruce. - Judge Packnr gave a million and a half to Êeliigh TTnivorsity, and yut he died worth $15,000,000. - A littlo girl of 1 1 walleed off a night rxircss Lrnin betwfien Marshall and AUiion wliile go ing at the rato of 'l'i miles an honr, the other night. She was pfobnbly half usiüep, aud was not niuch hnrt.


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