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STATE AGEJNCY. The Central Committee have securcd the services of Mr. Plumb. and the Rcv. I.yroan C IJough of Utica, N. Y., to lecture n tho Slate for the montha of September and October. - They bring high introductions as to ability, experienco, nnd standing, from Alvan Siuwart. and Mr. Bailcy, Editor of the Liberty Fress. They will, without dottbt, be found interc-sting and powcrftil speakers, and riclily repay tho attendanco of crowdcd audiences. VVo bespeak for thein thealtention they claim, as wel! pcrsonally, ae being strangers. Wo trust the friends will exert theinsolves to procure Iarge audiences: to givo aniplc and timely noiice of lecturas : to próvido hospitality for their visitors, and to forward them from friend to tricad. These friends are also empowered to solicit and receive contributions to the State fund. We hope that friendo will contribute largcly. This fund is all we have to sustain the great effort we are muking. Every ono can give sometlnng and not fcel it ; if ice have to foot the bilí, it will be ruinous. Evcry contribution it acknowledged n tho Signalj and tho sum total will bo accounted for to the cont, at the next Anniversary. We havo documenta for tho contributrng Towns. ArPOlNTMESTS OF Stil. TLUMD FOR WaSHTESAW COONTT. Moriday, September 14, at Sylvan, Jacksoi Cou.ntï. TtiC8day, September 15, at Grass Lake Wednesday, ■ i 6, at Lconi. Thursday, 4 17, at Jackson. Friday, IS. at Rivca. Saturday, " J9, at Tompkitïa, Monday, 2, at Sandstone, Calsoun County. Taeodny, Sept. 22 at Albion. Wednesday, 'J 23 at Marengo1. Thursday, 24 at Marshall, Friday, ' 25 nt Cereeco. Saturday, ' 2G at Battle Crccfc. AfPOIKTMKNTJ OF MR. IIOUGU, FOR ACKBON COÜNTt. Mmjday, Sept. 14 at Brooklyre. Ttiesday, ♦' 13 at Napoleort. Wedne8díay, Scpt. ]6at Michigan Centre. Tliursday, rl 17 nt Jackaun. Friday, 18 at Liberty. Saturday, " Í9 ut Spring Arbor Monday, " 21 at Concorde Calhoun Coü.nty. Tueedav, September 22 at Ilanover. Wednesday, ' 23 at Fredonin. THvtniay, " 21 at MarshalK Friday, " 25 at Tekonsh. BKCH COU.NTÍ. Saturday, S"ept. 26 at Union City Each of tho following appointments at 7 o'clook in tho evening, except thoso for Jackson, and Marshall. At these places meetings will be held al 2 o'clock tn the anemoon, and in the evcning, and will be attended by the two speakers. It is hoped that friends tuero will take advantageof ihentlemlance of theae gentlemen to invito otlwr epeakore, aml mako air cffoTt for a good County Convention. Frionde ia each locafity, vvilVsco to placos for meeting, lifihis,. notices, and: other arrangomentR C. H. STEWART, Chan. Stato Cen. Com. Detroit, Sept. 4, 16 10. g